[Abstract]:Triticum spp.) It is one of the main cereal crops widely cultivated in the world. Hard-grained wheat (Triticum durum Desf)) widely cultivated in relatively small areas of the Mediterranean. The seedling stage and the best form of the wheat have a very important effect on the yield. The conventional breeding and related biotechnology have promoted the sustainable development of the wheat variety. By using the correlation analysis, the genetic basis of the crops can be analyzed, and the candidate genes of the crops can be further determined. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) can provide an unprecedented resource for the analysis of the diversity of wheat, which is of great value. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the genetic variation of the SNP marker associated with the seedling traits of the hard-grain wheat in the chromosome region, and to carry out the association analysis based on the morphology and agronomic characters of the hard-grained wheat. The main results are as follows: 1. The relationship between the characteristics of the seedling stage of the hard-grain wheat and the association analysis based on the SNP marker is an effective method to reveal the relationship between the phenotypic variation and the genetic polymorphism. In this study, the main seedling characters and their growth of 150 hard-grain wheat germplasms from the whole world were investigated. The growth rate of the root, the number of the root, the height of the seedling, the number of leaves, the leaf area, the fresh weight, the growth rate of the character and the growth increment of the character were studied under the condition of water culture. The content of chlorophyll and biomass of the hard-grained wheat material, including the dry weight of the root, the dry weight of the ground and the dry weight of the total seedling, were studied on the 34-day post-germination. An analysis of variance was performed on each of the seedling traits. The correlation analysis of three field characters, plant height, grain weight and 1000-grain weight of the three-year field characters, the plant height, the grain weight and the 1000-grain weight of the study was carried out. The characteristics of the seedlings were analyzed by using the mixed linear model (MLM). The results showed that the characters of the wheat at the seedling stage had significant genetic variation and higher genetic rate. There was a significant correlation between the traits of the seedling stage and the field characters after maturity. In summary, 763 significant associations were detected in all of the traits and four growth stages. Some SNP markers (140) are associated with multiple traits, indicating that some of the genes at the seedling stage of the hard-grained wheat have multiple effects. The association marker is not randomly distributed on the genome of the hard-grain wheat, and the association mark on the B-genome is more than that of the A-genome, and is mainly distributed on the chromosome 6, 1 and 7. the associated SNP markers are useful for the genetic analysis of the traits of the seedling stage, as well as to the selection of a new variety of wheat varieties having a stronger seedling activity. The genetic diversity and the genetic ratio of the yield and yield of the hard-grain wheat germplasm were evaluated in a 4-year field trial of the 10 agronomic characters from the hard-grain wheat material in the world, and the genetic variation was evaluated. The results showed that the genetic variation of the internode length (cm) in the ear of the main ear was the highest in the four-year data. The height of the plant, the internode length of the stem of the main ear, the length of the main ear, the length of the blade of the main ear, the length of the spikelet and the number of the spikelet of the main ear showed a higher genetic rate (more than 87%). The high and grain weight of the plant showed a high genetic rate in the four-year data. In all the traits, there was a significant difference between the genotypes. The yield of the single plant was correlated with the number of the single plant (r = 0.86), the effective ear (r = 0.59), the length of the blade of the main ear (r = 0.59), the number of spikelet number of the single plant (r = 0.53), the 1000-grain weight (r = 0.51), the internode length (r = 0.35) of the main ear and the number of spikelet number (r = 0.27) of the main ear. The 1000-grain weight was negatively correlated with the number of spikelet number (r =-0.22). The principal component analysis showed that the number of grain per plant (r = 0.868) and 1000-grain weight (r = 0.495) had a direct contribution to grain yield. Thus, these traits can be considered as a selection criterion for wheat yield improvement. The research shows that the development and utilization of the abundant genetic variation of the hard-grain wheat can expand the germplasm resources of the common wheat, and can be applied to the wheat breeding.
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