[Abstract]:The excitation atoms in the vacuum, due to the influence of the uniform fluctuation electromagnetic mode, will spontaneously radiate the photons and transition from the excited state to the ground state. After recognizing the self-emitting process of the material capable of modifying the atoms, the effect of a variety of new materials on the vacuum environment has been initiated. With the development of experimental production technology, new types of artificial materials, such as metal materials, topological insulators, and graphenene, were prepared before and after 2004. In which the specific material is designed and prepared on a cognitive framework based on natural materials, and has unique optical properties such as negative refractive index and electromagnetic transparency. In the topological insulator, when the time inversion symmetry of the inept surface state is destroyed, the optical property of the topological insulator is affected by the modification of the topological quantity, and special electromagnetic phenomena such as the Faraday rotation effect can be displayed. In the graphene thin layer, the optical properties in different frequency bands can be controlled by adjusting the concentration and the type of the gate voltage or the chemical doping. In the terahertz frequency band, the graphene will exhibit the nature of the metalloid and support the propagation of the surface plasma mode. In this paper, the properties of atom self-emission in different materials are studied in this paper, and the entanglement, quantum interference and resonance fluorescence spectrum compression of atoms in different materials are studied in this paper. First, we have studied the entanglement of two two-level system in the zero-refractive material. Wherein the zero-refraction material consists of two different types of single-negative material plates with the same thickness. In order to be able to excite the surface field at the junction of the two plate materials and to generate a strong coupling, we place the atomic pairs near the interface. It is assumed that the system is in a single excited state. According to the Schrodinger equation, the probability amplitude evolution equation of the system is obtained without the Markov approximation. When the thickness of the material is much larger than the characteristic length of the surface field, the green function can be simplified and has an analytical expression. By solving the motion equation of the system, it is known that there is a critical value, and when the interaction intensity of the symmetric mode, the antisymmetric mode and the surface field is at both ends, the system will exhibit different dynamic properties. In particular, the evolution of the system will show the Markov behavior and the non-Markov behavior under strong interaction, respectively. The entanglement of the system is affected by the initial state, which will show the gradual attenuation from the entangled state until it disappears or gradually increases with time, and keeps the characteristics for a long time. In addition, when the transition frequency of the atom and the resonance frequency of the surface field are detuned, entanglement can still be generated if the inter-correlation of the atoms is strong. Secondly, we study the quantum interference effect of three-level Zeeman atom in the optical microcavity composed of topological insulator. Due to the existence of the topological electromagnetic effect, when the length of the micro-cavity is less than half a vacuum wavelength, the dipole transition of the atoms parallel to the cavity mirror is suppressed, and the dipole transition in the vertical direction is strengthened. And when the topological electromagnetic effect is very strong, the dipole radiation parallel to the cavity mirror disappears completely, and the atoms in the cavity can generate extremely strong quantum interference effect. If the length of the micro-cavity is increased, due to the non-uniform distribution of the electromagnetic field in the cavity, the intensity of the quantum interference at this time is dependent on the position of the atom in the cavity, and the wave characteristic after the superposition of the coherent electromagnetic wave is presented. In practice, a certain amount of energy loss will be present in the material. The results show that this loss has a great effect on the spontaneous emission of atoms in a small area near the cavity mirror. Thus, when the atom is in the region, the contribution of other electromagnetic modes to the spontaneous emission is less than the effect of the dissipation on the atoms, and the quantum interference effect will be destroyed and greatly reduced. After the atom is far from the cavity mirror, the effect of loss on the quantum interference will gradually disappear, and the corresponding condition is basically the same as that of no loss. Finally, we discuss the radiation properties of two-level quantum dots near the surface of the graphene. In the terahertz frequency band, the Purcell coefficient of the quantum dot shows an approximate lorentz-type distribution along with the frequency change. And, with the increase of the ambient temperature, the distribution will tend to average while the Purcell coefficient decreases at zero temperature. The quantum dots are placed in the working area of the surface plasma field, and by adjusting the intensity and the center frequency of the pumping laser field, when the two transition channels corresponding to the modified quantum dots decay at different rates, the resonance fluorescence spectrum will exhibit a compression phenomenon. And the distance between the quantum point and the graphene is appropriately reduced, so that the coupling strength of the quantum dot and the surface field is increased, and the damage to the compression can be overcome by overcoming the quantum dot rejection coherence effect. When the distribution of the modified quantum dots is great, the experimental parameters can be reasonably selected, and the compression strength at room temperature will be more than zero temperature. In addition, even at room temperature, by adjusting the Fermi energy of the graphene and the intensity and the center frequency of the pump light field, the compression phenomenon in the quantum dot fluorescence spectrum can be greatly enhanced.
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