发布时间:2023-03-23 21:17
本文研究与Dunkl算子相关的重调和函数和在相关的Hardy空间Hλp(D)与Bergman空间Aλp(D)中的函数乘子问题。前者在对后者的研究中发挥了本质作用。对0<p<∞,与Dunkl算子相关的Bergman空间Aλp(D)(λ-Bergman空间)是由加权空间Lλp(D):=Lp(D;|y|2λdxdy)中的λ-解析函数组成的。本文的研究工作分四个部分。在第一部分,引入了 A-Laplace算子△λ在单位圆盘D上的Green函数G(z,ζ),并得到了 λ-Green函数的各种性质。这一部分的主要结果是对u ∈ C2(D),建立了关于λ-Laplace算子△λ的Green表示。在第二部分,引入了 λ-重Laplace算子△λ2在单位圆盘D上的Green函数Γ(z,ζ),并证明了 λ-重Laplace算子的Green函数Γ(z,ζ)的各种性质。这一部分的主要结果是对u ∈C4(D),建立了关于λ-重Laplace算子△λ2的Green表示。第三部分的目的是研究λ-Hardy空间Hλp(D)和A-Bergman空间Aλp(D)中函数乘子的压缩性质和膨胀性质。文中根据某种正交...
【文章页数】:107 页
第一章 Introduction and Main Results
1.1 Motivations of the research
1.2 λ-harmonic and λ-analytic functions
1.3 Some aspects of the theory of the classical Bergman spaces
1.4 Summary of the research work in the thesis
第二章 The λ-Green function and the λ-Green representation
2.1 Preliminaries for the λ-Laplacian
2.2 The fundamental solution associated with the λ-Laplacian
2.3 The λ-Green function and the λ-Green-representation
第三章 The Green function and the Green representation associaated withthe λ-bilaplacian
3.1 The fundamental solution for the λ-bilaplacian
3.2 The Green function and the Green representation associated with the λ-bilaplacian(λ≠1)
3.3 The Green function associated with the λ-bilaplacian(λ=1)
第四章 Multipliers in the λ-Hardy and λ-Bergman spaces
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The subclass Wλ(D)
4.3 On the subclass W0(D)
4.4 The fundamental integral formula for λ-analytic functions
4.5 Contractive and expansive properties of multipliers in the λ-Hardy and λ-Bergman spaces
第五章 A Riesz representation formula for λ-superbiharmonic functions
5.1 λ-superbiharmonic functions
5.2 The λ-biharmonic extension
5.3 Radial λ-superbiharmonic functions
5.4 Estimates of the λ-biharmonic Green function
5.5 The Riesz-type representation formula
【文章页数】:107 页
第一章 Introduction and Main Results
1.1 Motivations of the research
1.2 λ-harmonic and λ-analytic functions
1.3 Some aspects of the theory of the classical Bergman spaces
1.4 Summary of the research work in the thesis
第二章 The λ-Green function and the λ-Green representation
2.1 Preliminaries for the λ-Laplacian
2.2 The fundamental solution associated with the λ-Laplacian
2.3 The λ-Green function and the λ-Green-representation
第三章 The Green function and the Green representation associaated withthe λ-bilaplacian
3.1 The fundamental solution for the λ-bilaplacian
3.2 The Green function and the Green representation associated with the λ-bilaplacian(λ≠1)
3.3 The Green function associated with the λ-bilaplacian(λ=1)
第四章 Multipliers in the λ-Hardy and λ-Bergman spaces
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The subclass Wλ(D)
4.3 On the subclass W0(D)
4.4 The fundamental integral formula for λ-analytic functions
4.5 Contractive and expansive properties of multipliers in the λ-Hardy and λ-Bergman spaces
第五章 A Riesz representation formula for λ-superbiharmonic functions
5.1 λ-superbiharmonic functions
5.2 The λ-biharmonic extension
5.3 Radial λ-superbiharmonic functions
5.4 Estimates of the λ-biharmonic Green function
5.5 The Riesz-type representation formula