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发布时间:2017-12-27 19:35

  本文关键词:缅甸女生性健康相关知信行及其影响因素的研究 出处:《广西医科大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 缅甸 女大学生 性健康知识 态度 行为

【摘要】:研究背景性是一个复杂的问题,与健康关系密切。随着人类文化和生活水平提高,人类的性问题对个人健康的影响将远比人们以前所认识的更为深入和重要,性健康相关知识缺乏或错误观念与行为将极大地影响人们的生活质量。性健康问题不仅和生育及生育控制有关,也和预防艾滋病等性传播疾病侵袭的医疗保健有关。性健康知识在不同的时代和不同的社会具有不同的认识和标准,不同年龄阶段也具有不同的重点和内容。随着社会与经济的发展,年轻人的性成熟年龄普遍提前而结婚年龄推迟,有很多研究表明青年人的婚前性行为逐年上升,初次性行为年龄也有提前的趋势,但性健康知识仍然相当缺乏,尤其是女生。性健康知识薄弱,会发生不安全性行为,容易遭受包括性病、艾滋病和意外妊娠等不良后果损害,而女生是不安全性行为导致意外妊娠的的唯一受害者。近年来缅甸青年人的婚前性行为发生率也渐渐升高,而国内又禁止人工流产。虽然有些意外妊娠的未婚女生有勇气分娩有能力养育小孩但没有能力面对社会对她们的看待,因为缅甸社会也跟很多东方国家一样尚未能接受单身妈妈的事件。缅甸社会认为讨论有关性话题是非常可耻,很多缅甸女生对性健康相关知识非常缺乏,在此方面调查研究也较少,因此缅甸女生大部分面临着很大的性健康问题和性健康服务。而在中国,开放改革以来一直有研究关于性健康知识方面,对性知识、态度及行为有独立研究之外,也有对其三者关系也做过很多研究与探讨,取得了一定的成效。研究目的了解缅甸国内两个城市的不同人群的部分女生对性健康相关知识、观念、行为及性健康需求方面的现状及差异,分析其影响因素,为缅甸女生促进性健康教育和行为干预提供科学依据。方法:1.研究对象:来自仰光与曼德城市,采用整体抽样方法共选取2所不同类型的大学与1所免费培训学校,年龄范围为16-29岁的缅甸女生,共815名为调查对象。2.调查内容:调查内容分为四个部分:一、基本信息有8个问题;二、性健康相关知识分为单选题15个问题和多选题9个问题共24问题;三、性相关态度与性行为含有含10个问题;四、性健康教育需求情况6个问题,全卷共48个问题。3.调查方法:采用团体调查法对不同类型学校的女学生进行匿名自填方式调查。具体方法:首先联系学校的相关负责人,在任课老师的配合下,以班级为单位施测。4.资料录入与统计方法:用Excel 2007软件进行数据录入,采用SPSS16.0软件,运用X2检验和多因素logistic回归等分析方法对数据进行统计分析,检验水准为α=0.05,P0.05为有统计学意义。5.质量控制每次现场调查统一发放,统一回收,收卷时审查问卷填写是否完整,有缺漏者即时要求补填。录入前对每份问卷进行审核,对选项缺失的问卷予以剔除。录入质量检测采用抽查法,具体为:每当录入100份问卷,即抽查15份(检测率为15%)进行逐项核查,完全准确无误后方可继续录入,否则就对此100份问卷进行逐份核查更正,然后再继续进行录入。结果:1.调查对象基本情况:本次调查对象共有815名女生,年龄范围16-29岁,平均年龄为18.7±2.6岁,近84.5%小于20岁,3.8%的大于25岁,其中7人为已婚。城市出生地为47.2%,72%的研究对象是在读本科生,每月可支配收入低于10万块缅币(10万块缅币=500元人民币)的比例为主,占65%。缅甸女生月经初潮的年龄阶段13-14岁为最多,占64.5%。2.性健康相关知识:单选题回答正确率最多的问题是性病的传播途径,正确率为78.4%。回答正确率达到50%以上的问题有正常的白带性状、女性最佳生育年龄、出现妇科症状是接受妇科检查、性病的传播途径和控制艾滋病最有效的措施等5个问题。关于女生生理特征仅有1/3的女生知道产生月经血的器官,对月经期隔离时间和月经排血持续时间回答正确率分别为14.2%和10.9%。缅甸女生对性健康相关知识十分匮乏,性健康知识总分为14分,得分0-7分为性健康知识缺乏,得分8-14分为性健康知识良好,缅甸女生性相关知识平均分为5.4分,得分12分的为0。三个学校之间外国语大学(UFL)学生的性相关知识水平高于另外两所学校的学生。多选题方面:选择自己认为最重要的三个选项,然后按选择率最多前三位进行比较,三个学校选择率最多的排前第一位相同的有7道题:月经期注意事项、处女摸破裂的原因、听说过的避孕措施、流产或人工流产的害处、知道的性传播疾病、怎样预防性病和艾滋病主要传播途径等,排前第二位相同的有5道题:处女摸破裂的原因、流产或人工流产的害处、知道的性传播疾病、怎样预防性病和艾滋病主要传播途径等,排前第三位相同的有6道题:月经期注意事项、处女摸破裂的原因、怀孕的感觉和表现、知道的性传播疾病、怎样预防性病和艾滋病主要传播途径等。3.性相关态度:50%以上的缅甸女生认为有必要进行婚前医学检查和提前接受怀孕、避孕及人工流产相关知识。1/3的缅甸女生对“敏感话题”厌恶和回避,认为手淫是正常现象的不到15.0%,不知道什么是手淫的占68.5%。对婚前性行为的看法90.0%左右的缅甸女生反对婚前性行为,25.5%的女生认为有过婚前性行为者是‘道德败坏’,‘觉得事件正常’的为6.8%。对性态度也进行评分比较总分为18分,得分0-9分为‘性态度保守’,10-18分为‘性态度开放’。性态度开放的比率为16.0%,平均分为8.6±3.0,最低分为2分最高分为18分。不同学校之间外国语学校(UFL)性态度比较开放,YDB和YGN两个学校性态度开放程度较接近。4.性行为:看过有关直接描述性交作品的缅甸女生为12.6%,从没看过的和不想看的分别为57.1%和27.0%。谈恋爱情况;从未谈过恋爱的女生占50.3%,谈过一次恋爱的占38.8%,谈过两次以上的占10.9%。缅甸女生手淫和婚前性行为发生率分别为1.7%和1.5%。三个学校之间看过有关直接描述性交作品、手淫发生和婚前性行为发生的比例外国语大学(UFL)最高,综合大学(YDB)最低,对谈过恋爱情况免费培训学校(YGN)和综合大学(YDB)比较接近。5.性健康知识来源与需求情况:51.2%缅甸女生高中时期才开始接触过有关性健康知识,从未接触过的为8.0%。性健康知识来源的前三位依次为学校教育(45.0%)、书刊杂志(39.6%)、同学朋友(12.4%)。不同学校之间性健康知识主要来源也有点差异,免费培训学校(YGN)的性健康知识主要来源依次为学校教育、书刊杂志和展览宣传,综合大学(YDB)的主要来源依次为学校教育、书刊杂志和同学朋友,外国语大学(UFL)的性健康知识主要来源前三位依次为书刊杂志、学校教育和同学朋友。同一个城市的综合大学(YDB)和外国语大学(UFL)性健康知识主要来源第一位和第二位有交叉情况。综合大学(YDB)和免费培训学校(YGN)的性健康知识主要来源前两位相同。对学校开设性健康教育课程的愿望‘从未考虑过’的为41.8%,‘反对’的为4.0%。缅甸女人认为应该在‘大一’时期开展性健康知识的为48.8%。对于开展性健康教育的方式最受欢迎的是‘举行讲座’(75.5%),有10.0%的希望开设选修课。6.性健康相关知信行的影响因素:性知识单因素分析发现,不同调查地点、年龄、出生地、文化程度与收入等因素对性健康知识得分有影响。随着年龄、文化程度的增高性健康知识得分有增高。县城女生和中等收入的女生得分高于城市及乡镇女生和低收入及高收入女生。多因素分析结果显示文化程度和每月可支配收入对性健康知识得分有影响。性态度单因素分析显示,县城女生比乡镇和城市的女生性态度略开放,本科毕业生比高中毕业生和在读本科生性态度较开放,有性健康知识的女生性态度比较开放,每月可支配收入高的女生比低收入的女生性态度比较开放。多因素结果分析,不同学校、文化程度、每月可支配收入和性健康知识水平等对性态度开放有影响。性行为单因素分析,性健康缺乏和看过有关直接描述性交作品的女生手淫发率高于有性健康知识的女生和没看过有关直接描述性交作品的女生。另外,看过有关直接描述性交作品和发生过手淫的女生婚前性行为发生率高于没看过有关直接描述性交作品和没发生过手淫的女生。多因素分析看过有关直接描述性交作品的对手淫发生有影响,另外手淫发生情况对婚前性行为发生又有影响。性态度开放与保守对手淫发生和婚前性行为发生无差异。结论缅甸女生性健康相关知信行的整体水平比较低,性知识在多方面明显缺乏;性态度水平以保守为主;但性相关行为却相对比较开放。关于性健康相关知识除了知道性病及艾滋病主要传播途径以外其他性健康知识掌握程度都很差,大部分也没有接触过正规的、系统的性健康教育。性健康知识来源渠道最多为学校教育,可说学校的性健康教育不全面导致学生缺乏性健康相关知识。不同年龄、文化程度和每月可支配收入的调查对象性健康知识得分和性态度程度也不同。两城市均为外国语学校的性健康相关认知水平和性态度较高于两所学校,对于婚前性行为发生率0不想回答0的比例也高于另外两所学校,综合性大学的女生性行为发生率最低。随着年龄和文化程度的增高性健康相关知识水平有增高的趋势。虽然缅甸女生知道性病的传播途径和知道艾滋病是性传播疾病,但对淋病和梅毒等其他性病不太了解,关于女生生殖健康相关知识比较缺乏。缅甸女生第一次接触性健康相关知识的时期比较晚,对学校开展性健康教育的愿望也不高,希望在学校以选修课和必修课方式开设性健康教育也非常低。建议缅甸国内需要强大的支持和促进性健康相关教育,帮助女生树立正规与科学的性健康知识和性观念,应该把性健康教育纳入到学校教育。高校应加强对大学生的性道德和安全性行为的教育,应重点关注低年级和年龄较小的女生人群。
[Abstract]:Research background is a complex problem and is closely related to health. With the improvement of human culture and living standards, the influence of human sexual problems on personal health will be more profound and important than people have known before. Lack of knowledge about sexual health and erroneous concepts and behaviors will greatly affect people's quality of life. The problem of sexual health is not only related to birth control and birth control, but also related to the prevention and treatment of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The knowledge of sexual health has different knowledge and standards in different times and different societies, and different age stages also have different emphasis and content. With the development of society and economy, the age of sexual maturity of young people generally in advance and delayed marriages, many studies show that the premarital sexual behavior of young people is increasing year by year, the age of first sex is also ahead of the trend, but still quite a lack of sexual health knowledge, especially female students. Weak knowledge of sexual health may lead to unsafe sexual behaviors, and it is easy to suffer from adverse consequences such as sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and unexpected pregnancy. Girls are the only victims of unsafe sex leading to unexpected pregnancy. In recent years, the incidence of premarital sexual behavior of young people in Burma is also increasing, and abortion is forbidden in China. Although some unmarried girls who have unexpected pregnancy have the courage to give birth, have the ability to raise children, but they are not able to face the society's view of them. Because Burma society is also like many Eastern countries, and has not yet accepted the incident of single mother. In the Burma society, it is very disgraceful to discuss sex related topics. Many girls in Burma are very lack of knowledge about sexual health. In this regard, there are few investigations. Therefore, most of Burma girls are faced with great sexual health problems and sexual health services. In China, since the reform and opening up, there have been researches on sexual health knowledge, independent knowledge about sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. There have been many researches and discussions about the relationship between them, and some results have been achieved. Objective: To study the two city of Burma domestic different groups of some girls on health related knowledge, idea, behavior and sexual health needs of the status quo and differences, analyze its influencing factors, and provide scientific basis for the promotion of Burma girls' health education and behavior intervention. Methods: 1. subjects: from Yangon city and Mandela, with overall sampling methods were selected in 2 different types of universities and 1 free training, age range 16-29 years old girl in Burma, a total of 815 subjects. 2. investigation content: the content is divided into four parts: first, the basic information of 8 problems; two, health related knowledge is divided into multiple choice questions and 15 multiple-choice questions 9 questions 24 questions; three, sex related attitudes and behaviors containing 10 questions; four, sexual health education for the 6 problem, the whole volume of a total of 48 problems. 3. survey methods: an anonymous way by investigation group investigation method on different types of school female students. Specific methods: first contact the relevant person in charge of the school, with the teacher's coordination, take the class as a unit. 4., data entry and statistical methods: data entry using Excel 2007 software, SPSS16.0 software, X2 test and multi factor Logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The test level was =0.05 and P0.05 was statistically significant. 5. quality control each field investigation unified distribution, unified recovery, coiling Examination Questionnaire is complete, there are several instant fill requirements. Each questionnaire was reviewed before entry, and the missing questionnaire was eliminated. The method of spot check for input quality inspection is as follows: whenever 100 questionnaires are entered, namely 15 spot checks (the detection rate is 15%), it is checked by item by item, completely and accurately, and then it can be entered continuously. Otherwise, 100 questionnaires will be checked and corrected by checking and checking. Results: 1., the basic situation of the respondents: there were 815 girls in the survey. The age range is 16-29 years old, the average age is 18.7 + 2.6 years old, nearly 84.5% is less than 20 years old, 3.8% is more than 25 years old, 7 of them are married. The urban birthplace is 47.2%, 72% of the research subjects are undergraduates, and the monthly disposable income is less than 100 thousand Burmese (100 thousand yuan =500 yuan), accounting for 65%. The age of menarche at the age of 13-14 in Burma is the most, accounting for 64.5%. 2. sexual health related knowledge: the question of the most correct answer rate of the single choice question is the transmission way of STD, and the correct rate is 78.4%. To answer the question that the accuracy rate is over 50%, the normal leucorrhea character, the best age of childbearing and the symptom of gynecologic symptom are 5 problems, such as gynecological examination, the transmission way of sexually transmitted diseases and the most effective measures to control AIDS. For girls with physiological characteristics, only 1/3 of girls knew the organ generating menstrual blood. The correct rate for the isolation time of menstruation and the duration of menstrual bleeding was 14.2% and 10.9% respectively. Burma girls had very little knowledge about sexual health, and the total score of sexual health knowledge was 14 points. The score was 0-7, and the score of sexual health knowledge was 8-14, and the score of sexual health knowledge was 8-14. The average score of sexual knowledge of female students in Burma was 5.4 and 12 respectively. The level of sexual related knowledge among students of foreign language universities (UFL) between the three schools is higher than that of other two schools. Multiple choice: choose three options that the most important, and then press the top three most selection rate comparison, three school choice rate at the same row before the first 7 questions: menstrual period note, virgin touch of the rupture, heard of contraception, abortion or induced abortion the harm of sexually transmitted diseases, and know how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS spread, ranked the top second of the same 5 questions: the virgin of the rupture, abortion or touch


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