发布时间:2018-09-15 19:16
【摘要】:以温度急剧升高为主要特点的全球气候变化因其对生态系统和人类社会的重要意义而引起了广泛关注,其中森林生态系统对气候变化的响应已经成为研究热点之一,包括对树木生物量累积、森林生产力、碳封存和碳循环、林分组成和分布动态等方面的研究。树木年轮资料忠实的记录了树木生长过程中的气候状况,因而对于在广阔的时间和空间尺度上研究气候变化及其生态效应具有重要意义。本文利用对中国东北长白山的树木年轮资料,研究了沿长白山北坡海拔780-2000m的梯度上森林优势树种的生长、种群分布和动态,并讨论了林分年龄和立地条件两个因素对生长与气候关系的影响,旨在理解未来气候变化在整个森林群落水平上可能带来的对树木生长、林分组成和种群动态的影响。本文以臭松(Abies nephrolepis)、鱼鳞云杉(Picea jezoensis)、红松(Pinus koraiensis)、岳桦(Betula ermanii)为研究对象,在10个海拔梯度上分别布设样点,采集年轮资料并建立年表,利用相关分析、响应分析、主成分分析、冗余分析等在内的多种方法,研究了生长与气候因子(温度和降水量)之间的关系,同时结合对更新密度、年龄结构、生长量等方面的分析,力图寻找空间(如海拔与立地)和时间(如年龄)尺度上树木生长和分布对气候响应的异同,本研究填补了长白山地区树木生长与气候关系区域性研究的空白,得出的主要结果包括:(1)臭松、鱼鳞云杉和红松在沿海拔梯度的交错区中生长量和更新密度具有不同的特点。臭松和鱼鳞云杉的断面积生长量(BAD在其各自分布区边界处较低,而在分布区中部较高;红松BAI在其分布区中部和上限处无明显差异,下限处显著偏低(p0.05)。臭松和红松各自的更新密度在不同海拔梯度上无显著差异(p0.05),而鱼鳞云杉在其分布下限处更新密度显著低于中部及上限处(p0.05)。臭松、鱼鳞云杉和红松在沿海拔梯度的交错区中生长与气候关系呈现树种特异性和以海拔梯度为区分的空间特异性。随海拔梯度升高,红松生长与温度的相关性减弱,而与降水的相关性增强;臭松和鱼鳞云杉在其各自分布区内各海拔处径向生长均与温度的相关性较强,而与降水的相关性较弱,且与低海拔处相比,中高海拔处与温度的关系更加密切,表现为与上年或当年生长季内温度负相关。各树种在其分布上下限处生长并不较分布区中部更多的体现气候因素的影响;不同树种在同一海拔处年轮生长与气候的关系不同。鉴于各树种生长与气候关系在不同空间位置上的复杂变化,未来气候变化对这三个针叶树种群的生长和分布可能产生复杂影响,初步推断臭松具有沿海拔梯度向下扩散的潜力,鱼鳞云杉的分布及数量缩减,红松林分布区则可能变窄。(2)不同年龄红松年表的统计特征及其对气候因子的响应不同。总体看来,与平均年龄为63a的低龄红松相比,平均年龄为184a的高龄红松径向生长与气候因子的关系更加紧密,其年表的气候敏感性更高。响应分析表明,低龄年表分别与当年1月、5月的月平均温度负相关(p0.05)及正相关,高龄年表与当年1月月平均最高温度正相关。相关分析表明,低龄红松径向生长与上年10月、当年1月的月平均温度负相关、与当年5月的月平均温度正相关,与降水无显著相关性;高龄红松径向生长则与当年5月总降水量显著相关,同时与当年1、2、4月和9月的月平均最高温度和4月平均最低温度显著相关。与树龄相关的生理过程和树体水分压力,以及不同年龄树木个体面临的环境压力差异,可能是导致年龄效应的原因。通过建立轮宽指数与气候因子的回归关系显示了在我国东北地区温度年均增加4℃,降水增加20%的假设下,低龄红松生长量可能增加35.6%,而高龄红松生长量可能降低25.2%。(3)岳桦生长与气候的响应关系在各个海拔梯度上具有较高的一致性。主成分分析和冗余分析也证实岳桦生长波动在很大程度上受到区域性气候的调控。相关分析显示年表间的海拔差异并未对岳桦生长响应于气候的强度和方式产生明显影响,主要表现为与上年6、7、12月及当年5月温度负相关,与当年生长季(6-8月)温度正相关,同时对生长季(上年6、7、9月和当年8月)降水主要表现出正相关。目前,对沿海拔梯度生长与气候关系的一致性尚缺乏有力解释。在长白山,岳桦林分组成相对单一、林冠层开阔,竞争强度较小,可能使岳桦沿海拔梯度呈现出的相似的生长特点,但仍需要进一步的研究验证。岳桦生长与气候的复杂关系可能意味着岳桦种群对未来气候变化具有一定抗性,对各海拔处年龄结构和更新密度的研究暗示了在岳桦分布下限处丰富的更新使该种群具有沿海拔梯度向下发展的可能性。(4)在同一海拔梯度上,尽管不同样点的岳桦年表具有较高的相关性(相关系数0.5),但对气候的响应存在一定差异。总体来看,同一海拔处不同样点年表对于温度的响应较为一致,主要体现出与上年生长季(6-8月)温度负相关,与上年9月温度正相关,与上年12月温度负相关,与当年6、7月温度正相关(p0.05)。同个海拔不同样点年表对降水的响应差异较大。在海拔1750m处,新、旧样点生长分别与上年11月和9月降水正相关;在海拔1950m处,两样点处生长均与上年6月、当年5、8月降水正相关,但旧样点生长还与上年7月和11月正相关;在海拔1800m,新样点处生长与降水无明显相关关系,而旧样点处生长与降水关系密切;相反,在海拔1900m,新样点处生长与多个月份降水相关,而旧样点处对降水无明显相关关系。本研究中生长与气候,特别是降水的关系在不同样点上的差异可能并不是由于样地自身土壤特性和坡向差异而导致的。
[Abstract]:Global climate change, characterized by rapid temperature rise, has attracted wide attention due to its importance to ecosystems and human society. The response of forest ecosystems to climate change has become one of the research hotspots, including tree biomass accumulation, forest productivity, carbon sequestration and carbon cycle, forest composition and composition. Tree ring data faithfully record the climatic conditions in the process of tree growth, so it is of great significance to study climate change and its ecological effects on a wide space and time scale. In this paper, tree ring data along the northern slope of Changbai Mountains in northeastern China are used to study the altitude of 780-780. The growth, population distribution and dynamics of dominant forest species on a 2 000 m gradient were discussed. The effects of stand age and site conditions on growth and climate were discussed. The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of future climate change on tree growth, forest composition and population dynamics at the whole forest community level. Es nephrolepis, Picea jezoensis, Pinus koraiensis and Betula ermanii were selected as the research objects. The growth and climatic factors were studied by means of correlation analysis, response analysis, principal component analysis and redundancy analysis. Based on the analysis of regeneration density, age structure and growth, this study seeks to find the similarities and differences in the responses of tree growth and distribution to climate at spatial (e.g. altitude and site) and temporal (e.g. age) scales. The main results are as follows: (1) The growth and regeneration density of Pinus tabulaeformis, Picea koraiensis and Picea koraiensis in the interlaced zone of coastal elevation gradient have different characteristics. There was no significant difference at the lower limit (p0.05). There was no significant difference in the regeneration densities of Pinus elliottii and Pinus koraiensis at different altitudes (p0.05). The regeneration densities of Picea yunnanensis at the lower limit of their distribution were significantly lower than those in the middle and upper limit (p0.05). The growth of Pinus elliottii, Picea yunnanensis and Pinus koraiensis in the interlaced zone of the coastal altitudinal gradient With the elevation gradient increasing, the correlation between the growth of Pinus koraiensis and temperature was weakened, but the correlation with precipitation was strengthened. The radial growth of Pinus tabulaeformis and Picea yunnanensis at different elevations in their respective distribution areas was strongly correlated with temperature, but weakly correlated with precipitation. The growth of tree species at the upper and lower limits of their distribution does not reflect more climatic factors than that in the middle of the distribution area; the relationship between ring growth and climate is different for different tree species at the same altitude. The relationship between tree species growth and climate varies in different spatial positions. The future climate change may have a complex impact on the growth and distribution of the three coniferous tree populations. It is preliminarily concluded that Pinus sylvestris has the potential to spread downward along the coastal elevation gradient, the distribution and quantity of Picea ichthyosa decrease, and the distribution area of Pinus koraiensis forest may narrow in different years. Generally speaking, the relationship between the radial growth and climatic factors is closer and the climatic sensitivity of the chronology is higher than that of the low-age Korean pine with an average age of 63 years. The response analysis shows that the low-age Korean pine chronology is more sensitive to climatic factors than that of the low-age Korean pine with an average age of 184 years. Monthly mean temperature was negatively correlated (p0.05) and positively correlated with the highest monthly mean temperature in January of the same year. There was a significant correlation between the total precipitation in May and the monthly mean maximum temperature and the average minimum temperature in April, February, April and September. The physiological processes related to tree age and the water pressure of trees, as well as the differences of environmental pressures faced by individuals of different ages, may be responsible for the age effect. The regression relationship with climatic factors showed that under the assumption that temperature increased by 4 C annually and precipitation increased by 20%, the growth of young Pinus koraiensis might increase by 35.6%, while that of old Pinus koraiensis might decrease by 25.2%. (3) The response relationship between growth of Betula yuehuensis and climate had a high consistency in all elevation gradients. Redundancy analysis also confirmed that the growth fluctuation of Betula yuehuensis was largely regulated by regional climate. Correlation analysis showed that the altitude difference between chronologies had no significant effect on the intensity and mode of growth response to climate. It was negatively correlated with the temperature in June, July, December and May of the previous year and with the temperature in the growing season (June-August). At present, there is no strong explanation for the consistency between coastal elevation gradient growth and climate. In Changbai Mountain, the composition of Betula yueliensis forest is relatively single, the canopy is open, and the competition intensity is small, which may make the coastal elevation gradient of Betula yueliensis appear similar. The complex relationship between growth and climate of Betula platyphylla may mean that the population is resistant to future climate change. Studies on age structure and regeneration density at various altitudes suggest that abundant regeneration at the lower limit of distribution of Betula platyphylla makes the population develop downward along the coastal elevation gradient. Possibility. (4) On the same altitude gradient, although there is a high correlation (correlation coefficient 0.5), there is a certain difference in the response to climate. Generally speaking, the response of different sample chronologies at the same altitude to temperature is more consistent, which mainly reflects the negative correlation with the temperature in the growing season of the previous year (June-August), and the above. The temperature in September was positively correlated with the temperature in December, and positively correlated with the temperature in June and July of last year (p0.05). Precipitation is positively correlated, but the growth of old sample point is also positively correlated with July and November of last year; there is no significant correlation between the growth of new sample point and precipitation at 1800m altitude, while the growth of old sample point is closely related to precipitation; on the contrary, at 1900m altitude, the growth of new sample point is correlated with precipitation in many months, but there is no significant correlation between the growth of old sample point and precipitation. The difference of the relationship between growth and climate, especially precipitation, in different plots may not be due to the difference of soil characteristics and slope orientation.
[Abstract]:Global climate change, characterized by rapid temperature rise, has attracted wide attention due to its importance to ecosystems and human society. The response of forest ecosystems to climate change has become one of the research hotspots, including tree biomass accumulation, forest productivity, carbon sequestration and carbon cycle, forest composition and composition. Tree ring data faithfully record the climatic conditions in the process of tree growth, so it is of great significance to study climate change and its ecological effects on a wide space and time scale. In this paper, tree ring data along the northern slope of Changbai Mountains in northeastern China are used to study the altitude of 780-780. The growth, population distribution and dynamics of dominant forest species on a 2 000 m gradient were discussed. The effects of stand age and site conditions on growth and climate were discussed. The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of future climate change on tree growth, forest composition and population dynamics at the whole forest community level. Es nephrolepis, Picea jezoensis, Pinus koraiensis and Betula ermanii were selected as the research objects. The growth and climatic factors were studied by means of correlation analysis, response analysis, principal component analysis and redundancy analysis. Based on the analysis of regeneration density, age structure and growth, this study seeks to find the similarities and differences in the responses of tree growth and distribution to climate at spatial (e.g. altitude and site) and temporal (e.g. age) scales. The main results are as follows: (1) The growth and regeneration density of Pinus tabulaeformis, Picea koraiensis and Picea koraiensis in the interlaced zone of coastal elevation gradient have different characteristics. There was no significant difference at the lower limit (p0.05). There was no significant difference in the regeneration densities of Pinus elliottii and Pinus koraiensis at different altitudes (p0.05). The regeneration densities of Picea yunnanensis at the lower limit of their distribution were significantly lower than those in the middle and upper limit (p0.05). The growth of Pinus elliottii, Picea yunnanensis and Pinus koraiensis in the interlaced zone of the coastal altitudinal gradient With the elevation gradient increasing, the correlation between the growth of Pinus koraiensis and temperature was weakened, but the correlation with precipitation was strengthened. The radial growth of Pinus tabulaeformis and Picea yunnanensis at different elevations in their respective distribution areas was strongly correlated with temperature, but weakly correlated with precipitation. The growth of tree species at the upper and lower limits of their distribution does not reflect more climatic factors than that in the middle of the distribution area; the relationship between ring growth and climate is different for different tree species at the same altitude. The relationship between tree species growth and climate varies in different spatial positions. The future climate change may have a complex impact on the growth and distribution of the three coniferous tree populations. It is preliminarily concluded that Pinus sylvestris has the potential to spread downward along the coastal elevation gradient, the distribution and quantity of Picea ichthyosa decrease, and the distribution area of Pinus koraiensis forest may narrow in different years. Generally speaking, the relationship between the radial growth and climatic factors is closer and the climatic sensitivity of the chronology is higher than that of the low-age Korean pine with an average age of 63 years. The response analysis shows that the low-age Korean pine chronology is more sensitive to climatic factors than that of the low-age Korean pine with an average age of 184 years. Monthly mean temperature was negatively correlated (p0.05) and positively correlated with the highest monthly mean temperature in January of the same year. There was a significant correlation between the total precipitation in May and the monthly mean maximum temperature and the average minimum temperature in April, February, April and September. The physiological processes related to tree age and the water pressure of trees, as well as the differences of environmental pressures faced by individuals of different ages, may be responsible for the age effect. The regression relationship with climatic factors showed that under the assumption that temperature increased by 4 C annually and precipitation increased by 20%, the growth of young Pinus koraiensis might increase by 35.6%, while that of old Pinus koraiensis might decrease by 25.2%. (3) The response relationship between growth of Betula yuehuensis and climate had a high consistency in all elevation gradients. Redundancy analysis also confirmed that the growth fluctuation of Betula yuehuensis was largely regulated by regional climate. Correlation analysis showed that the altitude difference between chronologies had no significant effect on the intensity and mode of growth response to climate. It was negatively correlated with the temperature in June, July, December and May of the previous year and with the temperature in the growing season (June-August). At present, there is no strong explanation for the consistency between coastal elevation gradient growth and climate. In Changbai Mountain, the composition of Betula yueliensis forest is relatively single, the canopy is open, and the competition intensity is small, which may make the coastal elevation gradient of Betula yueliensis appear similar. The complex relationship between growth and climate of Betula platyphylla may mean that the population is resistant to future climate change. Studies on age structure and regeneration density at various altitudes suggest that abundant regeneration at the lower limit of distribution of Betula platyphylla makes the population develop downward along the coastal elevation gradient. Possibility. (4) On the same altitude gradient, although there is a high correlation (correlation coefficient 0.5), there is a certain difference in the response to climate. Generally speaking, the response of different sample chronologies at the same altitude to temperature is more consistent, which mainly reflects the negative correlation with the temperature in the growing season of the previous year (June-August), and the above. The temperature in September was positively correlated with the temperature in December, and positively correlated with the temperature in June and July of last year (p0.05). Precipitation is positively correlated, but the growth of old sample point is also positively correlated with July and November of last year; there is no significant correlation between the growth of new sample point and precipitation at 1800m altitude, while the growth of old sample point is closely related to precipitation; on the contrary, at 1900m altitude, the growth of new sample point is correlated with precipitation in many months, but there is no significant correlation between the growth of old sample point and precipitation. The difference of the relationship between growth and climate, especially precipitation, in different plots may not be due to the difference of soil characteristics and slope orientation.
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