[Abstract]:The most outstanding characteristics of the soft matter-flexibility and complexity make the soft material present especially interesting physical phenomena, in particular the self-assembly behavior of the soft material. The complexity of the soft material allows it to self-assemble into a more complex material structure under certain conditions, the flexibility of which results in the final substance form of the self-assembled structure being determined by a variety of interactions. The in-depth study of the self-assembly of soft material not only helps us to understand the phase-change behavior between different phases, but also provides a new way for designing materials with special functions. In many research directions, the formation of two-dimensional melting and soft quasicrystal has been a popular content of soft condensed matter physics. In this paper, we mainly study the properties of the two-dimensional solid-liquid phase transition and the self-assembly behavior of the quasicrystal. In the introduction of the first chapter, we first introduce the important characteristics of soft matter and its main research direction. Then we focus on the self-assembly and self-assembly of the soft material from the two aspects of the self-assembly classification and the self-assembly form of the soft material. In many self-assembly research directions, we focus on the self-assembly of two-dimensional melting and quasicrystal. The KTHY theory is an important theoretical basis for the current understanding and analysis of two-dimensional melting. Based on the assumption and conclusion of the two-dimensional solid and the KTHY theory, and some research results, the important contents of the two-dimensional melting are introduced in detail, and the two-dimensional melting phase-change properties and the different material states are listed from the two aspects of the structural and dynamic characteristics of the two-dimensional melting. In the end, with the development of the quasicrystal, the high-dimensional space model, the important physical characteristics and the two important quasi-crystal structures of the quasi-crystal are introduced. It is an important way to study and solve a series of problems in the quasi-crystal by linking the quasi-crystal and the soft material to the soft quasicrystal. The component particles of different physical properties have a great effect on the macroscopic properties of the soft material. In the second chapter, we first introduce two commonly used soft-particle models, hard-core soft-shell model and super-soft model, and its typical phase behavior. Then, we analyze the typical hypersoft system and its phase behavior. In the third chapter, we study the two-dimensional melting of three different soft-core systems capable of re-melting. In the phase diagram of this kind of soft-core system, there is a maximum melting temperature, Tm, and the corresponding density is 1. m. By analyzing the isothermal state equation and its finite-scale effect, and using the directional correlation function and the position correlation function to determine the state of each object, we find that on the ppm side, The transition of the hexagonal phase-liquid is non-continuous, there is phase separation, and the density of the coexistence zone decreases with increasing temperature and tends to disappear at the maximum melting temperature Tm. The phase-change properties between the hexagonal phase and the liquid are continuous on one side of the ppm. Further, by analyzing the maximum direction correlation length of the liquid, we determine that the maximum melting temperature Tm is a watershed of two phase change property types. More directly, we clearly see the coexistence phase and the pure hexagonal phase by an intuitive instantaneous bit pattern. These results show that the soft-core system with the maximum melting temperature can exhibit both a discontinuous hexagonal phase-liquid transition and a continuous hexagonal phase-liquid transition. In the conventional quasi-crystal formation method, a variety of competing length scales are considered indispensable, whether directly provided by the interaction potential or hidden in the particle size or shape. In the fourth chapter, we follow a purely repulsive and isotropic soft-core model in the third chapter, and the existence of the eight-axis and the twelve-axis symmetric quasicrystal is found. By analyzing the position-type structure of the quasicrystal, we find that the pentagonal shape is the basic element for forming the quasi-crystal order. The importance of the pentagons is further confirmed by analyzing the dynamics of the quasicrystal and the structure of the liquid before the formation of the solid. We then determine that our quasicrystal is stable by studying the dependence of the quasi-crystal on the path, and the comparison of the potential energy of the different solid structures. In the end, we simply analyze the phase-change properties of the quasicrystal and its vibration characteristics. Our results provide an inconceivable simple path for the formation of the quasicrystal, and the theoretical understanding of the alignment crystal presents a challenge. In the fifth chapter, we sum up the thesis and look forward to the future work.
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