本文关键词: 健康状况 代际支持 经济支持 情感支持 日常照料 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, the economy of our country has developed rapidly, the living standard of the people has been improved constantly, the comprehensive national strength has been continuously strengthened, and people's attention has changed, from how to survive to how to live better. From meeting the basic needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation to higher levels of demand for entertainment, health, tourism, etc. On October 2016, the State Council issued the outline of the 2030 Plan for healthy China. The outline points out that we should comprehensively improve the health quality of the Chinese nation and realize the coordinated development of people's health and economic and social development. In addition, in the process of urbanization in China, the new generation of migrant workers go to cities to buy houses. The parents work hard to reduce the pressure of their children and overdraft their own bodies. Whether the parents' intergenerational support to their children and the health of their parents are related or not, and how effective the two are. Scholars at home and abroad in this area has not yet unified conclusions, this paper will study this issue. The purpose of this study is the impact of intergenerational support on the health status of parents, among which intergenerational support includes three aspects. It is the financial support given by the parents, the communication between the parents and the children and the care of the third generation by the parents. The health status of the parents adopts the method of self-assessment. On the basis of the previous studies. The control variables selected in this paper are: personal basic characteristics, family factors, lifestyle, psychological factors, etc. Based on the binary logistic regression model. This paper analyzes the influence of intergenerational support on the health status of parents, and further analyzes the difference between them from the perspective of gender. Some findings are as follows: to lighten the burden of children. If parents are willing to provide their children with more financial support and work, their health will become worse; The development of technology makes it more convenient for people to communicate, and their children communicate through QQ, WeChat, telephone, or face to face. The more frequency and frequency of communication, the more happy parents feel. The better the health of the parents; The time of taking care of the third generation has a negative U-shaped relationship to the health of the parents. With the increase of the time for the parents to take care of the third generation, the meeting time between parents and their children increases or they spend their spare time, and they can do something. The health status of the parents becomes better, to a certain extent, it takes a lot of time and energy to take care of the children, and their own energy is not enough to take care of the children, and the health of the parents becomes worse. From the perspective of gender differences, the impact of economic support on the health of parents is not different, but communication frequency and care for the third generation of paternal health differences exist between men and women, which coincides with the traditional role of paternity and motherhood in China. Children are more distant from their fathers and closer to their mothers.
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