摘要:本文是高中英语教学论文,本研究的对象全部来自于石家庄医学高等专科学校护理专业的大二学生,他们均通过了英语应用能力考试 A 级。这 160 名拥有相同年龄以及相似学习经验的测试者被分为了实验组(82 人,内容依托式教学)和控制组(78人,传统方式教学)。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the improvement of China’s overall national strength and the deepening international communication, English language is becoming an important instrument to Chinese people. In medical field, English is completely necessary for medical workers’ daily work and professional development. It has become one of the basic skills to modern medical workers.Unfortunately, the higher vocational education nowadays is not perfect and faces more and more opportunities and challenges. Most students in higher vocational college have a low English level when they enter colleges. Some come from villages and towns where the level of English teaching is low and unsatisfying. These students speak English with a heavy accent and lack of enough English knowledge such as vocabulary, grammar, translation and writing, etc. As a result, they own a strong sense of inferiority and show little interest in class activities. They are even afraid of communicating with teachers owing to no confidence. As for the other students who are from cities, they also have some problems in learning English. Although most of them have a better English foundation than the former, they are learning English passively and lack of motivation. Because of the requirement of future career, they spend more time on the specialized courses and look down upon English learning. All these behaviors have a great influence on the English motivation of the learners.Therefore, many scholars manage to find an effective and efficient approach to solve this problem. Widdowson (1978) proposed a new idea: Content-based Instruction (CBI), which integrates language learning with subject matter. The feature of this approach is used as a medium to learn subject knowledge; that is to say, the students should learn language and subject knowledge at the same time. CBI inspires the learners to study English by means of content and use English to communicate in real life.
1.2 Research Significance
At present, one of the hottest global topics in the area of language teaching is foreign language acquisition, which is to find an effective or perfect method to help the language learners to gain the target language. The practitioners and researchers face this urgent task and aim to solve it as quickly as possible. CBI provides sufficient comprehensible input to language learners and enables them to grasp the linguistic knowledge in a context, which facilitates the process of acquisition of the target language (Krashen, 1982). Nevertheless, in some ESL countries, a few researches or reports of本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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高职院校护理专业英语教学中内容依托式教学的实验研究 [2]
摘要:本文是高中英语教学论文,本研究的对象全部来自于石家庄医学高等专科学校护理专业的大二学生,他们均通过了英语应用能力考试 A 级。这 160 名拥有相同年龄以及相似学习经验的测试者被分为了实验组(82 人,内容依托式教学)和控制组(78人,传统方式教学)。
CBI on the empiricism have been already published and applied to the language teaching whereas this study select the subjects from the EFL surrounding, and its research may show the effects of CBI and what will happen when CBI is applied to the EFL context. In addition, the previous studies or researches on CBI are mainly based on the theories of second language acquisition; this study aims to combine the theories of second language acquisition with teaching and learning. Consequently, the theories of CBI may be further developed, enhanced and enriched in the future. As a matter of fact, the success of English course depends upon a kind of belief that English is a medium of communication not a subject. However, in the Chinese college English class, Wang (2002) noted that the teaching and learning materials/content were incompatible with the social and personal requirements, the modes and methods of teaching and learning were dull and uninterested. The college regular English instruction pays attention to the language form rather than the cultural knowledge.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definition of CBI
Content-based Instruction is often abbreviated to CBI, which has become the new research of the foreign language teaching and applied linguistics. CBI is an integration of the foreign language ability and the special content, which the language learners construct and master the foreign language through studying a special subject. In fact, CBI is not a new theory which was proposed by St. Augustine for the first time in A.D. 389 and he emphasized that meaningful content should be focused on when teachers are teaching the target language. With the development of the language teaching, the scholars have paid more and more attention to this instruction which we call CBI in recent years. There are many different contexts to definite CBI: Brinton et al. (1989): “CBI refers to an approach to second language teaching in which the teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire, rather than around linguistic or other type of syllabus.” This theory shows us that the subject matter is taught with the learning of the foreign language skills, which deals with the problems of language and instruction. Crandall (1993): “This approach (CBI) to teaching English as a second language makes use of instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as vehicle for developing language, content, cogn本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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高职院校护理专业英语教学中内容依托式教学的实验研究 [3]
摘要:本文是高中英语教学论文,本研究的对象全部来自于石家庄医学高等专科学校护理专业的大二学生,他们均通过了英语应用能力考试 A 级。这 160 名拥有相同年龄以及相似学习经验的测试者被分为了实验组(82 人,内容依托式教学)和控制组(78人,传统方式教学)。
itive and study skills.” This theory gives a complete consequence to the researchers, which means that the medium of instruction is the foreign language (English).
2.2 Characteristics of CBI
Content-based Instruction impels the learners “utilizing English to learn the knowledge”, instead of “learning the usage of English” (Howatt 1984:279). Stryker and Leaver (1997) concluded three fundamental characteristics of CBI as follows: The process of teaching is based on the subject matter and should be integrated with the foreign language, rather than the traditional forms, functions, language skills or situations. The students gain language communicative competence during the learning of specific topics or subject matters, such as history, math, medical science, economics, business, culture, etc. The educationists can select the actual teaching materials, create the true communicative surroundings and deliver the meaningful information of the learners. The teaching texts, video/audio tapes and some other visual teaching aids, which are all made by the native speakers of the authentic target language, are used in the teaching process. By the means of comprehending and giving the meaningful information, the teaching contents and learning activities can be developed smoothly and the realistic communicative tasks can be fulfilled. The teaching substances and methods can be closely related to the vocational needs and learning interest of the learners. That is to say, the teaching activities and subject matters must be applied in accordance with the needs of linguistic, cognitive and emotional ability and satisfied the language level, personal interest and professional needs of the learners in the future.
Chapter 3 Research Design .... 17
3.1 Research Questions: ......... 18
3.2 Subjects ....... 18
3.3 Instruments ......... 18
3.3.1 Questionnaire ......... 19
3.3.2 English Proficiency Test ....... 19
3.3.3 Interview .......... 20
3.4 Teaching Experiment ........ 21
3.4.1 Teaching Materials ........ 21
3.4.2 Teaching Procedures ...... 22
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis ......... 25
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ........ 26
4.1 Influences on Learners’ English Learning Motivation ...... 26
4.2 Influence on Learners' English Proficiency..........37
4.3 Chapter Summary ...... 44
Chapter Five Conclusion ........ 44
5.1 Major Findings .......... 44
5.2 Implications ........ 45
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions .......... 47
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
This chapter presents the influence of CBI on the learning motivation &nb本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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高职院校护理专业英语教学中内容依托式教学的实验研究 [4]
摘要:本文是高中英语教学论文,本研究的对象全部来自于石家庄医学高等专科学校护理专业的大二学生,他们均通过了英语应用能力考试 A 级。这 160 名拥有相同年龄以及相似学习经验的测试者被分为了实验组(82 人,内容依托式教学)和控制组(78人,传统方式教学)。
sp;and English proficiency of EFL learners according to the qualitative and quantitative study between the control group and the experimental group as well as among the subgroups within the experimental group. The answers to the questionnaire and the English test scores in the pretest and post-test are the basis of data analysis’ results in the instructions of content-based and regular English. In order to guarantee the influence on the English learning motivation and proficient level in CBI context, the subjects in the experimental and control group can be divided at the very beginning as follows:In this study, the researcher investigate the motivation (motivation intensity and the desire to learn English) of the EFL learners at the beginning and the end of this experiment. With the help of questionnaires, interview and SPSS, the researcher assesses the effect of CBI on learners. The data is analyzed by the Independent Samples T-test to show the difference of motivation between the control group and the experimental group. In the pretest of Table 4.2, it can be found that before the teaching experiment starts, there are no significant differences in the learning motivation (t=.499, p>.05) between the experimental group and the control group. That is to say, both the motivation intensity (t=-.427, p>.05) and desire to learn English (t=1.219, p>.05) are not significantly statistic differences at the beginning of the experiment. In brief, the researcher can easily found that all learners in these two groups have the equivalent English learning motivation in the pretest. At the end of this teaching experiment, compared with the post-test of Table 4.2, it can be seen obviously that the motivation intensity, desire to learn English and overall motivation in these two groups all have enhanced. Specifically speaking, there are significant differences in the desire to learn English (t=2.186, p<.05) and overall motivation (t=2.201, p<.05). That is to say, the learners in the experimental group have the stronger desire to learn English than the ones in the control group, for which the students recognize the advantages and adapt the teaching methods of CBI.
First of all, CBI has a positive influence on EFL learners in enhancing their motivation of learning English. CBI provides EFL learners with the special context which is suitable for their specific interest and needs of learning English. Therefore, the learners in this teaching methodology are highly motivated, which integrates the target language with the content on great effort in and out of class to complete the assigned tasks. In 本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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<<基本分类因特网是网络的基本单位变化环境下的英语教学 ——一项对云南城市学院英语..>>
高职院校护理专业英语教学中内容依托式教学的实验研究 [5]
摘要:本文是高中英语教学论文,本研究的对象全部来自于石家庄医学高等专科学校护理专业的大二学生,他们均通过了英语应用能力考试 A 级。这 160 名拥有相同年龄以及相似学习经验的测试者被分为了实验组(82 人,内容依托式教学)和控制组(78人,传统方式教学)。
this experiment, although the motivation intensity of learners in the experimental group and the control group have the same level, they spend the same time in learning English but in different learning orientations: the learners in the experimental group are quite willing to search for the authentic English materials which are relevant to their study; while the learners in the control group spend their time in studying the new vocabulary & grammar and in finishing a lot of exercises. In fact, according to the experiment, the learners in CBI context reflect a stronger desire in learning English. All in all, the overall motivation of learners in CBI context is much stronger than those in the regular class. In addition, it is demonstrated that the learners of different English proficiency levels in CBI context have made different progress in their motivation of learning English: the enhancement of the English learning motivation of M-group and L-group are much more than H-group, which especially the M-group makes the biggest progress of all groups’ motivation. In CBI context, the learners who have already gained a high language proficiency are much more willing to learn the content rather than the language forms; but the ones of low proficiency are not motivated obviously just because they are hindered by their low proficiency at the beginning, but once they have suit this kind of teaching process, it is demonstrated that they also make great progress in their English study.
The reference (omitted)
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