
发布时间:2018-10-15 12:01
[Abstract]:As a new type of special optical fiber, micro-structured optical fiber has many unique characteristics. It not only continues the traditional optical fiber road in the field of optical communication, but also has been widely used in the field of optical fiber sensing. Recently, optical power research has gradually emerged. It mainly discusses the dynamic characteristics of materials under complex light environment, and then extends to practical application fields, such as life science, integrated optics and other fields of application. Based on the application range of extended micro-structured optical fiber and the development of the practical application requirement of a new type of optical fiber sensor, the research of optical power technology based on micro-structured optical fiber is very important. In this paper, three kinds of micro-structured fiber optic devices are proposed from the angle of optical waveguide internal or external optical field. These three types of fiber optic devices modulate the intensity phase of incident light by changing the external shape or internal structure of the optical fiber, thereby generating special optical fields, which are mainly used for signal transmission or micromanipulation of small objects. The main tasks are as follows: 1. The research of particle optical power based on four-core optical tweezers probe was carried out. (1) Two kinds of four-core optical tweezers probe with transverse double optical tweezers and axial double optical tweezers are put forward for the first time, and the contents of optical fiber preparation, light source injection and fiber core beam path change are systematically studied. According to the optical tweezers probe, the shape of the end of the optical fiber is changed through the micro-processing technology, so that the light exit path of the fiber core beam changes, and finally, two light potential well capture points with different positions are formed. (2) External beam combined optical field of different optical fiber shapes is simulated by beam transmission method and angular spectrum theory. (3) calculating the stress condition of the particles in the combined light field based on the geometric beam tracking model, calculating the motion characteristics of the particles in the liquid medium through the Langevin motion equation, and the axial push-pull property based on the transverse oscillation and the axial push-pull characteristics of the double optical tweezers probe, which mainly comprises a particle period driving frequency modulation and an amplitude modulation variation characteristic. The results show that the particle cycle drive based on the four-core optical tweezers probe is a low-frequency motion process, and the frequency is not higher than 100Hz when the available amplitude is guaranteed. The research on special Airy fiber and the research on the mechanical properties of relevant particles were carried out. (1) On the basis of the coupled-mode theory, the periodic conversion mechanism between the inner Gaussian field and the Airy field in the Airy fiber is discussed. (2) A multi-core symmetric Airy fiber with self-defined symmetric Airy function distribution is proposed for the first time, and the light exit field of the fiber is calculated based on the beam transmission method, and the response characteristics of the emission field to the wavelength are discussed. The results show that the central main lobe of the exit field is split into a plurality of off-axis main lobes, the whole beam still has the free acceleration characteristic and the self-healing property, but the diffraction characteristic is weak. and the wavelength modulation can cause the light beam to freely change so as to cause the falling point of the main lobe to be different. (3) For the first time, the symmetric ring-core Airy fiber with the distribution of the ring-shaped Airy function is put forward, and the response characteristics of the emission field to the wavelength are calculated, and the mechanical properties of the micro-scale particles in the symmetric ring-core Airy fiber exit field are also simulated. The results show that the Airy optical fiber has a symmetric ring-shaped Airy field, which can maintain no diffraction transmission over a long distance, and the free acceleration characteristic will form a self-focusing point, which can be used for micro-machining or particle capture. the particles can also be transported under the action of an ejection field. In this paper, the research on surface plasmon excitation and the research of relevant particle dynamics are carried out. (1) The surface plasmon excitation fiber based on gold nanotubes and gold nanowires was proposed for the first time. (2) Based on the finite element method, the pattern number of the surface plasmon fiber based on gold nanotubes and gold nanowires is calculated. The results show that when the whole size of the gold nano-structure is small, the optical fiber generally only has two fiber core transmission modes, and is a short-range die and a long-range die, respectively. However, the dispersion characteristic analysis shows that the number of fiber modes of the gold nanotube structure increases when the tube wall is small enough. (3) The transmission loss characteristics and the mode field width of the long-range model are analyzed. The results show that the long-range mode transmission distance of the structured optical fiber can be transmitted by 30 mm in extreme cases, while the mode field width and the transmission distance are not in a simple exponential relationship. the wall thickness d has a modulation effect on both the transmission distance and the mode width. (4) The stress condition of nano-particles at the end face of the surface plasmon excitation is simulated and analyzed. The results show that the nano-particles will be subjected to larger capture force, the nano-particles can be pulled to the gold nano-structure, and finally ejected. the force of different particles can be different, and the application of particle sorting and the like can be realized under the cooperation of micro-flow fields. In conclusion, the new micro-structured optical fiber (or fiber shape structure) in this paper expands the application field of micro-structured optical fiber. The micro-structured optical fiber has the advantages of high integration degree, low cost and the like, so that the micro-structured optical fiber has great application potential. And based on the optical fiber-based particle photodynamic research, it is very important to control the micro-particles in life science, fiber sensing and other practical applications through the control or information sensing of the new optical fiber exit field.


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