[Abstract]:Sorghum is one of the most important cereal crops cultivated by human being, which has the characteristics of wide use, strong resistance to stress and wide planting range. Sorghum is a kind of energy and food crops with broad application prospects. With the increasing of world population, the continuous decrease of arable land area and the serious shortage of water resources, the cultivation and cultivation of high-yielding sorghum varieties will have a profound impact on world food security. At present, using conventional breeding methods to increase the yield of sorghum has become very limited, and molecular breeding methods based on biotechnology or genetic engineering can effectively increase the yield of sorghum. Grain weight is an important factor that constitutes yield. It is a prerequisite to develop molecular breeding for high yield sorghum to explore the genes controlling grain weight and clarify its regulation mechanism. QTL analysis of sorghum grain weight and fine location of main effect QTL will have important theoretical significance and application value. Transgenic breeding is an effective method for molecular breeding, and transgenic method is also an important method for functional verification of related genes. Therefore, it is of great significance to establish a set of efficient transgenic system of sorghum mature embryo. In this study, using the locational population constructed by hybridization of large grain sorghum (SA2313) and small grain sorghum (Hiro-1), the grain weight of sorghum was analyzed by QTL and the main effect QTL was carefully mapped. At the same time, the mature seeds of Hiro-1 were used as explants to construct a set of efficient transgenic system. The main results were as follows: 1. Using QTL analysis of grain weight of sorghum in F2 population obtained by SA2313 脳 Hiro-1 hybridization, a total of 7 QTL, controlling sorghum grain weight were detected. The rate of phenotypic variation explained by them was between 7% and 40%. The results of these seven QTL are the same as those of previous ones, and there is no newly located QTL.2.. Using the SA2313 脳 Hiro-1 F2 populations in Beijing and Hainan, the phenotypic variation rates explained by QTL, qGWl and qGW2, which control the grain weight of sorghum, ranged from 22% to 40% and 13% to 27%, respectively. Main effect QTL3. for controlling grain weight of sorghum Two F2 populations with K-385 脳 SA23,ATx623 脳 SA2313 hybridization were used to detect the main effect QTL of sorghum grain weight, only qGWl could be detected, which indicated that qGW1 could exist stably in different genetic background. 4. Using the extreme exchange single plant in the SA2313 脳 Hiro-1 F3 population, the qGW1 was finely mapped to the short arm of chromosome 1 about 101 kb, containing 13 candidate genes. It was found that only the variation of amino acids encoded by Sobic.001G038300 gene in the four parents was consistent with the phenotypic variation. Therefore, the preliminary identification of Sobic.001G038300 gene as a candidate gene of qGW1 still needs to be further verified. The near-isogenic lines of qGWl were constructed, which provided a powerful mapping population for the further fine mapping of qGWl. 6. 6. An efficient transgenic system of sorghum was constructed by using mature seeds of Hiro-1 as explants. The average transformation efficiency was 12.31, which provided an important basis for functional verification of important genes of sorghum and molecular breeding of sorghum. The above results provide important information for elucidating the genetic mechanism of sorghum grain weight. Molecular markers closely linked to qGWl can be used for molecular marker-assisted selection in sorghum breeding for high yield. The fine mapping of qGWl provides an important basis for the cloning of qGW1 gene and further understanding of its regulatory mechanism.
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