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发布时间:2018-06-03 00:46

  本文选题:淡水池塘 + 综合养殖 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:本文以我国常见水产经济种类三角帆蚌、草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙为研究对象,分别从系统放养结构和水质管理措施两方面对池塘综合养殖模式的优化进行了较为系统的研究,以期为我国淡水池塘养殖模式优化提供科学依据。主要结果如下:(1)2009年5~11月测定了浙江省湖州市南浔区花园湾村两口鱼类混养池塘的水温(T)、透明度(SD)、溶氧(DO)、pH、电导率、盐度、总氨氮(TAN)、亚硝态氮(NO2-N)、硝态氮(NO3-N)、磷酸盐(P04-P)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、高锰酸钾指数(CODMn)、叶绿素a(Chla)以及浮游植物的种类组成和密度(实验Ⅰ)。2010年8月在包括以上两口池塘在内的附近12口鱼类混养池塘采样,分析其SD、TN、TP和CODMn(实验Ⅱ)。结果表明:实验Ⅰ中池塘内的TAN为1.372~1.664 mg/L,NO2-N为0.072~0.076 mg/L,NO3-N为0.139~0.144 mg/L,P04-P为0.038~0.062 mg/L,TN为2.267~2.828mg/L,TP为0.274~0.277mg/L,CODMn为15.46~15.51 mg/L。池塘内浮游植物优势种为小于10 pm的蓝藻和绿藻。实验Ⅱ中主养草鱼池塘内SD为12~37 cm,TN为2.85~5.87 mg/L、TP为0.47-2.20 mg/L,CODMn为25.58~50.19 mg/L。结果说明鱼类混养池塘具有TN、TP和CODMn较高的特点,建议在池塘中适当配养滤食性种类来降低养殖污染。(2)2011年8月29日~9月1日分析了浙江省诸暨市枫桥镇10口三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)养殖池塘中的浮游植物种类组成、生物量和理化环境因子。结果显示,三角帆蚌养殖池塘内共观察到浮游植物51属/种,优势种为平裂藻、微囊藻、腔球藻和栅藻;浮游植物生物量为0.71~8.01×108 cell/L,71%~97%为蓝藻。池塘内SD平均值为33 cm、 DO为4~12 mg/L、TN为1.933~4.062mg/L、TP为0.154~1.010 mg/L.CODMn为6.49-10.06 mg/L,说明三角帆蚌养殖池塘具有DO较高,SD、TN、TP、CODMn和TN/TP较低的特点。RDA分析显示水温是影响池塘中浮游植物常见种类生物量的主要环境因子,说明相近池塘的浮游植物群落组成接近。鉴于所调查的池塘内TN、TP、CODMn和TN/TP较低的特点,建议适当增加杂食性鱼类放养密度和配合饲料投喂量并降低鸭粪施肥量。通过实验(1)和(2)的调查结果发现,鱼类混养池塘可为三角帆蚌的生长提供足够的营养支持。(3)通过78 d围隔实验检验了在草鱼、鲫、鲢、鳙混养系统中吊养三角帆蚌对鱼产量和水质的影响。设2个处理,处理Ⅰ混养草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙,处理Ⅱ在处理Ⅰ基础上按鱼:蚌=1:1的比例配养三角帆蚌。实验期间定期采样分析浮游植物种类组成和生物量、初级生产力(P)、群落呼吸(R)、DO、pH、SD、碳酸根离子(C032-)、碳酸氢根离子(HCO3-)、氯离子(Cl-)、硫酸根离子(S042-)、钙离子(Ca2+)、镁离子(Mg2+)、Na++K+、总碱度、总硬度、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、PO4-P、TN、TP、总有机碳(TOC)、CODMn和生化耗氧量(BOD5)。结果发现,吊养三角帆蚌显著降低水体中Ca2+浓度,但对其他指标均无显著影响。处理Ⅱ草鱼、鲫、鲢产量略高于处理Ⅰ,而鳙产量略低于后者,表明在草鱼、鲫、鲢、鳙混养系统中按1:1的比例配养三角帆蚌不会导致草鱼和鲫产量下降,但导致鳙产量降低。处理Ⅱ浮游植物多样性(Shannon-Weaver多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数和种类数)、P、P/R、SD和DO略高于处理Ⅰ,而氨态氮、活性磷、TN、TP、CODMn、BOD5和TOC略低于后者,表明在混养系统中配养三角帆蚌可显著降低养殖水体Ca2+浓度,同时可在一定程度上提高浮游植物多样性、P和DO并降低TN、TP、 CODMn、BOD5和TOC。本实验结果表明在淡水鱼类混养系统中适度配养三角帆蚌可提高养殖的经济效益,同时有助于降低养殖系统内氮、磷和有机废物的积累。(4)通过90 d围隔实验检验了不同三角帆蚌密度对草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙混养系统生产性能和水质的影响。设4种非插珠蚌密度:M1(85 ind/围隔)、M2(55 ind/围隔)、M3(25 ind/围隔)、C(0 ind/围隔)。每个放蚌围隔内另加插珠蚌5 ind。结果发现,随着三角帆蚌密度的增加,其对鱼类生产性能(草鱼和鲫个体增重、鱼产量和营养利用效率)、浮游植物指标(群落多样性、生物量和功能)、SD增量、水化学指标增量(DO、pH, Ca2+、碱度、硬度、TAN、TN、TP、CODMn和BOD5)等的改善效果逐渐升高,而三角帆蚌生长和珍珠产量逐渐降低。影响草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙生长的环境因子主要为蓝藻生物量、浮游植物多样性指数、碱度和TAN。季节变化对养殖环境的影响大于三角帆蚌密度变化引起的影响。结果说明,三角帆蚌可一定程度上提高鱼类产量和资源利用效率,并改善养殖水体浮游植物群落结构、功能和水化学指标,其作用效果与三角帆蚌放养密度密切相关。然而,三角帆蚌的放养仅可缓解混养系统中富营养化的进程但不能平衡其危害。因此,需发展新技术来进一步降低系统中的养殖废物。(5)通过90 d围隔实验检验了两种三角帆蚌密度(5插珠蚌+85非插珠蚌VS 5插珠蚌+55非插珠蚌)和两种罗非鱼放养机制(放养或不放养)对草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙混养系统生产性能和水质的影响。结果发现,罗非鱼显著增加鱼产量及水体中TAN、CODMn和BOD5浓度,并显著降低非插珠蚌个体增重和FCR (P0.05)。增加三角帆蚌密度可相对提高营养利用效率,维持浮游植物群落多样性并改善其功能,降低水体中的N、P和有机质;而罗非鱼相对降低其他鱼类和三角帆蚌生长、珍珠产量、浮游植物群落多样性和功能。结果说明,增加三角帆蚌密度可一定程度上改善鱼类生产性能和养殖环境;添加罗非鱼显著促进鱼产量和营养利用效率,但限制其他鱼类生长和珍珠产量,并导致养殖环境恶化,因此在鱼类混养池塘中应控制其放养密度。(6)利用草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙构建鱼类混养系统,通过60 d围隔实验检验了微生物产品(添加或不添加)和三角帆蚌(吊养或不吊养)对混养系统生产性能和水质的影响。其中,放养结构设为草鱼+鲫+鲢+鳙或草鱼+鲫+鲢+鳙+三角帆蚌。结果发现:三角帆蚌和微生物产品的综合效应可显著改善鱼产量(P0.05)。二者均可促进鱼类生长、提高鱼产量并降低FCR、维持浮游植物多样性、抑制蓝藻生长、提高初级生产力、降低水体浑浊度及PO4-P、TN、CODMn和BOD5浓度(P0.05)。结果说明,在草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙混养系统中添加三角帆蚌和微生物产品可一定程度上提高鱼类生产性能和改善水质,并且二者的协同效果更好。因此,可考虑增加系统中食饵性鱼类密度来增加经济效益。(7)通过93 d围隔实验检验了不同食饵性鱼类密度和微生物产品对鱼蚌综合养殖系统生产性能和水质的影响。其中食饵性鱼类(草鱼:鲫=2:1)密度设为20草鱼+10鲫或40草鱼+20鲫,微生物产品(商用EM菌)添加或不添加。每个围隔中放养20插珠蚌和20非插珠蚌。结果发现,提高食饵性鱼类密度显著降低草鱼生长、SD和氮磷比(N/P)(P0.05),相对降低三角帆蚌生长、珍珠产量和营养利用效率(P0.05);显著增加NO2-N、PO4-P、TN、TP、TOC、CODMn、BOD5、浮游植物生物量和蓝藻比例(P0.05),相对提高鱼产量(P0.05)。EM菌显著抑制插珠蚌的生长(P0.05),相对降低珍珠产量及TAN、TOC、CODMn、BOD5、浮游植物生物量和蓝藻比例,促进草鱼和鲫的生长、鱼产量及营养利用效率(P0.05)。季节变化对围隔内水化学指标的影响高于食饵性鱼类密度和微生物产品的影响。SD、NO2-N和TOC为影响鱼、蚌生长的主要环境因子。结果说明增加食饵性鱼类密度会损害珍珠产量并加快水体富营养化进程,而添加EM菌不能平衡草鱼和鲫密度增加引起的珍珠产量降低和水质恶化的不良影响,且EM菌对三角帆蚌的生长不利。因此,在三角帆蚌与草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙的综合养殖系统中增加食饵性鱼类密度和添加EM菌时需慎重。(8)推测实验(7)中EM菌未能发挥有效作用与实验过程中未曝气有关。通过93 d围隔实验检验了不同食饵性鱼类密度和曝气对微生物产品(商用EM菌)改善鱼蚌综合养殖系统生产性能和水质的影响。设两种草鱼和鲫放养密度(20草鱼和10鲫VS 40草鱼和20鲫)和两种曝气措施(曝气VS不曝气)。基础鱼蚌综合养殖系统包括40三角帆蚌(20插珠蚌和20非插珠蚌)、8鲢和2鳙。每个围隔中定期添加商用EM菌。结果发现,增加草鱼和鲫密度显著降低草鱼个体增重,提高浮游植物群落呼吸,增加TOC、总碳(TC)、 TN、TP、N/P、CODMn和BOD5浓度(P0.05)。曝气相对提高鱼产量和营养利用效率并降低水体中TN、TP、CODMn和BOD5浓度(P0.05)。结果说明,在三角帆蚌与草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙的综合养殖系统中,低密度食饵性鱼类时鱼蚌生产性能和水质较好。曝气可改善微生物产品的使用效果。(9)通过31d水槽实验检验了不同微生物产品(诺碧清净水剂、中水牌复合菌剂和EM菌)对草鱼、鲫和鲢混养系统鱼类生长和水质的影响。设4个处理:添加诺碧清净水剂(NO)、添加中水牌复合菌剂(PB)、添加EM菌(EM)和空白对照组(BL)。放养鱼类每天投饲配合饲料,微生物产品每隔10d添加一次。结果发现:不同微生物产品对鱼类存活率、个体增重、饵料利用系数、SD、水化学指标(DO、pH、NH3-N、NO2-N、 NO3-N、PO4-P、TN、TP、CODMn)和浮游植物指标(种类组成、生物量、Chl a浓度和多样性指数)无显著的影响。该研究说明,在短期(31 d)内每隔10d添加微生物产品不会对草鱼、鲫和鲢构成的混养系统的生产性能和水质产生有益效果。本研究结果表明:(1)鱼类混养池塘可为三角帆蚌提供足够的营养支持;(2)三角帆蚌的吊养有利于改善鱼类混养系统的经济效益和生态效益,且改善效果与三角帆蚌的放养密度有关;(3)在鱼蚌综合养殖系统中放养罗非鱼可增加鱼产量,同时降低其他鱼类和三角帆蚌的生长并恶化养殖环境;(4)在鱼蚌综合养殖中使用商业微生物水质改良产品可在一定程度上改善鱼类生产性能和养殖水质,但并不能解决因鱼类养殖中投饵产生的养殖废物积累的问题,此外使用微生物产品不利于三角帆蚌的生长;(5)曝气可改善微生物产品的使用效果;(6)在短期(31 d)内每隔10d添加微生物产品不会对草鱼、鲫和鲢构成的混养系统的生产性能和水质产生有益效果。
[Abstract]:In this paper, a systematic study on the optimization of comprehensive aquaculture model of ponds was carried out from two aspects of the system stocking structure and water quality management measures in two aspects of the common aquatic economic species in China, including the system raising structure and water quality management measures, in order to provide scientific basis for the optimization of freshwater pond culture mode in China. The main results are as follows: (1 The water temperature (T), SD, DO, DO, pH, pH, conductivity, salinity, TAN, NO2-N, NO3-N, P04-P, P04-P, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), Potassium Permanganate index (CODMn), chlorophyll a and phytoplankton were measured in the two fish mixed ponds in the Garden Bay Village, Nanxun District, Zhejiang province. The species composition and density (Experiment I) in August.2010, 12 fish mixed ponds, including the above two ponds, were sampled to analyze their SD, TN, TP and CODMn (Experiment II). The results showed that the TAN in the pond was 1.372 to 1.664 mg/L, NO2-N was 0.072 to 0.076 mg/L, NO3-N was 0.139 to 0.144 mg/L, P04-P was 0.038 to 0.062 L, TN is 2.267 to 2.828mg/L, TP is 0.274 to 0.277mg/L, and CODMn is 15.46 ~ 15.51 mg/L. ponds with phytoplankton dominant species of cyanobacteria and green algae less than 10 pm. In Experiment II, SD in the main grass carp pond is 12~37 cm and TN is 2.85 to 5.87 mg/L. With the high characteristics of CODMn, it is suggested that the filter feeding type should be properly adopted in the pond to reduce the culture pollution. (2) from August 29, 2011 to September 1st, the species composition, biomass and physical and chemical environmental factors in the pond of 10 mussels (Hyriopsis cumingii) in maple bridge, Zhejiang province were analyzed. 51 genera / species of phytoplankton were observed in the pond. The dominant species were flat cracked algae, Microcystis, Chlorella and algae; phytoplankton biomass was 0.71 to 8.01 * 108 cell/L, 71% to 97% were cyanobacteria. The average value of SD in the pond was 33 cm, DO was 4~12 mg/L, TN was 1.933 4.062mg/L, TP was 0.154 to 1.010 mg/L.CODMn, 6.49-10.06 mg/L, indicating that mussel triangulation Aquaculture ponds have higher DO, SD, TN, TP, CODMn and TN/TP lower characteristics.RDA analysis shows that water temperature is the main environmental factor affecting the common species of phytoplankton in ponds, indicating that the composition of phytoplankton community in similar ponds is close. In view of the characteristics of TN in the pond, TP, CODMn and TN/TP are lower in the pond, it is suggested to increase the omnivorous. It was found that fish mixed ponds could provide sufficient nutritional support for the growth of Hyriopsis cumingii by experiments (1) and (2). (3) the yield and water quality of Hyriopsis cumingii in grass carp, crucian carp, carp and Bighead bighead carp in the mixed system of grass carp, carp, carp and bighead carp were tested by the 78 D 2 treatments were set up to treat I mixed grass carp, crucian carp, silver carp and bighead carp, treatment II on the basis of treatment I, based on the proportion of fish: mussel =1:1. During the experiment, the species composition and biomass of phytoplankton, primary productivity (P), community respiration (R), DO, pH, SD, carbonate ion (C032-), bicarbonate ion (HCO3-), chloroionization were analyzed. Cl-, S042-, calcium ion (Ca2+), magnesium ion (Mg2+), Na++K+, total alkalinity, total hardness, TAN, NO2-N, NO3-N, PO4-P, TN, TP, total organic carbon (TOC) and biochemical oxygen consumption. The yield of bighead carp was slightly lower than that of the treatment I, and it showed that the production of grass carp, carp, carp and bighead carp in the mixed system of 1:1 did not lead to the decline of the yield of grass carp and carp, but the yield of carp was reduced. The diversity of phytoplankton (Shannon-Weaver diversity index, Margalef richness index, Pielou evenness index and species) were treated. P, P/R, SD and DO were slightly higher than that of treatment I, while ammonia nitrogen, active phosphorus, TN, TP, CODMn, BOD5 and TOC were slightly lower than the latter, indicating that the support of Hyriopsis cumingii in the mixed culture system could significantly reduce the Ca2+ concentration in aquaculture water, and to a certain extent, increase the diversity of phytoplankton, P and DO and reduce the results. The moderate breeding of Hyriopsis cumingii in aquaculture system can improve the economic benefits of aquaculture and reduce the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic waste in the aquaculture system. (4) the effects of the density of Hyriopsis cumingii on the yield and water quality of the mixed system of grass carp, carp, carp and bighead carp were tested by the 90 d enclosure experiment. M1 (85 ind/ septum), M2 (55 ind/ septum), M3 (25 ind/ septum), C (0 ind/ perinosum). A 5 ind. result of intercalation of mussel in the enclosure of each clam was found. With the increase of the density of Hyriopsis cumingii, the fish production performance (grass carp and crucian carp weight gain, fish yield and utilization efficiency), phytoplankton index (community diversity, biomass and function), SD, were found, SD, and SD. Increment (DO, pH, Ca2+, alkalinity, hardness, TAN, TN, TP, CODMn and BOD5) increased gradually, while the growth and Pearl yield of Hyriopsis cumingii decreased gradually. The environmental factors affecting the growth of grass carp, crucian carp, silver carp and bighead carp were mainly the biomass of cyanobacteria, phytoplankton diversity index, alkalinity and TAN. seasonal changes to the culture environment. The effect of Hyriopsis cumingii is greater than that of mussel density change. The results show that mussel can improve fish production and resource utilization to a certain extent, and improve phytoplankton community structure, function and hydrochemical index. The effect of Hyriopsis cumingii is closely related to the stocking density of Hyriopsis cumingii. To alleviate the eutrophication process in the mixed system, but not to balance its harm. Therefore, new technologies need to be developed to further reduce the culture waste in the system. (5) two species of mussel density (5 intercalated mussels, VS 5 intercalated +55 non intercalated mussels) and two species of tilapia were tested through the 90 d septum test. The effects of grass carp, carp, carp, carp and Bighead Carp mixed system on the production performance and water quality. The results showed that the tilapia significantly increased the fish production and the concentration of TAN, CODMn and BOD5 in the water body, and significantly reduced the weight gain and FCR (P0.05) of the individual Hyriopsis Hyriopsis cumingii. Its function reduces N, P and organic matter in water, while tilapia decreases the growth of other fishes and Hyriopsis cumingii, pearl yield, diversity and function of phytoplankton community. The results show that increasing the density of Hyriopsis cumingii can improve fish production performance and culture environment to a certain extent, and the addition of tilapia significantly promotes fish production and nutrition. Use efficiency, but limit the growth and Pearl yield of other fishes and lead to the deterioration of the culture environment. Therefore, the stocking density should be controlled in the fish mixed ponds. (6) the fish mixed system is constructed with grass carp, crucian carp, silver carp and bighead carp, and the microbiological products (added or not added) and Hyriopsis cumingii (suspended or not suspended) are tested by the 60 d enclosure experiment. The results showed that the comprehensive effects of Hyriopsis cumingii and carp + carp + bighead carp + bighead carp + Hyriopsis cumingii could significantly improve the production of fish (P0.05). The two can promote the growth of fish, increase the production of fish and reduce the FCR and maintain the diversity of phytoplankton. The growth of cyanobacteria, the increase of primary productivity, the turbidity of the water and the concentration of PO4-P, TN, CODMn and BOD5 (P0.05). The results showed that the addition of Hyriopsis cumingii and microorganism in the grass carp, carp, silver carp and Bighead Carp mixed system could improve the production performance and improve the water quality to a certain extent, and the synergistic effect of the two were better. Therefore, the increase of the synergistic effect could be considered. (7) the effects of different bait fish density and microbial products on the production performance and water quality of mussel integrated aquaculture system were tested by the 93 D enclosure experiment. The density of the bait fish (grass carp: Carassius auratus =2:1) was set up to 20 grass carp +10 crucian carp or 40 grass carp +20 crucian carp, and the microbial products (commercial products) EM bacteria were added or not added. 20 mussels and 20 non intercalating mussels were raised in each enclosure. It was found that increasing the density of the bait fish significantly reduced the growth of grass carp, SD and N/P (P0.05), and decreased the growth of mussels, pearl yield and nutrient utilization efficiency (P0.05), and significantly increased NO2-N, PO4-P, TN, TP, TOC, CODMn, BOD5, phytoplankton. Biomass and cyanobacteria ratio (P0.05), relative increase of fish yield (P0.05).EM bacteria significantly inhibited the growth of mussel (P0.05), relative decrease of Pearl yield and TAN, TOC, CODMn, BOD5, phytoplankton biomass and cyanobacteria ratio, promote the growth of grass carp and crucian carp, fish yield and utilization efficiency (P0.05). .SD, NO2-N and TOC are the main environmental factors affecting the growth of fish and mussels. The results show that increasing the density of bait fish will damage the Pearl yield and accelerate the process of water eutrophication, while adding EM bacteria can not balance the Pearl yield and water quality caused by the increase of the density of grass carp and Carassius auratus. The growth of EM bacteria is unfavorable to the growth of Hyriopsis cumingii. Therefore, it is prudent to increase the density of bait fish and add EM bacteria to the integrated aquaculture system of Hyriopsis cumingii and grass carp, crucian carp, carp and bighead carp. (8) it is speculated that the failure of EM bacteria in the experiment (7) is related to the unaeration in the process of testing. The test of 93 D septum is not necessary. The effects of the density and aeration of the same bait fish on the production performance and water quality of the microorganism products (commercial EM bacteria). Two kinds of grass carp and crucian carp stocking density (20 grass carp and 10 crucian carp VS 40 grass carp and 20 crucian carp) and two aeration measures (aeration VS non aeration). And 20 non intercalated mussel, 8 silver carp and 2 bighead carp. Commercial EM bacteria were regularly added to each septum. The results showed that the increase of grass carp and crucian carp density significantly reduced the weight gain of grass carp, increased the respiration of the phytoplankton community, increased TOC, total carbon (TC), TN, TP, N/P, CODMn and BOD5 concentration (P0.05). Aeration was relatively improved in fish production and nutrient utilization efficiency and reduced TN and TP in water bodies. CODMn and BOD5 concentration (P0.05). The results showed that in the integrated culture system of Hyriopsis cumingii and grass carp, crucian carp, silver carp and bighead carp, the production performance and water quality of low density bait fish were better. Aeration could improve the use effect of microbial products. (9) different microbial products (nobbi clean water agent, medium water brand compound) were tested by the 31d tank experiment. The effects of bacteria and EM bacteria on the growth and water quality of fish in the mixed system of grass carp, crucian carp and silver carp were treated by 4 treatments: Gagano green water purifying agent (NO), adding medium water brand compound bacteria (PB), adding EM bacteria (EM) and blank control group (BL). There were no significant effects on fish survival, weight gain, feed utilization, SD, SD, hydrochemical indexes (DO, pH, NH3-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, PO4-P, TN, TP, CODMn) and phytoplankton indicators (species composition, biomass, Chl a concentration and diversity index). This study indicated that the addition of microbial products to grass carp, crucian carp and silver carp in the short term (31) The results showed that: (1) fish mixed ponds could provide sufficient nutritional support for Hyriopsis cumingii; (2) the suspension culture of Hyriopsis cumingii was beneficial to improving the economic and ecological benefits of the fish mixed culture system, and the improvement effect was related to the stocking density of Hyriopsis cumingii. (3) the cultivation of tilapia in the integrated aquaculture system can increase fish production, reduce the growth of other fishes and mussels and deteriorate the culture environment. (4) the use of commercial microorganisms in the comprehensive culture of mussels can improve fish production performance and aquaculture to a certain extent, but it can not solve fish culture. In addition, the use of microbial products is not conducive to the growth of Hyriopsis cumingii; (5) aeration can be used.




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