[Abstract]:The strict seasonal developmental characteristics of garlic are the bottleneck problems in restricting the supply of fresh garlic bolts and bulbs.The effects and mechanism of temperature and photoperiod on the development of garlic bolts and bulbs were elucidated,which could provide theoretical basis for the regulation of garlic growth and development,and could realize the annual supply of fresh garlic bolts and bulbs. The critical temperature and photoperiod conditions of garlic bolt and bulb development, as well as the related physiological, biochemical and gene expression changes during garlic development were systematically studied in an indoor climate chamber experiment. The main results were as follows: 1. Low temperature treatment of garlic seeds significantly affected the growth and development of garlic plants, and could replace the vernalization requirement in the growth process of garlic plants. Compared with the control, the low temperature treatment of garlic seeds could significantly induce the plant to bolt and increase the bolting rate, shorten the plant growth period, promote the plant elongation and increase the rate of Unicorn garlic. The bolting rate of garlic plants treated at 10 C for 40 days before sowing or at 5 C for 20 days was the highest, but with the prolongation of low temperature duration, the yield of garlic decreased. After 65,45,25 days of sowing, garlic plants of different seedling ages were treated for 40 days at 5/0, 10/5, 15/10 and 20/15, respectively. The response to vernalization treatment was different. After vernalization treatment, the bolting rate of all tested seedling ages was significantly increased, and the bolting rate of the smallest seedling age (4th leaf stage) was the highest. In addition, vernalization inhibited vegetative growth. The critical seedling age of G064 garlic was 4-leaf stage, plant height 36.7 cm, pseudostem diameter 4.31 mm.3. Necessary conditions for bolting and bulb expansion of garlic were studied. G107 ('early second season'), G025 ('Cangshan garlic') and G064 ('improved garlic') cultivars were naturally vernalized in the field and treated with different day/night temperatures (15/10, 20/15, 25/18) and photoperiod (8 h and 14 h). The results showed that 20-25 and 14 h significantly promoted the bolting and bulb expansion of garlic plants. After natural vernalization, G107 could bolt and form bulbs in long day, 20/15 C and 14 h light were the most effective conditions for bolting and bulb expansion; G025 and G4 varieties could bolt and form bulbs at 20/15 C and 25/18 C and long sunlight, and 15/10 C were the most effective conditions for bolting and bulb expansion. The bolting and bulb swelling characteristics of G06 4 were significantly better than those of other treatments at 25/18 C and long sunshine. Comparatively, G025 was the best at 20/15 C and long sunshine. 4. The contents of endogenous hormones and MeJA in garlic were closely related to the development of garlic bolt and bulb. Correlation. Analysis of endogenous hormones and MEJA contents, POD and SOD activities of 8 varieties planted in the field, 3 sowing dates of G064 varieties and 3 varieties of garlic planted under different temperatures and photoperiod in the artificial climate chamber showed that low temperature could induce more proteins in the plants, which could significantly increase the activities of POD and SOD. The content of soluble protein, IAA, ZR and MeJA increased significantly during the Vernalization of the plant, and promoted the transformation of plant development. Subsequently, the content of IAA, ZR and MeJA decreased and the content of ABA increased during the flower bud differentiation stage, which was beneficial to the process of flower bud differentiation. With the development of garlic bolt, the content of GA increased gradually, which was beneficial to the continued growth and flower development of garlic bolt. At this time, the accumulation of MeJA in the plant was also increased. However, after bulb expansion, the contents of GA, ABA, IAA and SOD decreased, while the content of MeJA increased significantly, which promoted the development of garlic bulb. 5. AsFT, AsLFY and AsSOC1 play a key role in the growth and development of garlic. The partial CDs of FT and SOC1 homologous genes were cloned by RT-PCR. The length of the CDs was 305 BP and 389 bp, respectively, encoding 101 and 124 amino acids. The results showed that AsFT, AsLFY and AsSOC1 were very low in vegetative growth period and up-regulated significantly in reproductive growth period.Therefore, AsFT, AsLFY and AsSOC1 were the key genes controlling bolting and bulb swelling of garlic.After vernalization, garlic plants were induced by high temperature and long sunshine. The expression of ASSOC1 was up-regulated to induce and promote the development of garlic bolt and bulb, and the earlier the up-regulated expression appeared, the earlier the plant entered the bolting and bulb expansion stage.
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