[Abstract]:Iris L. is one of the most species of all genera of the family irisfamily (Iridaceae). According to the statistics, there are more than 300 species of iris. The climate zone of the genus Iris is mainly in the north temperate zone, which is distributed in Asia, Europe and North America. China is also one of the distribution centers of the Iris plants. There are 64 species, 13 varieties, and 1 subspecies and 6 variants. Iris is a perennial herb with rich color (monochromatic color) and one of the most famous perennial flowers in the world. With the increase of Iris plants, the genetic background of iris is more complex. In this study, the genetic diversity and relationship of 38 species of Iris species and species were evaluated by two molecular markers combined with morphological markers combined with ISSR and SRAP. In addition, the physiological responses and molecular machines under drought stress were measured in combination with the production and application of Iris plants. The system of heat resistance and drought resistance evaluation of Iris plants was established, and the heat resistance and drought resistance of the experimental materials were evaluated. The main results of this study were as follows: 1, the variation coefficient of the 29 phenotypic characters observed in iris was large. The principal component analysis of phenotypic traits was based on the first classification of phenotypic traits. First, the classification of flower organs should be considered, followed by the classification of the plant type, the growth of the vegetative organs and the appendages on the petals. The results of the principal component analysis also reflect that the concentration of the principal component contribution rate of the phenotypic traits is not obvious, and the cumulative contribution rate of the phenotypic traits is slow. Because of the more scattered reasons, the characters of the characters belong to multiple categories, which also shows that the diversity of the phenotypic traits of the iris is very obvious. This is the main reason for the existence of.2, ISSR and SRAP, which are all two of the polymorphic bands of 100%, but the number of bands detected by SRAP is higher than that of ISSR, and two methods are found. The PIC value of polymorphic content is 1. It shows that the genetic diversity of iris germplasm is large and has very high genetic diversity at the molecular level. In addition, the two molecular markers have high consistency in the genetic diversity analysis of Iris plants, and the method of combining ISSR and SRAP is better than single ISSR or SRAP molecular markers. The results of genetic diversity analysis of plants are more close to the results of phenotypic classification. The combination of two methods of ISSR and SRAP is used to cluster molecular markers, and the genetic distance matrix is used to test the correlation coefficient r=0.8052 by Mantel test. It can be seen that the results of the combination of the two methods are more reliable, and can also better reflect the remains of the iris plant. The transmission structure can provide reference for other 1ii related studies. A lot of previous studies have shown that there are some obstacles in the interspecific hybridization of iris, and the hybrid seed setting rate is very low or not strong. In this study, the genetic distance of the German iris' Gala Madrid 'and' Nibelungen 'in the beard kite is far from the other German iris varieties. The three types of molecular markers are all clustered with the beard iris. Therefore, it is presumed that these two kinds of iris are likely to have the genetic background of the beard irises. They can be used as the dominant parent of the hybrid irises between the irises and the bearded irises to carry out the germplasm innovation.4, and the contention of the subgenus of the coronal appendage of the chicken in the classification. According to this study, it supports the classification status of the subgenera according to the Rodionenko system. In addition, the three methods of halophilic iris in the genus Iris are clustered together with non appendage subgenera. It is obvious that it is not of great significance to make iris iris as a subgenus as a single subgenus. In addition, the subgenus of appendages, iris iris, Huang Changpu and Louisiana irises are separated into subgroups separately, and separate from other irises. According to their morphological differences, the subgenus of non appendages can be divided into several groups of.5, and different iris varieties (species) can determine partial oxidation under high temperature and drought stress. The physiological and biochemical indexes of enzymes and non enzyme active substances were evaluated by principal component analysis and membership function method respectively. The results showed that the 4 indexes of conductance damage rate (x1), chlorophyll (x3), soluble sugar (x4) and malondialdehyde (x5) were more related to the drought resistance of Iris Plants, SOD The 5 indexes of activity (x1), POD activity (x2), chlorophyll (x3), soluble protein (x4) and malondialdehyde (x5) were highly correlated with the heat tolerance of Iris plants. The optimum regression equation for drought resistance and heat tolerance evaluation of Iris plants was established by stepwise regression method combined with high correlation physiological and biochemical indexes. The optimal regression equation of drought resistance: D=-439.27+1.7 44x1+4.913x3+0.5822x4+2.6369x5, the optimum heat tolerance equation: the drought resistance of the 10 varieties (species) of D=29.667-0.208x1-2.502 x2+0.405x3-1.742 x4-0.036 x5., based on the optimum regression equation of drought resistance and heat resistance, is in sequence of "gold dolls", 'flute sound', 'soul blue bridge', German iris, flat bamboo orchid, and Siberia iris. Iris, 'Black Knight', Huang Changpu and flower calamus; the order of heat resistance from strong to weak: Flower calamus, Huang Changpu, iris, bamboo orchid, 'flute', 'Black Knight', 'soul blue bridge', 'gold doll', Siberia iris and German iris.6, respectively sifting from 4 German irises with a higher appreciation and German iris series. 2 relatively poor heat-resistant 'gold dolls' and German irises were treated by Ca Cl2, and 2 varieties with relatively good heat resistance were treated by Ca2+'s antagonist La Cl3. The result was that Ca2+ was used to regulate the heat resistance of iris under high temperature stress. The conclusion was that Ca Cl2 increased the high temperature obviously. The concentration of soluble protein in the gold dolls and the leaves of German iris may be related to the production of heat shock protein mediated by Ca2+ signal, which can keep the resistance to high temperature in a short time, but the time of high temperature stress exceeds its tolerance, while La Cl3 is a Ca2+ blocker to the flute and the sound of the flute. The heat resistance of the Black Knight leaves is significant. Therefore, it is speculated that the flute and the Black Knight rely on the Ca2+ signal to produce heat resistance.7. According to the conserved region of the heat shock factor gene of the gene bank model plant, the primer sequence is designed and the segments of the iris heat shock factor gene are obtained by PCR cloning, and the different iris are detected by real time fluorescence quantitative PCR The transcriptional level of heat shock factor gene in different temperature stress and high temperature stress time was observed. The results showed that the transcriptional level of the flute and the Black Knight heat shock factor was higher than that of the poor heat resistant gold dolls and German irises, and the Ca2+ signal was involved in the transcriptional expression of the heat shock factor of the leaves of the four irises Regulation and control.
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