[Abstract]:Deeply influenced by the rapid improvement of medical science in China, modern medical technology and environment are also innovating simultaneously. But in sharp contrast, the frequent outbreak of medical disputes caused by doctor-patient conflict. This contradiction has become a major social and livelihood guarantee problem that cannot be evaded and urgently needed to be solved in modern China. The inheritance of traditional ethics theory affects the ethical relationship between doctors and patients. Traditional medical ethics is influenced by Chinese Confucian ethics and mainstream western ethics, such as deontology, utilitarianism, virtue, and so on. In some historical periods, the relationship between doctors and patients is relatively stable and balanced. The rapid development of modern science and technology has brought tremendous changes to the social life of human beings. However, under the background of the rapid development of national economy and science and technology, the doctor-patient relationship is facing the crisis of the times. In the face of ethical conflicts, traditional theoretical ethics can no longer provide a paradigm for solving conflicts caused by a series of new practical problems. We urgently need a novel ethical theory that can get the public out of the current dilemma of value conflict. The contradiction between doctors and patients under the background of the new era in contemporary China needs to be standardized by the ethical theory adapted to the new era. The core category of the western applied ethics research after the second half of the 20th century is the ethics of responsibility. Based on the principle of responsibility, the concept of ethics adapts to the spirit of the times by applying the principle of responsibility to resolve the complex problems facing contemporary human beings. Based on the transcendence of the traditional theoretical ethics and the wide perspective of the practical nature of the applied theory, the ethics of responsibility carries out moral evaluation and value guidance on the behavior of the moral subject and its consequences. Lead people to take responsibility for their own behavior and its consequences. The contradiction between doctors and patients is closely related to the background of the times, social mainstream values and other factors. By virtue of its practical attribute of applied ethics, liability ethics can become the basis of ethical value in analyzing the problems of doctor-patient contradiction or even conflict, with its unique concepts, types, characteristics and paradigms. It has become one of the important methods to improve the contradiction between doctors and patients in contemporary China. With the help of the essence of responsibility ethics, this paper clarifies the relevant subjects of responsibility involved in the contradiction between doctors and patients, and undertakes the corresponding ethical responsibilities according to their respective actions. With its broad research horizon and grasp of social practical problems, the ethics of responsibility provides a new paradigm of ethical theory and practice for exploring and regulating the ethical and moral problems involved in the contradiction between doctors and patients. Under the guidance of responsibility ethics, we should build a responsible government, promote the ability of the government to carry out its duties, promote fair medical treatment, establish a doctor-patient responsibility community, strengthen the self-discipline of media responsibility, and through the joint participation of the whole society and the continuous efforts of both doctors and patients, Establish harmonious doctor-patient relations. Integrating into the essence of responsibility ethics, doctors and patients are required to be in a harmonious social atmosphere of mutual concern, which provides a new perspective for the construction of harmonious doctor-patient relationship.
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