[Abstract]:In recent years, non-Markov dynamics, which widely exist in open quantum systems, have attracted much attention. In general, the quantum non-Markov dynamics process is essentially an open system flow to the environment of the information reflow back to the system process. In the process of information reflow back system, some key physical quantities, such as entanglement and quantum trace distance, will oscillate. The study of non-Markov dynamics of open quantum systems is quite extensive. Previously, most studies on non-Markov dynamics were mainly confined to two-level systems, but the studies of high-dimensional quantum systems were rarely involved. However, high dimensional open systems, like two-level systems, are abundant in nature, and the use of high-dimensional quantum system coding can also enhance the security of quantum cryptography. Moreover, in quantum fault-tolerant computation and quantum error correction, high-dimensional quantum systems have incomparable advantages over two-level systems. In this paper, the non-Markov dynamics of several typical high-dimensional open quantum systems are studied. In the first chapter, we mainly introduce some basic knowledge about quantum information, open quantum system and quantum decoherence, including quantum trace distance, quantum entanglement and its measurement, quantum dynamic mapping, quantum separability. Markov master equation and non-Markov master equation, three typical quantum decoherence channels, etc. In the second chapter, we mainly introduce four typical measures of quantum non-Markov property. The first is based on quantum trace distance, the second is based on quantum entanglement, the third is based on quantum correlation, and the fourth is based on quantum separability. In chapter 3, a method for solving the non-Markov dynamics of multi-level V-type atoms with zero temperature wave color environment is presented. Special attention is paid to the entanglement evolution of three-level V-type atoms and their non-Markov properties. It is found that entanglement in the resonance region attenuates faster and the non-Markov property is weaker than that in the non-resonant region. More importantly, this chapter shows the non-Markov interference caused by different transmission channels, and points out the long interference region and interference cancellation region. In chapter 4, the entanglement evolution and non-Markov dynamics of spin S system in dephase environment are studied. The exact analytical expression shows that the decoherence function dominates the coherence evolution, entanglement evolution and non-Markov property in the dynamics of the spin S system. For ohmic heat reservoirs and YAOM heat reservoirs, the entanglement decays monotonously with time, and the corresponding dynamical processes are Markov processes. For the super-ohmic heat reservoir, the decoherence function is oscillating, which leads to the recovery of entanglement, and the corresponding dynamic process is a non-Markov process. At the end of this chapter, the relationship between non-Markov property and system dimension is also discussed. In the fifth chapter, we give a brief summary and prospect of this paper.
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