发布时间:2018-01-03 10:07
本文关键词:江西省稻飞虱虫源地及发生规律研究 出处:《南京农业大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 虫源地 年际变化 早期迁入 夏季迁出 后期迁入 暴发机制
【摘要】:白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horváth)与褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St(?)l)是亚洲水稻上的两种重要迁飞性害虫,由于其迁飞性、高繁殖力以及传毒性,对水稻安全生产有着严重威胁,并造成难以估量的损失。自上世纪60年代末,稻飞虱就在东亚国家持续暴发。进入新世纪以来,由于水稻耕作制度改革、全球气候变化以及抗药性等等问题,稻飞虱的发生规律变得更加复杂并难以预测,所造成的危害更是日益加重。因此,明确稻飞虱在现行水稻耕作制度及气候条件下的迁飞规律和暴发机制,对我国水稻的安全生产有着至关重要的指导意义。本文利用江西省70个测报站点褐飞虱及白背飞虱近10年的灯诱数据,研究了该省份两种飞虱的灯诱种群变化规律以及中小尺度下的虫源地分布,明确了江西省不同地区稻飞虱迁飞的周年往返路径;利用田间虫情数据并结合多年的气象资料,分析了稻飞虱在江西省早、晚稻的暴发规律;与此同时,以泰和县做为个例,阐明了褐飞虱在该地区连年暴发的根本原因。主要研究结果如下:1.江西省稻飞虱的春季迁入通过利用2005-2014年江西省39个站点白背飞虱早期灯诱数据和56个站点的褐飞虱早期灯诱数据,并结合HYSPLIT轨迹分析平台,对江西省早期迁入的高峰日进行虫源地模拟。之后,利用模拟所得结果,结合虫源地虫情资料以及气象资料,分析了影响江西省早期迁入虫量年际变化的根本原因。结果表明:(1)就不同地区而言,4月中、下旬至6月中旬,江西省南部白背飞虱虫源地由海南岛南部逐渐北移至湖南、江西、广东三省交界地;中部白背飞虱虫源地由海南岛南部、雷州半岛南部逐步北移至湖南与江西的南部交界地区;北部白背飞虱虫源地由广西东北逐渐北移至湖南东北至福建西北一线。5月中、下旬至7月中旬,江西省南部褐飞虱由海南岛中部,经广东西南部逐步北移至广东与江西交界地区;中部褐飞虱虫源地由海南岛,经广东与广西南部交界地区逐渐北移至湖南与江西南部交界地区;北部褐飞虱虫源地由海南岛北部,经广东、广西南部沿海逐渐北移到江西中部。(2)就不同代次而言,第一代白背飞虱与褐飞虱均主要来自于海南岛;第二代白背飞虱主要来自于广东中部以及广西东部,褐飞虱则主要来自于海南岛北部以及两广南部沿海地区;第三代白背飞虱主要来自于广东北部,第三代褐飞虱则主要来自于湖南东南部、江西南部、广东北部、西部以及广西东部。(3)就不同迁入量而言,不论大量迁入年份还是少量迁入年份,白背飞虱虫源地均主要在广西东部与广东西部。(4)江西省主迁入期白背飞虱虫量与两广交界地区上一代迁入虫量显著相关,而北部湾上空4月至5月上旬强西南风频率决定了早期由中南半岛迁入两广交界地区虫量的多少。2008、2011、2014年中南半岛冬季温度偏低,导致了这三年春季迁入两广地区的虫量十分稀少,进而使得江西省主迁入期虫量同样稀少。2.江西省稻飞虱的夏季迁出以白背飞虱在江西省的夏季北迁过程为主线,选择江西省境内瑞昌、铅山、高安、宜黄、万安、芦溪、兴国、大余等13个不同站点2005-2014年的夏季迁出虫源作为研究对象。通过探讨江西省不同地区的夏季迁出路径,分析其对长江中下游各地区白背飞虱的虫源贡献率,来研究江西省外迁时的白背飞虱降落区域分布。与此同时并选择2010年长三角地区多个站点的夏季迁入事件进行分析,以解析长三角地区与江西省虫源的衔接关系,明确稻飞虱在我国东半部的夏季迁飞路径和规律。结果显示:(1)江西省西北部的夏季迁出虫源主要降落在湖北东部以及安徽中、南部,江西省东北部夏季迁出的虫源主要降落在安徽中、南部以及浙江北部,江西省中部的夏季迁出虫源主要降落在安徽南部以及浙江,江西省南部夏季迁出的虫源则主要降落在安徽南部、浙江北部以及福建中、北部(不考虑降落在本省)。(2)5月中旬至6月中旬江西省白背飞虱灯诱虫量与长江三角洲多个区域下一代灯诱虫量显著相关,特别是江西省中、南部地区与长江三角洲地区多个时段下一代迁入量呈极显著相关。安徽省6月中下旬与江西省中、南部上一代灯诱虫量显著相关,至7月上中旬,则与江西省中、北部地区上一代虫量显著相关;浙江省6月中旬至7月中旬的多个时段与江西省中、南部的上一代虫量显著相关;江苏省6月中旬至7月中旬的多个时段则与江西省中、北部的上一代虫量显著相关。上述结果表明江西省早期迁入虫量可以预警长江三角洲地区下一代白背飞虱的迁入量。(3) 2010年江西省北部可为皖南以及苏南地区提供虫源,江西省中、北部可为浙江省提供虫源。由江淮切变所导致的降水以及下沉气流是北迁至长江三角洲地区虫源降落的主要因素。3.江西省晚稻褐飞虱的后期迁入及暴发机制根据崇义、上犹、万安、信丰、大余、芦溪、莲花、宜丰和修水9个站点2005-2014年8月21日至9月20日的褐飞虱灯诱数据,通过筛选高峰日并进行轨迹分析,摸清了江西省晚稻后期迁入的褐飞虱虫源地分布。利用皖南和江西的田间调查资料并结合气象数据,阐明2006与2007年江西省不同地区晚稻褐飞虱的暴发成因。与此同时,通过分析泰和县2008-2013年的田间及灯诱数据,揭示了该地区晚稻褐飞虱连年暴发的根本原因。结果表明:(1)江西省西北部后期迁入的褐飞虱主要来自于湖北东部、安徽南部以及江西北部,江西省中部后期迁入虫源主要来自于江西中、北部以及福建西北部,江西省南部后期迁入虫源主要来自于江西省中、南部和福建西南部。(2) 2006年江西省北部晚稻褐飞虱大暴发与其后期大量迁入有明显关系,回推轨迹显示,其虫源地主要位于皖南稻区。9月上旬持续的东北风与偏北风是褐飞虱由皖南进入江西省北部的重要保障。与此同时,皖南稻区迁出的褐飞虱又很难到达江西省南部,导致该年江西省北、中部晚稻褐飞虱发生程度重于南部。(3) 2007年江西省南部中稻稻飞虱虫量异常偏高,加之中稻褐飞虱外迁时遇持续降雨,导致中稻褐飞虱滞留当地晚稻继续危害,使得2007年江西省南部晚稻褐飞虱发生程度重于北部地区。(4)泰和县危害早稻田的褐飞虱以2、3代为主,其田间种群数量的多少主要受早期迁入虫量的限制,早稻收割后的滞留虫源对晚稻种群数量的影响微乎其微。泰和县危害晚稻田的褐飞虱以5、6代为主,后期迁入虫量、秋季温度以及晚稻田初期虫量是影响晚稻田后期暴发与否的关键因子。不同年份间晚稻田褐飞虱爆发类型不同,2008、2009年是后期迁入与“暖秋”共同影响,2010年是“暖秋”影响,2011、2012年是后期迁入影响,2013年是晚稻田早期虫量积累影响。
[Abstract]:Sogatella Sogatella furcifera (Horv, th) and Nilaparvata lugens (St of brown planthopper (?) l) are two important migratory pests on rice in Asia, because of its migratory, high fecundity and genetic toxicity, a serious threat to the safe production of rice, and caused incalculable loss since the last century. At the end of 60s, in the East Asian countries continued to planthopper outbreaks. Since entering the new century, the reform of the system of rice farming, climate change and resistance and so on, the occurrence regularity of rice planthopper has become more complex and difficult to predict, the harm caused by it is increasing. Therefore, clear in the current rice farming rice planthopper migration system and under the climatic conditions and the outbreak mechanism, has important guiding significance for the safe production of rice in China. The Jiangxi province 70 measuring site of brown planthopper Sogatella furcifera and nearly 10 years of light trap number According to the study, the two provinces rice light trap insect source distribution and small population scale, the migration of rice planthopper in different regions of Jiangxi province from the anniversary of path; using the field pest data combined with the meteorological data of many years, the analysis of rice planthopper in Jiangxi province early and late rice at the same time, with the outbreak of the law; Taihe County as example, explains the root cause of brown planthopper outbreaks in recent years in the area. The main results are as follows: 1. the spring migration of rice planthopper in Jiangxi province by using 2005-2014 in 39 stations of Jiangxi province sogatellafurcifera early light trap data and 56 sites of brown planthopper early light trap data, and combined with HYSPLIT trajectory analysis the platform of simulation, source of Jiangxi province in early peak days. After that, by using the simulation results, combined with the pest insect source data and meteorological data, analyzes the impact of Jiangxi Province The fundamental reason of early immigrants was the annual variation. The results showed that: (1) in different regions, 4 months, in late June to mid south of Jiangxi Province, sogatellafurcifera source from southern Hainan Island gradually moved to the north of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong provinces at the junction of the middle; whitebacked planthopper insect source by Southern Hainan Island at the junction, south of the Leizhou Peninsula gradually moved to the north of Hunan and southern Jiangxi area; northern sogatellafurcifera source from Guangxi northeast gradually moved to the north of Hunan northeast to the northwest of Fujian the first.5 months, in late July to mid south of Jiangxi Province, by Brown Planthopper in central Hainan Island, the southwestern Guangdong gradually moved to the north of Guangdong's border with Jiangxi the central region; brown planthopper insect source from Hainan Island, via Guangdong and Guangxi southern border area gradually moved to the north of Hunan and the southern Jiangxi border area; northern brown planthopper insect source from northern Hainan Island, Guangzhou East, the southern coast of Guangxi Moved north to central Jiangxi. (2) have different generations, the first generation of white backed Planthopper and brown planthopper were mainly from Hainan Island; the second generation of sogatellafurcifera mainly from central Guangdong and Eastern Guangxi, brown planthopper is mainly from northern Hainan Island and two in Guangnan along the sea area; the third generation of sogatellafurcifera mainly from the north of Guangdong, the third generation of brown planthopper is mainly from southeastern Hunan, southern Jiangxi, northern Guangdong, Western and Eastern Guangxi. (3) different in quantity, whether a move or a small move into the year year, sogatellafurcifera source are mainly in eastern Guangxi and Western Guangdong. (4) period of white backed planthopper larvae and Guangdong and Guangxi master moved to Jiangxi province border area on the generation of immigrants was significantly related, and over the northern Gulf from April to early May West southerly frequency determines the early by the Indochina Peninsula moved into the border areas of Guangdong and Guangxi The amount of.200820112014 worm South Peninsula low winter temperature, causing the three year spring immigrants was the Guangdong and Guangxi areas are very scarce, which makes Jiangxi province the main migration time of larvae were equally rare.2. of rice planthopper in Jiangxi Province in the summer to move out of WBPH in Jiangxi Province in North process as the main line, select the territory of Ruichang. Jiangxi Qianshan, high security, Yihuang, Luxi, Xingguo, large group of 13 different stations in 2005-2014 from the summer insect source as the research object. Through discussing the path from different regions of Jiangxi Province in summer, its contribution to the analysis of insect source regions in the Yangtze River sogatellafurcifera rate of white back Jiangxi Province, the relocation of Planthopper landing area distribution. At the same time and select multiple sites in the Yangtze River Delta in 2010 Summer migration events were analyzed by analysis of cohesion of Yangtze River Delta and Jiangxi Province closed source of insects In our department, clear of rice planthopper in the eastern half of summer migration path and law. The results showed that: (1) the northwestern part of Jiangxi province in summer from pests landed in Hubei and Anhui in the East, South, northeast of Jiangxi province in summer from the pests landed in Anhui, the southern and Northern Zhejiang. The central part of Jiangxi Province in summer from pests landed in southern Anhui and Zhejiang, the south of the province of Jiangxi in summer from insect source mainly landed in southern Anhui, northern Zhejiang and Fujian in the North (without regard to land in the province). (2) was significantly related to mid May to mid June in Jiangxi province white back planthopper insect killing lamp and the Yangtze River Delta region more than the next generation of light trapping effect, especially in Jiangxi Province, a number of time periods in Southern Yangtze River Delta region and the next generation of migration was significantly correlated. Anhui province and Jiangxi Province in the mid to late 6, south of a generation The light trapping effect was significantly related to mid July, with the Jiangxi province in the northern region of a generation of larvae were significantly correlated; multiple periods in Zhejiang province from mid June to mid July and in Jiangxi Province, was significantly related to generation larvae in the South; many parts of Jiangsu province in June to mid July mid and in Jiangxi Province, was significantly related to a generation larvae in northern Jiangxi province. The results showed that early immigrants was the warning in the Yangtze River Delta the next generation of WBPH in 2010. (3) the northern part of Jiangxi province can provide insect source to Wannan and South of Jiangsu area, Jiangxi province. The north can provide insect source for Zhejiang province. Caused by the precipitation and Huaihe shear subsidence is the main factors to the late North Source worm in Yangtze River Delta region of Jiangxi province.3. landing in the late rice brown planthopper and outbreak mechanism according to Congyi, Shangyou, Xinfeng, Wanan, Yu, Luxi, Lotus, Yifeng light brown planthopper and Xiushui 9 sites from August 21st to September 20th by 2005-2014 data, by screening the peak day and trajectory analysis, find out the brown planthopper insect source distribution in Jiangxi Province in late rice. By using the field investigation data of Anhui and Jiangxi combined with the meteorological data, causes outbreaks of rice Brown Planthopper in different areas of in 2006 and 2007 in Jiangxi province. At the same time, through the analysis of the field and Taihe County in 2008-2013 light trap data reveals the fundamental reason in late rice brown planthopper outbreaks in recent years. The results showed that: (1) the northwestern part of Jiangxi Province in the late Brown Planthopper mainly from Eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and Northern Jiangxi, Jiangxi the central province of the late immigrants originate from Jiangxi in the north and northwest Fujian, southern Jiangxi province in the late pests from Jiangxi province in the South and west of Fujian The south. (2) in 2006 in the north of Jiangxi Province, rice planthopper outbreak and the move has obvious relationship, push back track display, its source is mainly located in the.9 month in South and northeast wind northerly winds continued is an important guarantee of brown planthopper in Jiangxi Province in the north by. At the same time, the move in the brown planthopper and very difficult to reach the south of the province of Jiangxi, the Jiangxi province to the north, middle late rice brown planthopper occurrence in the south. (3) on 2007 in southern Jiangxi province rice planthopper insect quantity anomaly, and rice brown planthopper in the relocation of continuous rainfall, resulting in Rice Brown Planthopper in rice continue to harm the local residence in 2007, the southern Jiangxi province of rice brown planthopper occurrence degree in the northern region. (4) in Taihe County harm early rice brown planthopper in 2,3 generation, the field population quantity is mainly affected by the early immigrants was limited Stranded, very little insect source of rice harvest after effects on rice population. Taihe County late rice planthopper harm to 5,6 generation, late immigrants, autumn temperature and late rice early larvae is a key factor of late rice late outbreak or not. In different years late rice brown planthopper outbreaks of different types 20082009 years later, immigration and "common effect of warm autumn, 2010 is" warm autumn ", 20112012 years later in 2013 is the effects of immigration, effects of the accumulation of late rice early larvae.
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