[Abstract]:Some shallow buried archaeological sites can be seen as crop markers on high spatial resolution remote sensing images. However, because of the high spatial resolution data is expensive, its available data space and time have very high limit. On the other hand, as a freely available medium resolution image, Landsat images can be used to detect crop growth and display small surface crop markers in large areas. At the same time, MODIS data are rarely used in archaeological exploration because their rough spatial resolution prevents them from being used to detect subtle and small surface features. But MODIS's advantage of high temporal resolution allows it to provide a large amount of crop phenological growth information. In order to make up for this defect, the typical prehistoric capital Yinji Temple and Erlitou site with large area characteristics were selected as the objects of study. MODIS NDVI time series data were used to observe the phenological growth of crops in the site area and to detect the growth difference of crops in different phenological periods. The variation rate of MODIS NDVI covering 10 years was calculated and analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient, and the similarity of crop growth in archaeological sites was measured by the maximum and minimum distance. On the other hand, the concentrated area of buried relics (such as palace area and sacrificial area) is chosen as the research area within the site, while the blank area with low distribution density around it is used as the reference area. Pearson correlation coefficient and Euclidean distance were calculated and analyzed in Landsat images of wheat and maize. Using one-way Hausdorff distance to calculate the similarity or difference of crop growth between the control relic concentration area and its corresponding blank area to obtain the best time window for monitoring and detecting crop growth anomaly. According to the phenology of crop growth, the time series NDVI images of winter wheat and summer corn were generated, and the abnormal crop phenomena in archaeological sites were analyzed. The results show that the maximum minimum and one-way Hausdorff distance of the two crops are relatively high in the critical stages of water demand. The Landsat NDVI images of these stages show crop anomalies caused by buried archaeological relics. This indicates that the Hausdorff distance calculation of NDVI time series images can be used to detect crop anomalies. At the same time, it is shown that the Landsat NDVI images of the critical water demand period of crops can provide some underground burial information, and MODIS can also provide useful crop growth information before the field excavation.
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