本文选题:产业集群 + 路径依赖 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the complex and changeable international industrial environment, the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and the transformation of industrial clusters, the innovation and upgrading of technology and management, new technologies, new industries and new demands are constantly emerging, which have brought great competition pressure and challenge to the government and enterprises, and the adjustment of industrial policies is imperative. Therefore, to understand the industry and production. The evolution law and its mechanism of industry cluster are necessary for the government, enterprises and academics. The theory of industrial cluster evolution is in the intersection of industrial economics, geo economics, institutional economics and other related disciplines. As a common research object, it has become a hot research focus in the field of contemporary economics. There are many research perspectives and methods, and some achievements have been made in theoretical research. To a certain extent, the formation, growth and decline of industrial clusters and the interaction mechanism of industrial integration, industrial integration, industrial innovation and regional development are explained to a certain extent. However, there are still many problems to be solved in the spatial dynamics of industrial cluster evolution. The research on the evolution process of industrial cluster is mostly based on the perspective of general equilibrium theory, and the evolutionary path is interpreted as the continuity of the equilibrium state of different nodes. It completely ignores the key role of path dependence in many fields, such as industrial development path forming, enterprise management strategy decision, government industrial policy formulation and so on. Part of the study is related to the evolution of industrial clusters, the formation of new industries, policy performance and other problems. But until now, the academic circle has not yet put forward a complete path dependence integration theory, and there are different relative independent research perspectives in the field of industrial cluster evolution research: one is, on the premise of not considering the path of industrial formation, Dan Chunyan The study of geographical and economic evolution and industrial spatial distribution is still unable to explain the reasons for the evolutionary path gap between regional industrial clusters under the same conditions as resource endowments and environmental factors. Under the same local conditions, system characteristics, contingency, historical inertia and other soft factors, it can also affect its evolutionary path. It is said that the behavior of the economic subject and the evolutionary path of the industrial cluster are unpredictable, non ergodicity, and are locked for a long time even in the unequal and irrational state. Another industry research angle is more focused on the study of enterprise behavior, trying to explain the industry and industrial clusters from the aspects of enterprise management, strategy, resources and competitiveness. Evolution path, but this kind of research ignores the influence of enterprise behavior on the evolution process of industrial cluster, so there is a shortage of industrial evolution research. In order to compensate the gap of the existing industrial cluster research, this paper introduces the path dependence and path creation theory into the industry cluster research domain, and establishes the industrial cluster adaptation under the path dependence. The strategy of anti lock and unlocking is put forward in the research process of this model. The research ideas and methods proposed in this paper are to provide new quantitative and analog analysis methods for the evolution process and path formation of industrial clusters, and to provide data and classics for enterprises and governments to provide anti lock policies under the path dependent conditions. It provides an effective quantitative analysis method for unlocking policy and enterprise decision. The simulation analysis can reflect the evolution law of industrial cluster and the influence of cooperation form and competition among enterprises on the overall evolution law. In addition, the method used in this paper provides reference and basis for other related research. The formation of the formation is described in detail, and the transformation process from the state of multiple competitive selection to the single selection state is taken as the process of path dependence, and the evolutionary path of the effective (relatively effective) and ineffective (locking) evolution of the industrial cluster is proposed, and a train of thought for the test path dependence is put forward for the future empirical analysis. At the same time, the concept of innovation and inertia of enterprise management decision makers is put forward. On this basis, the main ideas and variable analysis methods for evaluating the path dependence of enterprise management are established. The geographical position factors and the initial conditions in the process of the evolution of industrial clusters (such as property rights structure, system) In this paper, we set up an index system for qualitative and quantitative analysis of path dependence, and study the four factors of network effect, increasing income, strategic freedom and uncertainty. At the same time, on the basis of the questionnaire survey data of more than 50 enterprises, the comprehensive index is carried out. The evaluation and empirical analysis show that there is a significant correlation between the tendency of the formation of path dependence and the business life of the company, the degree of localization, the connectivity of the network, the speed of growth and acceleration as well as the strategic inertia. Then, the paper expounds the same law of the PSO process and the dynamic of the enterprise in the industrial cluster environment. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to simulate the evolution of industrial clusters, which is also of great significance for the exploration of the optimization evolution path of industrial clusters. The simulation analysis of the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry cluster with PSO and self-organized neural network model shows that the specific economic significance and path dependence of the optimized parameters are not. At the same level, different degrees of relationship. Through a large number of experiments on empirical data, simulation analysis gives a combination of management and control parameters with reference significance. Under the conditions of corresponding behavior performance analysis of enterprises and government subjects, it is revealed that institutional arrangements have more systematic importance to the revision of the evolutionary path dependence of the industrial cluster. Effect.
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