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发布时间:2018-07-17 21:11
【摘要】:内蒙古河套灌区位于黄河中上游地区,是我国北方重要的粮食生产基地。玉米作为河套灌区重要的粮食作物之一,其种植面积比例占到14.5%。多年来,当地为追求高产而过量灌水并大量施用氮肥,导致水氮利用率低下,增产效益明显下降。由于不合理的水氮运筹模式而引发的一系列生态环境污染问题和资源浪费问题阻碍了河套灌区发展"环境友好型"和"资源节约型"农业生产的道路。因此制定合理的水氮运筹方案对河套灌区实现节水、节肥、高效、稳产和环保的最终目标具有重要意义。本研究连续两年在河套灌区开展田间试验,采用随机区组设计,共设置15个水氮运筹模式。探讨分析春玉米—土壤系统对不同水氮运筹模式的响应。运用DSSAT-CERES-Maize模型模拟不同水氮运筹模式下的可获得籽粒产量。最终确定出能够兼顾高产高效、环境友好和资源节约的最优水氮运筹模式。本试验主要研究成果如下:(1)各处理的干物质累积增量在春玉米全生育期内呈现出"S"型变化趋势。在春玉米抽雄-灌浆期达到最大。春玉米生育期内,其净光合速率、蒸腾速率、LAI和SPAD值均表现为先升高后降低的单峰变化趋势,峰值均出现在抽雄期。适宜的灌水定额及施氮量可显著提高春玉米叶片的净光合速率,同时可延长叶片的光合功能期。处理W2N3(灌水定额:750m3·hm-2,施氮量:240kg·hm-2)的水氮运筹模式有效缓解了 LAI和SPAD的下降速率,有利于提高光合性能、延缓叶片衰老,为春玉米高产提供保障。(2)2014和2015年各施氮处理的增产率随施氮量的增加而大幅提升(灌水定额一定);随灌水定额的增加而小幅降低(施氮量一定)。当灌水定额达到750m3·hm-2,施氮量达到240 kg·hm-2时,继续增加灌水量及施氮量,增产效果不显著。当灌水定额一定时,各水氮处理的水分利用效率和灌溉水利用效率均随施氮量的增加而有所提高;而当施氮量一定时,各水氮处理的水分利用效率和灌溉水利用效率随灌水定额的增加而有所降低。当灌水定额一定时,各水氮处理的氮肥利用率和氮肥偏生产力的整体变化趋势为随施氮量增加而降低;而当施氮量一定时,各水氮处理的氮肥利用率和氮肥偏生产力的整体变化趋势为随灌水定额的增加而提高。(3)各施氮处理在地下0-100 cm 土层内的土壤NO3--N累积量随灌水定额和施氮量的增加而递增。并且随着生育期的推进各土层内NO3--N有明显向下迁移迹象。地下0-80 cm 土层内,各施氮处理同一灌水定额下由施氮量的增大而引起的NO3--N累积量的增长幅度大于同一施氮量条件下由灌水定额的增大而引起的NO3--N累积量的增长幅度。同一灌水定额下,土壤NH4+-N累积量随施氮量增加而增大;同一施氮量水平下,不同灌水定额处理间的土壤NH4+-N累积量差异不明显。2014年各水氮处理地下0-100 cm 土层内土壤NO3--N累积量占无机氮累积量的81.54%~83.61%;2015年各水氮处理地下0-100 cm 土层内土壤NO3--N累积量占无机氮累积量的81.70%~85.86%。各水氮处理的土壤N03--N累积量均远远大于其土壤NH4+-N累积量。(4)0-40 cm 土层内,对比第一次灌水前后NO3--N浓度发现,随着施氮量的增加,W1水平下NO3--N浓度两年的平均增幅远低于W2和W3水平下NO3--N浓度两年的平均增幅。随着灌水定额的增加,N1、N2水平下的NO3--N浓度平均增幅远低于N3、N4水平下的NO3--N浓度平均增幅。与0-40 cm 土层内的各处理相比,40-80 cm 土层的各处理NO3--N浓度整体下降,但整个生育期内淋溶水中NO3--N浓度的变化趋势与0-40 cm埋深内相一致。80-120 cm 土层内,施氮量、灌水定额以及两者的交互作用对NO3--N淋失量的影响呈极显著。当灌水定额一定时,2014和2015两年的NO3--N淋失量随着施氮量增加而递增,淋失率随着施氮量的增加而而先增大后减小;当施氮量一定时,N03--N淋失量及淋失率均随着灌水定额的增加而增大。(5)2014和2015两年同一处理追肥后的氨挥发速率峰值均大于该处理施入基肥后的氨挥发速率峰值。追肥后氨挥发速率峰值比施入基肥后的氨挥发速率峰值分别高出63.31%和62.06%。施氮量、灌水定额以及两者的交互作用均对NH3-N损失量具有极显著影响。三者对田间土壤氨挥发损失量的影响表现为施氮量灌水定额两者的交互作用。2014和2015两年各施氮处理施入基肥后平均氨挥发损失量为5.71~13.95 kg·hm-2。2014、2015两年各施氮处理追肥后平均氨挥发损失量为8.70~18.66 kg·hm-2。2014年各施氮处理氨挥发总损失量为13.90~32.21 kg·hm-2。2015年各施氮处理氨挥发总损失量为15.45~32.99 kg·hm-2。(6)DSSAT-CERES-Maize模型对春玉米物候期、最终地上部生物量及籽粒产量的模拟结果精度较高。DSSAT-CERES-Maize模型对土壤水分含量的模拟效果良好,各处理土壤体积含水率的模拟曲线与实测值的变化趋势一致。随着灌水定额的提高,模型对土壤水分的模拟更加精确。DSSAT-CERES-Maize模型对地上部生物量及LAI动态变化的模拟精度相对较低。对可获得籽粒产量进行敏感性分析可知,当灌水定额达到85mm或施氮量达到280kg·hm-2后,可获得籽粒产量不再随二者的增大而增加。(7)综合各水氮运筹模式下春玉米—土壤系统内各项指标的实测数据,处理W2N3(施氮量为240 kg·hm-2;灌水定额为750 m3·hm-2)在节水、节肥、稳产的情况下,能够保持较高的水氮利用率,同时对地下水及大气造成的氮污染程度较低,故处理W2N3是试验区内能够兼顾高产高效、环境友好和资源节约的最优水氮运筹模式。DSSAT-CERES-Maize模型筛选出的最优水氮运筹模式是施氮量为280 kg·hm-2,灌水定额为85 mm。
[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia Hetao irrigation area, located in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, is an important grain production base in the north of China. Corn is one of the important grain crops in the Hetao irrigation area. The proportion of the planting area accounts for more than 14.5%. years. In order to pursue high yield and excessive irrigation and apply a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer, the utilization rate of water and nitrogen is low and the benefit of increasing yield is obviously decreased. A series of problems of ecological environment pollution and resource waste caused by unreasonable water and nitrogen operation model have hindered the development of "environment-friendly" and "resource saving" agricultural production in Hetao irrigation area. Therefore, a reasonable water and nitrogen planning scheme is established for the ultimate goal of water saving, fertilizer saving, high efficiency, stable production and environmental protection in Hetao irrigation area. It is of great significance. This study carried out field trials in Hetao irrigation area for two years. A total of 15 modes of water and nitrogen operation were set up by random zone design. The response of the spring maize soil system to different water and nitrogen operation models was discussed and analyzed. The DSSAT-CERES-Maize model was used to simulate the grain yield under different water and nitrogen operation models. The main research results of this experiment are as follows: (1) the cumulative increment of dry matter in each treatment has a "S" change trend during the whole growth period of spring maize. The value of LAI and SPAD showed a trend of single peak change at first and then decreased, and the peak value appeared at the stage of male pumping. The suitable irrigation quota and nitrogen application could significantly increase the net photosynthetic rate of spring maize leaves and prolong the photosynthetic function period of leaves. The water and nitrogen operations of treating W2N3 (irrigation quota: 750m3. Hm-2, nitrogen application: 240kg. Hm-2) The model effectively alleviated the decline rate of LAI and SPAD, improved photosynthetic performance, delayed leaf senescence, and provided a guarantee for high yield of spring maize. (2) the increase rate of nitrogen treatment in 2014 and 2015 increased significantly with the increase of nitrogen application (irrigation quota); with the increase of irrigation quota, a small decrease (nitrogen application amount). When the amount of nitrogen was reached to 240 kg. Hm-2, the amount of irrigation and nitrogen application was increased. When the irrigation quota was fixed, the water use efficiency and irrigation efficiency of each water and nitrogen treatment increased with the increase of nitrogen application, while the water use efficiency and irrigation of each water and nitrogen treatment when the amount of nitrogen was fixed. Water utilization efficiency decreased with the increase of irrigation quota. When the irrigation quota was fixed, the overall change trend of nitrogen use efficiency and partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer decreased with the increase of nitrogen application. The increase of the water quota. (3) the accumulation of NO3--N in the soil in the subsurface soil layer increased with the increase of the irrigation quota and the amount of nitrogen, and the NO3--N in each soil layer was obviously downward moving with the growth period. In the 0-80 cm soil layer, the amount of nitrogen applied under the same irrigation quota increased from the amount of nitrogen application. The increase in the accumulation of large NO3--N is greater than that caused by the increase of the amount of NO3--N under the same amount of nitrogen application. Under the same irrigation quota, the accumulation of NH4+-N in the soil increases with the increase of nitrogen application. Under the same nitrogen application level, the accumulation of NH4+-N in the soil between different irrigation quota treatments is not different. The soil NO3--N accumulation in the 0-100 cm soil layer was 81.54% ~ 83.61% of the accumulation of inorganic nitrogen in the 0-100 cm soil layer of each water and nitrogen treatment in the year of.2014. In 2015, the accumulation of soil NO3--N accumulated in the 0-100 cm soil layer of each water and nitrogen treatment was 81.70% ~ 85.86%. and the soil N03--N accumulated amount was far greater than the NH4+-N accumulation in the soil. (4) in 0-40 cm soil layer, compared with the concentration of NO3--N before and after the first irrigation, the average increase of NO3--N concentration at W1 level was much lower than that of NO3--N at W2 and W3 levels with the increase of nitrogen application. With the increase of the irrigation quota, the average increase of NO3--N concentration at N1 and N2 levels was far lower than that under N3, N4 level. Compared with each treatment in the 0-40 cm soil layer, the concentration of NO3--N in the 40-80 cm soil layer decreased as a whole, but the change trend of the NO3--N concentration in the leaching water throughout the whole growth period was in the same.80-120 cm soil layer as the 0-40 cm embedded depth. The effect of nitrogen application, irrigation quota and the interaction of the two groups on the loss of NO3--N Extremely significant. When the irrigation quota is fixed, the NO3--N leaching loss of the 2014 and 2015 years increases with the increase of nitrogen application, and the leaching rate increases first and then decreases with the increase of nitrogen application. When the amount of nitrogen is fixed, the N03--N leaching loss and the leaching loss increase with the increase of the irrigation quota. (5) the same ammonia volatilization after the same treatment in 2014 and 2015 years. The peak value of the hair rate was greater than that after the treatment was applied to the base fertilizer. The peak value of ammonia volatilization was 63.31% and 62.06%. nitrogen rate higher than that of the base fertilizer, and the irrigation quota and the interaction of the two had a significant effect on the loss of NH3-N. The average ammonia volatilization loss was 5.71 ~ 13.95 kg. Hm-2.20142015 after application of nitrogen treatment to base fertilizer in 2015 years. The average ammonia volatilization loss was 8.70 ~ 18.66 kg. Hm-2.2014. The total loss of ammonia volatilization was 13. The total volatilization loss of ammonia volatilization from.90 to 32.21 kg hm-2.2015 was 15.45 ~ 32.99 kg. Hm-2. (6) DSSAT-CERES-Maize model for spring maize phenology. The final precision of the simulation results of the final biomass and grain yield was higher, and the simulation effect of.DSSAT-CERES-Maize model on soil moisture content was good, and the soil volume water content was treated by each treatment. With the increase of the irrigation quota, the simulation accuracy of the model for soil moisture is more accurate with the increase of the irrigation quota. The simulation precision of the.DSSAT-CERES-Maize model for the biomass and the dynamic changes of LAI is relatively low. The sensitivity analysis of the grain yield can be found that the irrigation quota reaches 85mm or nitrogen application. After the amount of 280kg. Hm-2, the grain yield can no longer increase with the increase of the two. (7) the measured data of various indexes in the spring maize soil system under the mode of water and nitrogen operation, and the treatment of W2N3 (nitrogen application amount 240 kg. Hm-2; irrigation quota of 750 M3. Hm-2) can maintain high water and nitrogen benefits under water saving, fertilizer saving and stable yield. At the same time, the degree of nitrogen pollution caused by the groundwater and the atmosphere is low, so the treatment W2N3 is the optimal water nitrogen mode selected by the optimal water nitrogen model.DSSAT-CERES-Maize model which can give consideration to high yield and high efficiency, environment friendly and resource conservation in the experimental area. The nitrogen application amount is 280 kg. Hm-2 and the irrigation quota is 85 mm..




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