[Abstract]:Important progress has been made in the study of geomagnetic induced current (Geomagnetically Induced Current, GIC) induced by geomagnetic storms in China, including revealing the mechanism of geomagnetic storms against GIC derived from power grids, and exploring the serious harm of geomagnetic storms to the future power grid in China. Protection against geomagnetic storm grid disaster has become a problem to be solved. In this paper, a method for predicting GIC events based on solar wind parameters is proposed, which can be used to calculate the solar wind observation data, and to predict the GIC, of power grid to provide decision support for operational dispatching and disaster prevention strategy. The main work and innovations of this paper are as follows: for the Gansu 750kV and 330kV power grid and the newly built 1000kV and 500kV grid, the whole node model of power network GIC and the node admittance matrix algorithm are used to calculate. In this paper, the interaction of GIC in double-voltage grid is analyzed, the characteristics of GIC interaction in double-voltage power grid are explored, and the mechanism of geomagnetic storm induced disaster GIC is revealed, which provides a data basis for the study of disaster prevention. Based on the calculation of solar wind observation data, the demand of power grid GIC is forecasted. The relationship between the characteristic parameters of GIC, spectrum and coronal mass ejection (Coronal Mass ejection, CME) and interplanetary solar wind is analyzed. The contribution of solar wind velocity and other parameters to GIC is found out, and the idea of using solar wind data to predict GIC is put forward. Based on the research results of the relationship between GIC characteristic parameters and solar wind observation parameters, a global MHD model is established to predict the power grid GIC, based on the research of space physics scientists. A preliminary relationship between the GIC event and the CME event and the interplanetary solar wind event is established, and an algorithm for predicting the power grid GIC using the interplanetary solar wind observation data is proposed. The validity of the algorithm is verified by the GIC monitoring data. In this paper, the mechanism of geomagnetic storm derived disastrous GIC is revealed, which provides data for geomagnetic storm disaster to be included in the national key R & D program. A method for predicting GIC events in power grid based on solar wind observation data is proposed. It is of great significance to establish disaster prevention strategy for operation scheduling and maintenance.
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