[Abstract]:Surface temperature (Land surface temperature, LST) is a very important physical quantity in the process of interaction between surface and atmosphere. It is of great significance to grasp the temporal and spatial distribution of surface temperature on regional and global scale, especially the comprehensive, complete and continuous information of temporal and spatial distribution of surface temperature, which is of great significance to the energy balance of terrestrial and atmospheric systems and the study of ecosystem. Satellite remote sensing is the best way to get surface temperature at regional and global scale. In this paper, the polar orbit satellite data and geostationary satellite data are used as data sources to study the inversion method of high spatial resolution all-weather surface temperature, and the MODIS downscaling method based on geo-weighted regression. And the cross-validation method of MSG-SEVIRI and Terra/Aqua-MODIS surface temperature products. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the advantages of microwave inversion and thermal infrared inversion of surface temperature, An effective fusion model between cloud partial passive microwave surface temperature and cloud free part thermal infrared surface temperature in pixel is established, and a high spatial resolution all weather surface temperature inversion method is developed. Compared with the original MODIS surface temperature, the ground surface temperature changes continuously in space after fusion, which reflects the interannual variation of surface temperature in time. (2) the local regression coefficient of geographical spatial variation is used. A dynamic regression relationship between land surface temperature (LST) and normalized vegetation index (NDVI) and surface elevation was established, and the method of MODIS surface temperature downscaling based on geo-weighted regression was developed. Compared with the ASTER surface temperature products, the precision of the ground temperature downscaling method based on geographical weighted regression is better than that of the UniTrad method and the TsHARP method developed by the predecessors. The average absolute error and root mean square error of the GST downscaling method based on geographical weighted regression are about 2.3 K and 3.1K respectively. (3) by selecting SEVIRI and MODIS surface temperature products, the mean absolute error and root mean square error are about 2.3K and 3.1krespectively. The spatial and observational pixels are used as matching pixel pairs to analyze the differences between the two surface temperature products in different seasons time and cover types. The difference of SEVIRI and MODIS surface temperature products showed significant change with the season during the day, but the difference of the surface temperature products at night was not significant with the season. The variation of surface temperature products in daytime was significant under different surface cover types, but not in different surface cover types at night.
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