[Abstract]:Soil moisture content (soil moisture) is one of the main factors affecting plant growth and crop yield. Therefore, the effective and non-destructive monitoring of soil surface water content is of great significance to agricultural irrigation and crop growth. The water content and spectral reflectance data of four kinds of soil (sandy soil, loam, clay loam and sandy loam) were obtained by means of XRF and spectrometer, and the image information of these four kinds of soil was obtained by image method. The main results are as follows: First, spectral characteristic parameters: the sum of the reflectance of green side (coefficient R2 = 0.9m3 m-3) and the absorption depth of 780-970 nm (R2 = 0.9m3 m-3) and 780-970 nm absorption depth (R2 = 0. 31 and RMSE = 0. 11 m3 m-3), the maximum reflectance of 900-970 nm and the reflectivity of 900-970 nm (R2 = 0.992 and RMSE = 0. 05 m3 m-3). The maximum reflectivity of 900-970 nm (R2 = 0.886 and RMSE = 0. 03 m3 m-3) and 900-9600 nm integral (R2 = 0. 85 and RMSE = 0. 03 m3 m-3), and the total reflectance of 900-9600 nm and the reflectance of 900-970 nm (R2 = 0.987 and RMSE = 0.02m3 m-3) respectively estimate the soil moisture content estimation accuracy of sandy loam, loam, clay loam and sandy loam. The correlation of water content of different soil texture was estimated by the total reflectance (R2 = 0. 48 and RMSE = 0. 05 m3 m-3) and the total reflectance (R2 = 0. 47 and RMSE = 0. 05 m3 m-3). Artificial neural network (ANN) was used to improve soil moisture content (R2 = 0.995 and RMSE 0. 03 m3m-3). Secondly, soil with different soil texture was studied by TUNEL method, and the soil reflectance changes under different soil bulk density (soil volume) and soil moisture content were studied. The results show that the soil reflectance decreases with the increase of water content in different soil bulk density and soil texture (sandy soil, loam, clay loam and sandy loam). The estimation accuracy of soil reflectance is as follows: sandy soil (R2 = 0.979 and RMSE is 0. 05 m3m-3). loam (R2 = 0.991 and RMSE 0. 04 m3 m-3), clay loam (R2 = 0.988 and RMSE 0. 04 m3 m-3) and sandy loam (Rw2 = 0.886 and RMSE 0. 04 m3 m-3); The water content accuracy of the four soils was estimated to be R2 = 0.968 and RMSE 0. 07m3m-3. Thirdly, the image information of soil moisture content (LAI) under different bulk density is extracted and analyzed, including the brightness (Value, V representation), saturation (SSPS) and hue (Hue, H is denoted by H), and the estimation model of brightness and saturation is established. The results show that: 1) For sandy soil, when the bulk density of soil is 1. 50 g cm-3, the estimated model correlation is best (R2 = 0.882 and RMSE = 0. 05 m3m-3). For loam, when the soil bulk density is 1. 40 g cm-3, the estimated model correlation is best (R2 = 0.993 and RMSE = 0. 04 m3m-3); for clay loam, When the bulk density of soil is 1. 60 g cm-3, the correlation is best (R2 = 0.993 and RMSE = 0. 03 m3 m-3); for sandy loam, when its soil bulk density is 1. 60 g cm-3, the correlation is best (R2 = 0.987 and RMSE = 0. 01 m3 m-3); 2) Considering the change of soil bulk density, the estimation model of moisture content of clay loam is 1.89-0.72mv-1.50m-S (R2 = 0. 72 and 6 m3m-3). R2 = 0. 70 and RMSE = 0.07m3 m-3 in loam, R2 = 0.970 and RMSE = 0.07m3 m-3 in sandy loam, R2 = 0.960 and RMSE = 0.07m3m-3 in sandy loam. Artificial neural network (ANN) can improve soil moisture content of four kinds of soil texture better. The accuracy of sand estimation model is R2 = 0.967 and RMSE is 0.07m3m-3. The loam is R2 = 0.979 and RMSE is 0.07m3m-3; clay loam is R2 = 0.882 and RMSE is 0.07m3m-3; sandy loam is R2 = 0.888 and RMSE is 0. 05m3m-3. To sum up, the reflectance and soil color information of the surface water content of four kinds of soil under different soil bulk density were obtained by the method of TUNEL, spectrometer and image method, and the regression model between them and the soil was established on the basis of soil reflectance and image information. This paper analyzes and compares the three methods to estimate the accuracy of the model. The results show that the accuracy and the order of the soil texture (sandy soil, loam, clay loam and sandy loam) in different soil texture and soil texture (sandy soil, loam, clay loam and sandy loam) are as follows: The artificial neural network can improve the measurement precision of soil moisture content.
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