[Abstract]:Canine distemper (CD) caused by Canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is a common infectious disease of many animals. Different animals have different susceptibility and mortality to CDV. Because fur animals (mink, Fox and mink) are the natural susceptible hosts of CDV, the disease has been the "top killer" of fur animal breeding industry in China. Proteins are the main protective antigen proteins of viruses, which play an important role in mediating virulence, SLAM/Nectin-4 receptor recognition and assistant F protein-induced cell membrane fusion. The high variability of the coding genes also makes them the main target genes for CDV genotyping and genetic variation research. In this study, three groups of foxes, minks and minks (5 in each group) were experimentally infected with LN (10), a major epidemic genotype of CDV (Asia-1), in China. The pathogenic model of CDV infection in fur animals was established by setting up a scoring system for evaluating virulence and immunosuppressive index. Pathogenicity (virulence and immunosuppression) of the infected raccoons were significantly different (P 0.05). Typical CD symptoms and pathological changes such as conjunctivitis occurred in infected raccoons, and 100% (5/5) died within 15 dpi, resulting in high pathogenic fraction (2.6 and 2.9); foxes showed relatively mild CD symptoms and died within 21 DPI in 40% (2/5) with moderate pathogenic fraction (2.15 and 2.25). In addition, IFN-gamma and IL-4 were down-regulated and up-regulated at the mRNA transcription level in dead and surviving animals, respectively. TNF-_transcription level was up-regulated in the pathogenic animals, indicating that there was a correlation between CDV pathogenicity and cytokine changes. In this study, the CDV-H gene sequences of 16 minks, foxes and minks from Shandong, Hebei, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces in China from 2011 to 2013 were analyzed. Compared with the prevalent strains of CDV before 2012, 10 strains of CDV-H protein from Shandong Province and the binding region (RBS) of SLAM receptor occurred in I542N. Y549H and Y549H mutations, which are independent of the genotype of Asia-1 in phylogenetic trees, are named CDV variants (HI542N/Y549H). Three-dimensional structural analysis shows that Y549H mutation alters the intermolecular interaction between H protein and mink SLAM (mSLAM), and I542N mutation results in a potential N-linked glycosylation site at 542-544 of H protein. Population evolution analysis of CDV-H gene revealed that the mutant strain originated from fur animals in China in 2006. The Y549H mutation was affected by selection pressure during the evolution of H gene. The outbreak of the mutant strain may indicate that the CDV is more adaptable to fur animals under host or immune pressure. Based on the animal pathogenic model of CDV established by us, the animal infections of CDV variants SD (14) 7 and classical strain LN10 (1) 1 were tested. The results showed that the CDV variants were toxic (fever, mortality and pathological changes, etc.) to fur animals (especially minks) and induced immunosuppression (lymphopenia, suppression of neutralizing antibodies). The level of CDV-H gene 542 and 549 amino acid mutation, CDV-H protein and mSLAM immunoprecipitation and cell fusion test, protein expression in H, receptor affinity and cell infection were carried out. The results showed that: (1) I542N mutation did not cause H protein to be glycosylated at this site; (2) I542N and Y549H mutations decreased H protein expression but enhanced the interaction between H protein and mSLAM. (3) I542N and Y549H mutations did not enhance the effect of CDV-H/F protein on mSLAM-expressing cells. In conclusion, the frequent outbreaks of CDs in fur animals in China in recent years may be due to the emergence of highly virulent CDV mutants, which preliminarily reveals the molecular mechanism of increased pathogenicity of CDV mutants to fur animals, especially minks.
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