[Abstract]:After long evolution, plants and endophytes have formed a harmonious symbiotic relationship with each other. Plants provide nutrients for endophytes; endophytes promote the growth and development of host plants in different ways and enhance the resistance to stress of host plants. Sichuan Aba state has a unique climate and ecological environment, and grows a variety of medicinal herbs. Plants have provided abundant resources for the exploration of endophytic actinomycetes. In this study, 10 kinds of isolation medium were selected to separate 737 Endophytic Actinomycetes from 36 wild medicinal plants in Aba region. The results showed that in the 10 separate medium, the isolation effect of histidine culture medium was the best, and the culture of glucosamine asparagine was the best medium. The number of actinomycetes isolated from different parts of the medicinal plants is different, the root distribution is the most, 37% of the total, followed by leaves and stems, accounting for 29% and 27% of the total, the rest of the total, such as flowers and fruits, accounting for less than 10%. from the 737 endogenic Actinomycetes, through flat confrontation and growth rate method. In addition, 3 strains of endophytic actinomycetes, which could inhibit the activity of blast fungus and promote the dual power of plant growth, were screened out, and 3 strains of endophytic actinomycetes, which could inhibit the activity of blast fungus and promote the dual power of plant growth, were screened. The strain 3-17 was identified as Streptomyces exfoliates, the strain 3-17 was identified as Streptomyces exfoliates, and the strain 4-21 was identified as the endophytic actinomycetes, including the strain 3-17,4-21,4-70, including the strain 3-17,4-21,4-70, which was identified as Streptomyces albidoflavus: strain 4-70, which was selected as Streptomyces albus.. The screening of the functional gene of type I polyketone synthase PKS I, type II polyketone synthase PKS II and non ribosomal peptide synthetase NRPS found that 31 of the 55 strain strains contained PKS functional gene fragments; 15 strains contained PKS II functional gene fragments; 18 strains contained NRPS functional segments, and almost all belonged to Streptomyces. The endophytic actinomycetes, which can inhibit the pathogen of rice blast, have the potential to synthesize polyketones and non ribosomal peptides. The homology of the PKS I amino acid sequence of the unknown metabolites of strain 4-70 and Streptomyces sp.KE1 is 100%, indicating that the strain has the ability to produce polyketo compounds and may be combined with non aromatic cyclic polyketones. By microscopic observation and hydrolase activity detection, it was found that endophytic actinomycetes 3-17,4-21,4-70 inhibited rice blast by secreting the synergistic mechanism of extracellular hydrolase and growth competition. The actinomycete 3-17,4-21,4-70 acellular fermentation broth of Endophytic Actinomycetes not only had a good inhibitory effect on the rice blast fungus, but also the inhibitory effect of the endophytic actinomycetes not only on the rice blast fungus. The spore germination and sprout elongation of rice blast also had a significant inhibitory effect. According to the results, we speculated that the strain 3-17,4-21 could also produce bacteriostasis, but the species and synthetic ways of the bacteriostat were still to be further studied. After using the endophytic actinomycete 3-17,4-21,4-70 spore suspension to pretreat rice, then inoculate the rice blast. The results showed that the number and diameter of leaf spot and diameter decreased significantly after the treatment of endophytic actinomycetes, and could significantly inhibit the occurrence of rice blast. The activity of defense enzyme in rice leaves was measured, and the activity of PAL, POD and LOX in the 3-17,4-21,4-70 treatment group was higher than that of the control group. The activity of PPO in the strain 3-17,4-21 treatment group was higher than that of the control group, but the strain 4-70 treatment did not significantly increase the activity of PPO in rice; the activity of AOS in the strain 3-17 treatment group was higher than that of the control group, but the activity of AOS in the strain 4-21,4-70 treatment group was not much even lower than that of the control group. The endogenous actinomycetes 3-17,4-21,4-70 spores were used to fill the root preconditioning group. After rice treatment, rice blast fungus was inoculated, and the expression of key defense genes in salicylic acid and jasmonic acid / allene signal transduction pathway was observed by fluorescence quantitative PCR technique. The results showed that endophytic actinomycetes 3-17,4-21,4-70 were mainly induced by salicylic acid signal transduction pathway to enhance resistance to rice, thus preventing disease and promoting growth. Under the greenhouse cultivation conditions, the endophytic actinomycetes 3-17,4-21,4-70 root pretreated rice seedlings all showed a certain control effect on the rice blast. In the pot cultivation study, it was found that the endophytic actinomycetes could strengthen the root vigor of rice seedlings regardless of the inoculation of rice blast or not, but the endophytic actinomycetes were 3, but the endophytic actinomycetes were 3. -17,4-21,4-70 was pretreated separately, which resulted in the growth of the upper part of the rice seedlings and the growth of the root system. Among the strains 3-17 and 4-70, the chlorophyll content was increased and the photosynthesis of the plants was increased. The endophytic actinomycete 3-17,4-21,4-70 promoted the increase of the aboveground part of the rice seedlings and the roots developed, among which the bacteria were developed. Plant 4-21 increased chlorophyll content to promote photosynthesis. Endophytic actinomycetes 3-17,4-21,4-70 root pretreatment could promote the growth of rice. To sum up, the endophytic actinomycete 3-17,4-21,4-70 screened from aba medicinal plants was produced by producing different bacteriostasis; exsecreting extracellular hydrolase and growth competition were synergistic. The signal transduction pathway of salicylic acid in the main plant, enhancing the photosynthesis and root activity of the host plant and promoting the growth of the plant, is the four mechanism to prevent rice blast and promote plant growth, and can be effectively colonized in rice plants, and has the potential to develop biocontrol agents.
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