本文选题:保险公司 切入点:固定缴费型养老金计划 出处:《清华大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Insurance plays an important role in the economic behavior of individuals or enterprises and can help to reduce personal risk. How to manage insurance premium effectively and make investment decision is an important subject. According to the difference of the subject matter of insurance risk, this paper studies the optimal control strategy of non-life insurance and pension insurance companies. There is a certain deviation between the insurance company model and the practice without considering the more complex random environment and the investment behavior. This paper establishes a more reasonable and close to the actual financial model for the non-life insurance and pension insurance companies. Then we use martingale method or dynamic programming method to solve the problem. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is to study the optimal reinsurance and investment strategy of insurance companies under stochastic interest rate and stochastic inflation. First of all, the original problem is transformed into a self-financing problem through a supplementary problem. Then the optimal strategy under CRRA utility is obtained by using dynamic programming method. The second part studies the portfolio problem of fixed contributory pension at random interest rate. Two optimization objectives, loss avoidance and VaR constraint, are considered in this paper. In this paper, the optimal strategies under two optimization principles are obtained by martingale method. In the third part, we study the portfolio problem of fixed contributory pension under stochastic interest rate and random volatility. Pension managers need to maximize the CRRA utility of wealth beyond the minimum living security in retirement time. By introducing the auxiliary process and using the dynamic programming method, the explicit solution is obtained in this paper. Part 4th discusses the investment management of fixed contributory pension under stochastic interest rate and stochastic return. Pension managers need to obtain efficient boundaries and effective strategies under the expectation-variance criterion. Using Lagrange duality theory, this paper first transforms the problem into a single objective optimization problem. Then the dynamic programming method is used to solve the problem. At the same time, in each part, the influence of the parameters on the optimal strategy is discussed by using the Monte Carlo method for numerical analysis and economic behavior analysis. The above problem studies the optimal control strategy of insurance companies under random environment and different optimization criteria, and needs to use the methods of stochastic analysis, martingale method and dynamic programming method, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to transform the problem in the case of non-self-financing, which is instructive for solving other problems. In addition, the conclusion of this paper can provide an effective reference for the investment behavior of insurance companies.
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8 张s,