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发布时间:2018-01-06 16:01

  本文关键词:葡萄园配方施肥及镉污染植物修复研究 出处:《四川农业大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 葡萄 配方施肥 超富集植物改良 植物修复

【摘要】:四川葡萄产业近几年发展迅猛,目前种植面积近4万公顷,产量50余万吨,效益约40亿元,葡萄产业已成为四川农民增收致富的主导产业,四川地区也已成为全国优质、高效和标准化栽培示范样板。但是,由于生产上部分葡萄园功能叶黄化现象严重、长期存在重化肥轻有机肥、重氮磷肥轻钾肥、重大量元素轻微量元素、未按需施肥、施肥方法不当以及‘工业三废’、肥料、农药残留积累导致土壤镉污染等问题,使得果品安全、质量日趋下降。因此亟需进行本研究,为葡萄产业节本增效、提质增效、环境友好和土壤镉修复提供理论依据和技术支撑。研究以四川省眉山市彭山区观音镇‘香悦’葡萄为试材,研究配方施肥及黄化防治对试验园土壤理化性质、葡萄品质及经济效益的影响,根据得到的最优配方,研制专用配方肥,进行田间试验。此外,针对葡萄园土壤镉污染的修复问题,利用土施用超富集植物秸秆、喷施脱落酸、嫁接、不同生态型超富集植物杂交等方法研究了超富集植物改良修复葡萄园土壤镉污染的能力。本研究为葡萄优质高效、节支增收及果园生态环境可持续发展提供科学的指导,对葡萄乃至其它水果安全、优质、高效和标准化生产具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。通过本试验研究得到如下结果:1.以产量1500kg/亩、TSS大于17.5%、单穗重0.75-1.0kg为目标,根据土壤本底值及葡萄需肥规律,设计不同施肥配方,研究确定了可用于四川葡萄园的最佳施肥配方,即每亩秋季施干鸡粪1000kg+过磷酸钙100kg、萌芽肥施尿素39-41kg+速效硼6kg、壮果肥施磷酸一铵35-37kg+尿素10kg、着色肥施硫酸钾67kg,可显著改善土壤理化性质、提高葡萄果实品质和经济效益。能有效调节土壤pH,分别提高有机质含量、土壤孔隙度14.94~31.10%、1.46~2.03%,降低土壤容重7.02-8.19%,土壤全氮、速效氮、全磷、有效磷处于较高水平,全钾、有效钾处于中等水平,为葡萄生长提供大量氮素的同时切实改变了土壤长期磷偏少、钾严重缺乏、其它微量元素不足的现状;葡萄果实综合品质最好,着色均匀,TSS、总糖、固酸比分别高于对照13.69-14.54%、9.41~18.72%、16.34~23.78%(对照的TSS、总糖、固酸比分别为17.10%、12.27%、35.07);年投入成本降低930-980元/667m2,年经济效益增加3930~3980元/667m2,增收显著。2.针对葡萄功能叶黄化的问题开展了营养诊断分析,确诊了缺镁是黄化的主要原因。通过单独补充(设5kg、7.5kg和10kg三个水平)和混合补充(总量设5kg、7.5kg和10kg三个水平)镁、铁、锌、锰,结果发现,单独补镁、铁、锌、锰对叶片黄化有一定抑制作用,葡萄果实品质有一定程度提高,其中以每667m2单独施硫酸镁10kg或柠檬酸铁5kg或硫酸锌5kg或硫酸锰5kg效果最好,且单独施用以上元素的效果优于混合施用;通过对处理后叶片和土壤中元素含量分析发现,该园镁元素依然处于较低水平,其它元素含量正常,可在以后施肥过程中继续添加镁元素。3.根据上述结果研制出中熟葡萄专用配方肥,即每亩秋季施干鸡粪1000kg+过磷酸钙100kg、萌芽肥施脲铵氮肥(含尿素68%,硫酸铵22%,硼砂10%)50kg、壮果肥施含腐殖酸水溶肥(含磷酸一铵54.5%,尿素14.5%,腐植酸14%,硫酸镁14%,EDTA锌1.5%,ED TA铁1.5%)70kg、着色肥施硫酸钾67kg,可显著改善土壤理化性质和葡萄果实品质。土壤pH在适宜范围内,土壤有机质含量、·孔隙度分别高于对照14.07~22.63%、4.98~5.02%,土壤容重降低了7.65~10.59%;全氮、速效氮分别比对照低了0.52~0.65 g/kg、35.70~37.08 mg/kg,全磷、全钾、速效磷、速效钾分别显著高于对照0.13~0.15g/kg、1.28~4.42 g/kg、5.15~7.96 mg/kg、10.01~25.93 mg/kg,交换性钙、镁无显著变化;着色优于对照,TSS、总糖、固酸比、糖酸比分别显著高于对照11.63-17.31%、10.98-13.22%、11.65-24.58%、12.31~12.54%(对照的TSS、总糖、固酸比、糖酸比分别为17.12%、13.15%、36.43、27.98);年投入减少950~1050元/667m2,年效益增加3950~4050元/667m2,经济效益十分显著。4.将镉超富集植物少花龙葵、红果黄鹌菜、鬼针草和宧莶秸秆施入人工镉污染的葡萄园土壤并种植镉超富集植物牛膝菊,研究了超富集植物秸秆对牛膝菊镉积累的影响。结果表明,土壤施用红果黄鹌菜秸秆提高了牛膝菊的生物量及抗氧化酶活性,其中,地上部分生物量、SOD活性、POD活性及CAT活性分别较未施用提高了7.33%、3.66%、19.12%和13.10%;而其它三种超富集植物秸秆降低了牛膝菊的生物量及抗氧化酶活性。红果黄鹌菜秸秆和鬼针草秸秆提高了牛膝菊地上部分镉提取量,分别为112.28和95.88μg/株,分别较未施用提高了23.11%和6.07%,其余两种超富集植物秸秆降低了牛膝菊地上部分镉积累。因此,土壤施用红果黄鹌菜秸秆和鬼针草秸秆能够有效提高牛膝菊的镉修复能力,其中以红果黄鹌菜秸秆优于鬼针草秸秆。5.通过不同浓度梯度的ABA (0~40 μmol/L)处理两种生态型(矿山和农田)少花龙葵,研究了ABA对少花龙葵镉积累的影响,结果表明,施用不同浓度的ABA均能不同程度地提高两种生态型少花龙葵的生物量、镉含量及镉提取量。随着ABA浓度的增加,两种生态型少花龙葵的生物量呈增加趋势,但地上部分镉含量及镉积累量呈先增后降的趋势。其中,施用20 μmol/L ABA使两种生态型少花龙葵地上部分的镉含量及镉提取量达到最大值,矿山生态型少花龙葵地上部分的镉含量及镉提取量分别为47.22ng/kg和569.42μg/株,分别较其对照提高了33.92%和63.94%;农田生态型少花龙葵地上部分的镉含量及镉提取量分别为38.41 mg/kg和520.51μg/plant,分别较其对照提高了24.71%和42.60%。因此,20 μmol/L ABA是提高少花龙葵修复镉污染葡萄园能力的最佳浓度。6.采用不同砧木对少花龙葵进行嫁接(未嫁接、茄砧木、马铃薯砧木和番茄砧木),研究了初步试验和验证试验条件下,种间嫁接对少花龙葵后代镉积累的影响。结果表明,番茄砧木嫁接提高了少花龙葵后代的生物量、镉含量及镉提取量,初步试验和验证试验的地上部分生物量分别较未嫁接提高了5.95%和6.38%,地上部分镉含量分别较未嫁接提高了5.68%和9.28%,地上部分镉提取量分别较未嫁接提高了11.96%和16.24%;其余两种砧木嫁接对少花龙葵后代的这些指标影响不明显,甚至有所降低。因而嫁接技术可以用于提高少花龙葵后代的葡萄园土壤镉修复能力,其中番茄砧木效果最好。7.将两种气候生态区眉山市彭山区(盆西中亚热带多春夏旱区)和雅安市雨城区(盆西山地中亚热带一寒带区)的龙葵进行正反杂交,研究了初步试验和验证试验条件下,杂交对龙葵F1镉积累的影响。结果表明,眉山(亲本)的龙葵生物量、镉含量、镉提取量均要高于雅安(亲本)。正反杂交的龙葵F1的生物量及镉提取量均高于亲本,表现出超亲优势,但镉含量均低于亲本,表现出杂种弱势。在验证试验中,眉山(父本)的龙葵F1的地上部分生物量分别比眉山(亲本)和雅安(亲本)提高了23.75%和49.01%,地上部分镉提取量分别比眉山(亲本)和雅安(亲本)提高了4.14%和36.74%;雅安(父本)的龙葵F1的地上部分生物量分别比眉山(亲本)和雅安(亲本)提高了24.13%和49.47%,地上部分镉提取量分别比眉山(亲本)和雅安(亲本)提高了8.59%和42.58%。此外,眉山(父本)龙葵的生物量、镉含量、镉提取量均低于雅安(父本)。因此,不同气候生态区的龙葵进行杂交可以提高龙葵对葡萄园镉污染土壤的修复能力,且用镉提取量高的气候生态区的龙葵作为母本进行杂交产生的Fl比用镉提取量低的气候生态区的龙葵作为母本进行杂交产生的F1的镉修复能力更好。
[Abstract]:Sichuan grape industry is developing rapidly in recent years, the planting area of nearly 40 thousand hectares, yield more than 50 tons, profit of about 4 billion yuan, the grape industry has become the leading industry of Sichuan farmers, Sichuan area has become a national high-quality, efficient and standardized cultivation demonstration model. However, due to leaf Chlorosis on the part of grape production park function serious, long-term heavy fertilizer than organic fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer and potassium light weight, great amount of light elements and trace elements, not according to the needs of fertilization, improper fertilization and "industrial wastes", caused by the accumulation of fertilizer, soil cadmium pollution problems such as pesticide residues, the decline of the quality of fruit safety, so this study. Need for the grape industry, high efficiency, quality and efficiency, and provide a theoretical basis and technical support for environmental friendly and soil Cd repair. Research on Meishan city in Sichuan Province town of Guanyin "Pengshan Hong Yue" grape The test material, study on fertilization and prevention of yellowing orchard soil physicochemical properties, affecting the quality and economic benefits of grapes, according to the optimal formula, preparation of special fertilizer, a field experiment was carried out. In addition, aiming at the problem of repairing cadmium polluted soil of the vineyard soil, using hyperaccumulator straw, application of abscisic acid. Grafting of different ecotypes of hyperaccumulator hybrid method to study the ability of hyperaccumulator remediation vineyard soil cadmium pollution. This research is of high quality grapes, and provide scientific guidance to increase savings and sustainable development of the ecological environment of orchard, grape and other fruit quality, safe, efficient and standardized production has important scientific significance and the application value. The results are as follows: 1. through the experiment to yield 1500kg/ mu TSS is greater than 17.5%, single panicle weight 0.75-1.0kg as the goal, according to the background value of soil and grape Fertilizer demand law also, the design of different fertilization formulas, can be used for research to determine the Optimal Fertilization Formula of Sichuan vineyards, namely the application of dry chicken manure per mu in autumn 1000kg+ superphosphate 100kg, bud fertilizer urea 39-41kg+ available boron 6kg, strong fruit fertilizer ammonium phosphate 35-37kg+ urea 10kg, coloring fertilizer potassium sulfate 67kg, can significantly improve the soil the physicochemical properties, improve fruit quality and economic benefits. Can effectively regulate the soil pH, organic matter content increased respectively, soil porosity 14.94 ~ 31.10%, 1.46 ~ 2.03% 7.02-8.19%, reduce soil bulk density, soil total nitrogen, available nitrogen, total phosphorus, available phosphorus at a high level, total potassium, available potassium in the medium level, provide at the same time large amounts of nitrogen for grape growth to change the long-term soil phosphorus potassium is less, a serious lack of status of other trace elements deficiency; comprehensive quality of grape fruit best, color uniform, TSS, total sugar, the ratio of solid acid Were higher than the control 13.69-14.54%, 9.41 ~ 18.72%, 16.34 ~ 23.78% (control TSS, total sugar, soluble solid acid ratio were 17.10%, 12.27%, 35.07); annual cost reduced by 930-980 yuan /667m2, the annual economic benefit increased by 3930~3980 yuan /667m2,.2. in grape leaves significantly increase yellowing of nutrition diagnosis analysis the diagnosis of magnesium deficiency is the main cause of yellowing. By supplementation alone (5kg, 7.5kg and 10kg three levels) and mixed supplement (total 5kg, 7.5kg and 10kg three levels of magnesium, iron, zinc), manganese, found that magnesium supplementation alone, iron, zinc, manganese has inhibitory effect on yellow leaves, fruit quality is improved to a certain degree, in which each 667m2 only application of Magnesium Sulfate 10kg or 5kg of ferric citrate or zinc sulfate or manganese sulfate 5kg 5kg has the best effect, and the separate application of the above elements is better than mixed application; the treated leaves and soil Analysis of magnesium element content, the park is still at a low level, the contents of other elements can be normal, after the fertilization process to add magnesium.3. according to the above results developed in the ripe grape special fertilizer, namely the application of dry chicken manure per mu in autumn 1000kg+ superphosphate 100kg, bud fertilizer (urea ammonium chloride containing urea 68%. 22% ammonium sulfate, borax 10%) 50kg, strong fruit fertilizer containing humic acid water soluble fertilizer (containing ammonium phosphate 54.5%, urea 14.5%, humic acid 14%, Magnesium Sulfate 14%, EDTA 1.5% ED TA 1.5% zinc, iron) 70kg, colored fertilizer potassium sulfate 67kg, can significantly improve the soil physicochemical properties and quality of grape fruit pH. The soil in the suitable range of soil organic matter content and porosity were higher than that of the control in 14.07 ~ 22.63%, 4.98 ~ 5.02%, soil bulk density decreased by 7.65 ~ 10.59%; total nitrogen, available nitrogen were lower than the control 0.52 g/kg ~ 0.65, 35.70 ~ 37.08 mg/kg, total phosphorus, total potassium, Available phosphorus and available potassium were significantly higher than those in the control of 0.13 ~ 0.15g/kg, 1.28 ~ 4.42 g/kg, mg/kg 5.15 ~ 7.96, 10.01 ~ 25.93 mg/kg, exchangeable calcium, magnesium had no significant change; color than the control, TSS, total sugar, the ratio of solid acid, sugar acid ratio were significantly higher than the control 11.63-17.31%, 10.98-13.22%, 11.65-24.58%, 12.31 (~ 12.54% TSS of the control, the total sugar, the ratio of solid acid, sugar acid ratio were 17.12%, 13.15%, 36.43,27.98); annual investment by 950 ~ 1050 yuan / 667m2, the annual benefit increased by 3950 to 4050 yuan /667m2,.4. will have significant economic benefits over cadmium enrichment plant of Solanum photeinocarpum, youngia erythrocarpa, and patience of straw application into slices of Bidens artificial Cd contaminated soil and planted vineyards CD hyperaccumulator Galinsoga, studied the effect of hyperaccumulator straw on Galinsoga cadmium accumulation. The results showed that soil youngia erythrocarpa straw increased the biomass of Achyranthes bidentata and antioxidant The activity, the aboveground biomass, SOD activity, POD activity and CAT activity were not increased the 7.33%, 3.66%, 19.12% and 13.10%; and the other three hyperaccumulator straw biomass decreased and the activity of antioxidant enzymes of Achyranthes bidentata. Youngia erythrocarpa straw and straw increased the Bidens Galinsoga on CD, were 112.28 and 95.88 respectively compared with the g/ strain, without application increased by 23.11% and 6.07%, the remaining two kinds of straw reduced cadmium hyperaccumulator part of Achyranthes bidentata on accumulation. Therefore, soil youngia erythrocarpa straw and straw Bidens can effectively improve the repair ability of cadmium Achyranthes chrysanthemum, which youngia erythrocarpa is better than that of straw stalk.5. Bidens by different concentration gradient of ABA (0 ~ 40 mol/L) treatment of two ecotypes (mines and farmland) of Solanum photeinocarpum, studied the effect of ABA on less accumulation of Long Kuige, The results show that the biomass of different concentrations of ABA significantly increased the two ecotypes of Solanum photeinocarpum, cadmium and cadmium extraction capacity. With the increase of ABA concentration, the biomass of two ecotypes of Solanum photeinocarpum showed an increase trend, but on the content of cadmium and cadmium content was first increased after the trend of decreasing. Among them, the application of 20 mol/L ABA to two ecotypes of part of the amount of cadmium and cadmium extraction of Solanum photeinocarpum to reach the maximum, the amount of cadmium and cadmium extraction mining ecotype of Solanum photeinocarpum ground were 47.22ng/kg and 569.42 g / plant, respectively compared to the control increased by 33.92% and the 63.94% part of the content; amount of cadmium and cadmium extraction of farmland ecological Solanum photeinocarpum ground for 38.41 mg/kg and 520.51 g/plant respectively, compared with the control increased by 24.71% and 20 mol/L ABA 42.60%. therefore, is to improve the Solanum photeinocarpum remediation of cadmium contaminated vineyard The optimal concentration of.6. capacity with Different Rootstock grafting on Solanum photeinocarpum (non grafted eggplant, potato and tomato rootstock, rootstock, rootstock) on the preliminary test and verification test conditions, interspecific grafting effects on cadmium accumulation of Solanum photeinocarpum offspring. The results showed that tomato rootstock grafting increased the biomass of Solanum photeinocarpum later, cadmium and cadmium extraction, preliminary test and validation test of aboveground biomass compared with the non grafted increased by 5.95% and 6.38%, on the part of the cadmium content respectively compared with the non grafted increased by 5.68% and 9.28%, on the part of CD compared with the non grafted increased by 11.96% and 16.24%; the impact of these the index of Solanum photeinocarpum offspring of the remaining two kinds of grafting stocks is not obvious, or even decreased. So the grafting technique can be used to improve the soil cadmium vineyard repair ability of Solanum photeinocarpum offspring, including the effect of Tomato Rootstocks The.7. will be two climate ecological area in Meishan District of Pengshan city (West Basin in the subtropical arid regions and multi spring and summer) in Yucheng District of Ya'an city (West in a subtropical mountain basin boreal area) reciprocal crosses of Solanum nigrum, studied preliminary testing and verification of test conditions, effect of hybridization on Cadmium accumulation of Solanum F1. The results showed that Meishan (parent) of Solanum nigrum biomass, contents of cadmium, cadmium extraction amount was higher than that of Ya'an (parent). Biomass and CD and hybridization of Solanum F1 was higher than that of parent, showed over parent heterosis, but the content of CD was lower than the parent showed hybrid weakness. In the test, Meishan (the male parent) and Solanum F1 aboveground biomass were higher than Meishan (parent) and Ya'an (parent) increased by 23.75% and 49.01%, respectively, on the part of CD than Meishan (parent) and Ya'an (parent) increased by 4.14% and 36.74%; Ya'an (male parent) of Solanum F1 on the part of The biomass were higher than Meishan (parent) and Ya'an (parent) increased by 24.13% and 49.47%, respectively, on the part of CD than Meishan (parent) and Ya'an (parent) increased by 8.59% and 42.58%. in Meishan (male parent) biomass, Solanum nigrum contents of cadmium, cadmium extraction amount was lower than that of Ya'an (male) therefore, different climate areas can improve the repair ability of Solanum nigrum hybrid Solanum nigrum on vineyard soil polluted by cadmium and cadmium extraction, ecological and climatic zones of a high amount of Solanum nigrum used as female parent in hybrid Fl produced by low cadmium extraction than climate ecological regions of Solanum nigrum and used as female parent in hybrid produced by F1 CD repair ability is better.



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