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发布时间:2018-01-19 00:31

  本文关键词: 区间左手边机会约束规划 区间双边机会约束规划 区间模糊左手边机会约束规划 区间模糊双边机会约束规划 水质管理 不确定性 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Water is an important material foundation for the protection of human survival and development. The rapid development of economic society, the demand for water resources is increasing, resulting in decreased water shortage of water resources and ecological destruction and environmental pollution have become increasingly prominent, causing the safety of drinking water problems, a serious threat to human health and normal life quality planning. Management is an effective way to protect water resources, is very important to solve the problem of water resources with the increasingly serious role. However, the water quality management system is very complicated, various subsystems covering many uncertain factors, and the factors are complicated interaction, causing instability of the system, not the stability factor in the adverse impact on the environment at the same time, the system also brings the loss of economic benefits. Therefore, in full consideration of various water quality management system Based on uncertainty, the development of integrated system can effectively reflect the internal uncertainty optimization method, and applied to the quality management of uncertainty optimization study, can satisfy the requirement of environmental protection and maximize the economic benefits of the system, has important significance to promote the theoretical and practical value. Based on the water quality management system in a variety of uncertainty and complexity, the traditional chance constrained programming is improved, and the interval fuzzy optimization method coupling, constructs a model system of constraint programming interval opportunities to improve the quality management system, and to the case to verify the science and feasibility planning model system. Firstly, according to the specific situation of random parameters decision variables left model used in water quality management, with the interval of chance constrained programming as the breakthrough point, will improve The left hand side is the interval chance constrained programming, efficient representation and processing of decision variables left random variables, breaking the traditional limitations of chance constrained programming can only handle the right decision variables of stochastic parameters. Then, considering the similar random parameters appear in the edge of the two decision variables, combining with chance constrained interval left the edge of the chance constrained programming model, the opportunity to develop bilateral interval, for both left hand side variables, random parameters, to further deepen the traditional chance constrained theory, expand the scope of application of the method. Due to the water quality management plan by the decision-maker's subjective influence, fuzzy flexible planning with subjective tendency to reflect objective planning method, based on fuzzy flexible planning based framework, respectively, the left hand side coupling interval chance constrained programming method and interval double edge about opportunity Beam planning method is developed, the left hand side of the interval fuzzy chance constrained programming method and bilateral interval fuzzy chance constrained programming method, the fuzzy flexibility is able to handle both the objective function and constraints, the decision variables left / bilateral random parameters and various expression in the form of interval uncertainty, fuzzy and random interval, three optimization methods of organic integration and further expand the ability of optimization method to deal with uncertain information. These optimization methods are applied to the case of agricultural non-point source water quality management research, more effectively reflect the uncertainty of the system, extends the use of existing methods. On the whole, this paper constructs an improved interval chance constrained programming method system, model optimization method developed by the improvement and extension of the original uncertain optimization technology, through the method of combining interaction between Make up their own shortcomings, give full play to the advantages of various uncertain optimization methods, research methods of depth unceasingly, method system has strong logical and integrity. The combined uncertainty optimization method can effectively deal with factors affecting the water quality management system of different types and characteristics of the uncertainty, by the application of specific cases that can deal with uncertainty problems and by the development of the new uncertainty optimization method is widely used, can effectively deal with a variety of quality management system of the uncertainty in the planning problem; comparing the resource allocation optimization scheme is obtained through the optimization method of the development between the analysis of the internal reasons for the differences between different optimization methods and problems of in-depth study of the interaction between the internal factors of agricultural water quality management system, The research on related uncertainty optimization and agricultural water quality management system is deepened, which can lay a solid theoretical basis and application foundation for the improvement of future optimization methods and application in more fields.



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