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发布时间:2018-06-21 08:52

  本文选题:桑椹 + 菌核病 ; 参考:《江苏科技大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:桑椹(或者桑葚)又叫桑果、桑枣,是桑树的成熟果实,桑椹属于浆果类,生物活性物质含量丰富,营养价值高,被誉为“21世纪最佳的保健果品”之一。采前桑椹菌核病和采后果实腐生性病害是影响桑椹产量和品质重要原因之一,目前果桑品种选育也是桑树新品种选育的热点,因此本文主要对桑椹病原真菌的分离鉴定,生防微生物对桑椹保鲜及品质影响等桑椹防腐技术,以及桑椹果用性状分子标记进行了研究:从桑园采集的桑椹菌核病菌核在土壤中培养产生三种不同形状的子实体,将不同形状的子实体分离体通过真菌ITS1/ITS4引物扩增测序,鉴定为桑实杯盘菌(Ciboria shiraiana),核地杖菌(Scleromitrula shiraiana)和肉阜状杯盘菌(Ciboria carunculoides strain);从采后腐烂桑椹上分离获得三株桑椹致腐性真菌,分别是葡萄孢属(Botrytis spp)霉菌,匐枝根霉(Rhizopus stolonifer spp.)菌和毛霉属(Mucor spp.)霉菌;研究了TR16、TR66和BS对桑椹致腐菌具有拮抗活性,结果表明TR16和TR66比桑椹致腐菌空间定殖能力"g50%,对峙培养对致腐菌菌丝生长抑制率为60%-80%;研究了TR16,TR66和BS的发酵滤液和孢子悬液采后处理对桑椹品质的影响,结果表明壳聚糖处理桑椹后显著性抑制采后水果腐烂率、失重率、可溶性固形物和抗坏血酸含量的损失,花青素,黄酮,总酚抗氧化物质的含量和抗氧化活性比对照组显著性的提高。以中桑5801为材料,研究了生防菌木霉对桑椹菌核病的防控效果:从桑椹菌核病发病桑园桑树根围土壤中分离得到48株木霉,经鉴定分属于木霉组、厚基孢组、长枝组和肉座组;通过对峙培养法从48株木霉中筛选出20株对桑椹菌核病病原菌具有较强空间竞争能力的菌株;采用玻璃纸法研究这20株木霉菌株的代谢物质对桑椹菌核病病原菌生长的抑制作用;从中筛选出3株不同种、拮抗潜能最好的木霉菌株进行桑椹菌核病田间防效试验,发现Tr16、Tr50木霉发酵液对桑椹菌核病的防控作用较好;在桑椹采前喷施壳聚糖(CTS)、冠菌素(COR)、桑黄多糖、木霉发酵液等诱导子,发现4种诱导子处理对桑椹果实酚类和黄酮含量的积累有一定影响,而对总糖的含量影响不大,4种诱导子对桑椹总多酚的效果为Tr16发酵原液0.5 g/L CTS0.01μmol/L COR0.1 g/L桑黄多糖CK,4种诱导子对桑椹总黄酮的效果为Tr16发酵原液0.1g/L CTS0.01μmol/L COR0.1 g/L桑黄多糖;利用4种外源诱导子处理新鲜桑椹,研究其对果实贮藏品质的影响,结果表明:Tr16木霉发酵原液、0.1 g/L壳聚糖处理,0.001μmol/L冠菌素处理能够很好的保持桑椹果实的糖含量而桑黄多糖对桑椹糖含量的保持较短,木霉发酵液稀释10倍和原液处理、0.1g/L壳聚糖处理、冠菌素处理能够较好的保持总黄酮含量。利用丰富的果桑资源,构建了93份果桑资源ISSR分子指纹图谱,分析了果桑资源的遗传多样性及亲缘关系;利用TASSEL软件中的混合线性模型(MLM),进行标记和性状的关联分析,在p0.01的情况下,共有24个位点与4个果用性状性状相关联,表型变异解释率7.24%-28.56%。
[Abstract]:Mulberry (or Sang Shen), also called mulberry fruit, mulberry jujube, is a mature fruit of mulberry. Mulberry is a berry, rich in bioactive substance and high in nutritive value. It is known as one of the best health fruit in twenty-first Century. Variety breeding is also a hot spot in the selection and breeding of mulberry new varieties. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the isolation and identification of mulberry pathogenic fungi, the effects of biocontrol microbes on the preservation of mulberry fruit and the quality of mulberry fruit, as well as the molecular markers of mulberry fruit characters. Three different kinds of mulberry sclerotia are cultured in the soil. The fruiting bodies of different shapes were amplified and sequenced by ITS1/ITS4 primers of different shapes, identified as Ciboria shiraiana, Scleromitrula shiraiana and Ciboria carunculoides strain, and three rot fungi were isolated from postharvest morula, respectively. It is Botrytis spp fungi, Rhizopus stolonifer spp. bacteria and Mucor (Mucor spp.) fungi, and the antagonistic activity of TR16, TR66 and BS to morula rot fungus is studied. The effect of R16, TR66 and BS on the quality of mulberry fruit after the fermentation filtrate and spore suspension treatment, the results showed that after the mulberry treated with chitosan, the fruit decay rate, the weight loss rate, the loss of soluble solid and ascorbic acid content, the content of anthocyanins, flavonoids, total phenol antioxygenates and antioxidant activity were significantly higher than those of the control group. The prevention and control effect of Trichoderma Morus on Mulberry sclerotinia disease was studied with Chinese mulberry 5801 as the material. 48 strains of Trichoderma were isolated from mulberry root surrounding soil of mulberry Sclerotinia Sclerotinia, which were classified into Trichoderma, cyclosporin, long branch and meat group, and 20 strains of mulberry Sclerotinia were screened from 48 strains of Trichoderma from 48 strains of Trichoderma. The pathogenic bacteria had strong spatial competition ability, and the inhibitory effect of the metabolic substances of these 20 strains of Trichoderma strains on the growth of the pathogen of mulberry Sclerotinia was studied by using glass paper method. 3 different species were screened out, and the best Trichoderma strains with the best antagonistic potential were tested in the field test of mulberry sclerotinia disease, and Tr16, Tr50 Trichoderma fermentation broth was found on mulberry fruit. The prevention and control effect of Sclerotinia Sclerotinia was better. Spraying chitosan (CTS), cororycin (COR), mulberry polysaccharide and Trichoderma fermentation broth before mulberry extraction found that the 4 inducers had a certain influence on the accumulation of phenols and flavonoids in mulberry fruit, while the content of total sugar had little effect, and the effect of 4 inducers on Mulberry total polyphenols was Tr16 fermenting. Liquid 0.5 g/L CTS0.01 mol/L COR0.1 g/L mulberry polysaccharide CK, the effect of 4 inducers on Mulberry total flavonoids was 0.1g/L CTS0.01 micron mol/L COR0.1 g/L mulberry polysaccharide in Tr16 fermentation liquid, and 4 kinds of exogenous inducers were used to treat fresh mulberry, and the effect on the storage quality of fruit was studied. The results showed that the fermentation liquid of Trichoderma Trichoderma, 0.1 chitosan treatment, 0 .001 mu mol/L coruycin treatment could maintain the sugar content of mulberry fruit well while mulberry sugar content was kept short, the dilution of Trichoderma mulberry was 10 times diluted and the original solution treatment, 0.1g/L chitosan treatment, and corycine treatment could maintain the total flavonoids content. Using rich fruit mulberry resources, 93 fruit mulberry resources were constructed. The genetic diversity and genetic relationship of fruit mulberry resources were analyzed by subfingerprinting. The correlation analysis of markers and characters was carried out by the mixed linear model (MLM) in TASSEL software. In the case of P0.01, a total of 24 loci were associated with 4 fruit character traits, and the phenotypic variation interpretation rate was 7.24%-28.56%.


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