[Abstract]:Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a highly contagious disease caused by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) caused by the reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and the dyspnea of piglets. At present, PRRS is a global epidemic, which not only causes huge economic losses to the pig industry, but also seriously endangering pigs. The healthy development of.PRRSV is capable of successfully infecting the host and forming persistent infection, because PRRSV can inhibit or escape from the host's innate and acquired immune systems, especially the PRRSV that inhibits the production of Type I IFNs, IFN-I, and therefore studies the mechanism of PRRSV immunosuppression and persistent infection. It will provide a theoretical basis for PRRS prevention and control..MicroRNAs (miRNAs) is a non coding small RNA of a class of post transcriptional gene expression. A large number of studies have shown that miRNA affects virus replication by targeting the virus genome or regulating the host virus response, which has shown that the imbalance of the host miRNA expression spectrum may be immune to the immunity caused by PRRSV. Inhibition is associated with persistent infection, however, it is not clear how PRRSV regulates the host miRNA expression and the mechanism of host miRNA to help virus replication. Therefore, this study first uses RNA high throughput sequencing technology (RNA-Seq) to find that PRRSV infection significantly changes the miRNA expression profile of MARC-145 cells, in which the expression of miR-373 is measured. The further fluorescence quantitative PCR (Q RT-PCR) method confirms that PRRSV infection obviously up-regulated the expression of miR-373 in MARC-145 cells. Then, how does PRRSV increase the expression of miR-373 and what is the effect of miR-373 on PRRSV replication and what is its mechanism? This article has carried out a detailed study of the above scientific problems. The results are as follows: PRRSV promotes miR-373 transcriptional.MiR-373 promoter truncation by up regulation of the expression of Sp1. Bioinformatics analysis and mutation experiments of promoter sequences show that Sp1 (specificity protein 1, Sp1) is an important transcription factor of the miR-373 gene, and EMSA and Ch Ip confirm that it can be directly associated with the promoter. It was found that after PRRSV infection of MARC-145 cells, Sp1 was obviously up-regulated, while Sp1 Si RNA could obviously inhibit the up-regulated expression of PRRSV to miR-373. On the contrary, the overexpression of Sp1 contributed to the up regulation of miR-373 expression by PRRSV, which indicates that PRRSV can promote the transcription by up regulation of the expression. It is found that the non structural protein Nsp9 and structural protein N of PRRSV can obviously increase the activity and expression of miR-373 promoter, and Nsp9 and N protein can also promote the expression of Sp1, which indicates that PRRSV increases Sp1 expression through Nsp9 and N proteins and promotes the replication of miR-373 transcriptional transcription through negative regulation of the signaling pathway. 3 simulants and inhibitor transfection experiments showed that the PRRSV load of MARC-145 cells and PAMs transfected with miR-373 mimics increased significantly, while miR-373 inhibitors significantly inhibited PRRSV replication, which indicated that miR-373 could promote PRRSV replication. Further studies found that Sp1 could significantly promote PRRSV replication, and this promotion is dependent on miR-37. The results of the screening and identification of the target gene for the expression of.MiR-373 show that NFIA, NFIB, IRAK1, IRAK4, IRF1 and IRF9 are the target genes of miR-373, and as IRAK1, IRAK4, and IRF1 are the essential signaling proteins involved in the production of IFN-I, and further research shows that it can inhibit the production of the beta. Key molecules NFIA, NFIB, IRAK1, IRAK4, IRF1 and IRF9 inhibit the IFN-I signal transduction pathway, thus promoting PRRSV replication.NFIA and NFIB to promote IFN-I production and inhibition of PRRSV replication. Level, which indicates that NFIA and NFIB may regulate the activity and expression of IFN- beta promoter. Subsequent EMSA and Ch IP results indicate that NFIA/NFIB can be combined with IFN- beta promoter. The above results suggest that NFIA and NFIB may be the transcription factors of IFN- beta which can regulate the transcriptional expression of IFN- beta. The downregulation of NFIA and NFIB can promote the replication of PRRSV, which indicates that NFIA and NFIB are antiviral proteins that can inhibit PRRSV replication. This study first found that NFIA and NFIB can inhibit the replication of RNA virus (PRRSV). And NFIB can regulate the production of IFN-I and antagonize the replication of PRRSV. The results of this study have important reference significance for elucidating the mechanism of PRRSV induced immunosuppression and persistent infection, and also provide new targets for the prevention and control of PRRS.
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