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发布时间:2018-11-18 13:22
【摘要】:海带(Saccharina japonica)是西北太平洋沿岸特有的大型经济褐藻,具有生态、经济价值。为了解海带起源、分布和演化过程,以及探究养殖驯化对我国栽培海带种群的影响,本研究开展了海带种群遗传及分子系统地理学研究,旨在于为海带遗传选育、资源保护与利用打下基础。本研究得出以下结论:(1)应用2个线粒体标记(cox1和trnW-L)对26个种群(612个体)的野生海带种群遗传多样性、遗传结构和种群动态历史进行了分析。结果表明日本北海道地区的野生海带种群具有最高的遗传多样性。野生海带种群主要分成了4大类群(类群1:北海道地区种群和韩国的种群;类群2:北海道西北部的种群;类群3:俄罗斯远东地区的种群;类群4:中国自然繁殖的海带种群)。单倍型网络图分析结果表明野生海带群体存在2个谱系,这2个谱系间不存在基因交流,但谱系内海带种群间存在不对称的基因交流。BSP分析(Bayesian skyline plots)和中性检验表明野生海带种群在10.45 Ka发生了种群扩张。(2)利用24个SSR标记和2个线粒体标记(cox1和trnW-L)对35个野生海带种群进行了起源和演化过程的研究,证实日本北海道渡岛附近的海带种群其遗传多样性最高,其特有单倍型最多,特有等位基因频率也最高,说明该地可能是野生海带的起源地。野生海带种群的迁移过程是从北海道南部沿海,沿着西海岸向北迁移,一直到萨哈林岛西海岸,该分布过程主要是受对马暖流的影响,而野生海带在日本海西岸的分布则受里门寒流的影响。SSR标记分析结果表明,其可分成两大遗传组,一组包括俄罗斯远东沿岸的海带种群,另一组包括日本和韩国沿岸的野生海带种群。俄罗斯萨哈林地区和日本北海道西北部的野生海带种群在遗传上有混杂现象,日本海西岸的野生海带种群与其它野生海带种群已有明显的遗传分化。(3)采用19个SSR标记对17个中国常见的海带栽培种群、3个中国沿海自然繁殖海带种群和和8个野生海带种群进行种群遗传学的对比分析。我国目前栽培海带种群遗传多样性低于野生海带种群,这表明养殖、选育及高温驯化降低了其遗传多样性。海带种群可分成2大类群:野生类群(俄罗斯和日本的野生种群)和驯化类群(中国养殖种群和自然繁殖种群,DF3例外)。分子方差分析表明这2大类群间有显著的遗传变异(30.49%)。我国南方、北方的栽培海带种群间已有中度的遗传分化,这与养殖、选育及环境(海水水温)因素密切相关。日本北海道和本州沿岸的3个野生海带种群与中国养殖海带种群间存在较高的遗传相似度,间接说明中国栽培种群曾经可能从日本北海道和本州地区引入过野生种质资源。
[Abstract]:Kelp (Saccharina japonica) is a large-scale economic brown algae unique to the northwest Pacific coast, which has ecological and economic value. In order to understand the origin, distribution and evolution of kelp, and to explore the effect of culture and domestication on the population of cultivated kelp in China, the genetic and molecular phylogenetic studies of kelp population were carried out in this study. The protection and utilization of resources lay the foundation. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) genetic diversity, genetic structure and population dynamic history of 26 populations (612 individuals) of wild kelp were analyzed by two mitochondrial markers (cox1 and trnW-L). The results showed that the wild kelp population in Hokkaido, Japan had the highest genetic diversity. The wild kelp population is mainly divided into four groups (group 1: Hokkaido population and Korean population; Group 2: population in northwest Hokkaido; Group 3: population in the far East of Russia; Group 2: population in the Northwest of Hokkaido; Group 3: population in the far East of Russia; Group 4: naturally propagated kelp populations in China. The results of haplotype network analysis showed that there were two lineages in wild kelp populations, and there was no gene exchange between these two lineages. BSP (Bayesian skyline plots) and neutral test showed that wild kelp population had population expansion at 10.45 Ka. (2) 24 SSR markers and 2 mitochondria were used. The origin and evolution of 35 wild kelp populations were studied by cox1 and trnW-L markers. It is confirmed that the kelp population near Hokkaido Island has the highest genetic diversity, the most endemic haplotypes and the highest frequency of endemic alleles, which suggests that this area may be the origin of wild kelp. The migration process of wild kelp populations is from the southern coast of Hokkaido to the north along the west coast to the west coast of Sahalin Island. The distribution of wild kelp in the west coast of the Sea of Japan was influenced by the Limen cold current. The results of SSR analysis showed that the wild kelp could be divided into two major genetic groups, one group including the kelp population along the far East coast of Russia. Another group includes wild kelp populations off the coast of Japan and Korea. The wild kelp populations in the Sakhalin region of Russia and in the northwest of Hokkaido, Japan, are genetically mixed. There was obvious genetic differentiation between wild kelp population and other wild kelp populations in the west coast of the Sea of Japan. (3) using 19 SSR markers, 17 common kelp populations in China were studied. Population genetics of three populations of naturally propagated kelp and 8 populations of wild kelp in coastal China were compared and analyzed. The genetic diversity of cultivated kelp population in China is lower than that of wild kelp population, which indicates that breeding, breeding and high temperature acclimation have reduced the genetic diversity of kelp populations. Kelp population can be divided into two groups: wild group (wild population of Russia and Japan) and domesticated group (Chinese breeding population and natural breeding population except DF3). The analysis of molecular variance showed that there was significant genetic variation (30.49%) between the two groups. There is moderate genetic differentiation among cultivated kelp populations in the south and north of China, which is closely related to breeding, breeding and environment (sea water temperature). There is a high genetic similarity between the three wild kelp populations along the coast of Hokkaido and Honshu in Japan and the cultured kelp populations in China, which indirectly indicates that the cultivated populations in China may have introduced wild germplasm resources from Hokkaido and Honshu, Japan.


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