[Abstract]:Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food for more than half of the world's population. Nilaparvata lugens St? L (BPH) is one of the most serious insect pests in rice. The most economical and environmentally friendly strategy for controlling the brown planthopper is to use rice resistance gene to breed the insect resistant varieties. At present, 30 resistant genes have been reported in rice, of which 7 have been cloned. However, there are fewer genes used in breeding, and most of the genes are identified in different genetic backgrounds, and their effects and breeding prospects are difficult to be accurately evaluated. Therefore, in this study, we have exploited the new resistance gene by using the method of map cloning and constructed the marker-assisted selection, MAS body by molecular marker. The near isogenic line (near-isogenic line, NIL) of 13 resistant genes which have been located or cloned by predecessors in the 9311 background were constructed, and the effects of these resistance genes were accurately distinguished and evaluated by combining with the genotypes and resistant phenotype. The main results are as follows: the molecular linkage analysis of the use of molecular markers, we are in the susceptible variety 9311. In the F2:3 population derived from AUS69 hybrid, two main effects QTL were located, and they were temporarily named Bph30 and Bph31., respectively, between J63 and RM252 on chromosome fourth and eleventh chromosome short arm markers RM536 and RM1355 respectively, the additive effects were 1.56 and 1.14 respectively, LOD values were 9.46 and 6.18, respectively. The variant was 11.65% and 5.95%. through the screening of the recombinant single plant and its genotype and phenotype analysis. We finally located Bph31 between marker 11-165 and In88 (400 KB). We found two curl helix (coiled-coil, CC), nucleotide binding site (nucleotide-bingdin) through the reference sequence of the gene annotation in this section of Japan. G site, NBS), leucine repeat (leucine-rich repeat, LRR) (CC-NBS-LRR) genes, named LRR1 and LRR2., respectively, we sequenced and compared the difference between the two parents 9311 and AUS69 in these two genes, but only measured the front part of the LRR1 and the full length gene. The sequence of amino acids found that the two genes had a large variation between two varieties. The results showed that LRR1 and LRR2 might play a role in the resistance of AUS69, but there was still to be verified by genetic transformation. Using MAS and backcross breeding techniques, we originated 13 brown planthopper resistance genes, such as RH (Bph3), from 9 donors. And Bph17), B5 (Bph14 and Bph15), IR54751-1-2-44 (QBph3 and QBph4), IR65482-4-136 (Bph10), IR71033-121 (Bph20 and Bph21), respectively, through forward selection, reverse selection and background screening of the chip, we finally get 13 9311 backgrounds. NILs. we examined the nectar secretion and survival rate of the 13 NILs seedlings on the NILs, and the results showed that the resistance gene was significantly increased by the resistance gene, and the honeydew secretion and survival rate of the brown planthopper were reduced. In the seedling resistance, the two families of Bph24-NIL and Bph6-NIL were highly resistant and resistant to high resistance. The sex levels were 1.31 and 1.96, followed by the resistant families Bph3-NIL, QBph3-NIL, Bph15-NIL, Bph9-NIL and QBph4-NIL, and the resistance grades were 2.34,2.09,2.38,2.42 and 2.49, and the secondary resistant families were Bph17-NIL, Bph20-NIL and Bph14-NIL, the resistance grade was divided into 2.74,3.16 and 3.37, and the last was the median sense of family Bph10. The resistance genes on chromosome fourth (QBph4, Bph17, Bph15, Bph20, Bph24 and Bph6) were generally more resistant than the resistance genes on chromosome twelfth (QBph4, Bph17, Bph15, Bph20, Bph24 and Bph6) on chromosome fourth. The resistance genes on chromosome twelfth were more resistant to the 9311 background. The secretion of honeydew from the brown planthopper after feeding. The trend of the quantity and survival rate is basically consistent with the resistance of the seedling stage. There are three gene clusters in the 13 resistant genes used in this study, of which the cloned genes are Bph14, Bph17, Bph18, and Bph26., according to the sequence, the.Bph10 and Bph21 encoded amino acid sequences of the different alleles of Bph18 and Bph26 are exactly the same as Bph26.Bph9 and Bph26. The amino acid sequences of different.QBph3 encoded amino acids with some amino acids in the first and second exons are distinctly different from that of Bph14. They have a lot of amino acids in the LRR region and the amino acid sequences encoded by a lot of amino acids are exactly the same as Bph17, while the amino acid sequences encoded by QBph4, Bph20 and Bph24 have some amino acids compared to Bph17. Based on the comparison of the phenotypic and amino acid sequences of different genes NILs in the above gene cluster, we speculate that Bph10, Bph21 and Bph26, Bph15 and Bph17 may be the same genes; QBph3 and Bph14, QBph4 and Bph20 may be different alleles; Bph9, Bph18 and may be complex alleles, and may be different genes.
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