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发布时间:2019-07-06 10:02
[Abstract]:Soil erosion is the most serious environmental problem in the Loess Plateau, which is mainly divided into natural and human factors. The natural factors include climate, hydrology, topography, landforms, etc. The human factors mainly show the effects of human activities on soil erosion, including the positive and negative effects, such as the conversion of farmland to forests, the implementation of water and soil conservation measures, and so on. In this paper, the climatic and hydrological changes of the Loess Plateau in the near 50 years and its effect on the change of soil and water loss are studied in-depth, and the water system and the characteristics of the river network in the typical basin of the Loess Plateau are analyzed and analyzed, and the comprehensive index of erosion and physiognomy (ETI) is established. The coupling relation between soil erosion and geomorphic features is analyzed, and the effect of human activity on soil erosion is further analyzed. Through the comprehensive analysis of this paper, the main results are as follows: (1) There is a certain spatial difference between the physiognomy characteristic factor and each river basin, and the difference of the spatial difference is an important reason for the difference of soil and water loss, so as to realize the quantitative analysis of the landforms of the Loess Plateau. In this study, a comprehensive evaluation index (ETI) for geomorphologic features was established. There is a significant positive correlation between the comprehensive index of the physiognomy and the sediment concentration (P0.05), that is, the sediment concentration is increased with the increase of the comprehensive index of the feature of the landforms, and the characteristics of the geomorphic features are the important natural factors that affect the soil erosion in the Loess Plateau. It affects the occurrence and development of soil and water loss by controlling the condition of the underlying surface. At the same time, the slope of the regression equation between the comprehensive index of the physiognomy and the sediment variable between 2000 and 2011 is higher than that of other sediment transport variables. In the same condition as the comprehensive index of the physiognomy characteristics, the sediment transport variable of the year 2000 to 2011 will be less than that of the other year, that is, the sediment concentration is significantly reduced, This phenomenon shows that in the condition of relatively consistent precipitation, runoff and physiognomy characteristics, there are other non-natural factors, so that the sediment discharge in the Loess Plateau is significantly reduced since 2000, that is, the effect of human factors on soil erosion after 2000 in the Loess Plateau is becoming more and more obvious. (2) During the period from 1960 to 2011, the runoff and sediment concentration decreased from 1960 to 2011, and the annual runoff and sediment concentration decreased by 30% to 80% and 60% to 90%, respectively, in the period from 1960 to 2011. The average annual precipitation variation coefficient of each meteorological station is from 18.13% to 38.66%, so the precipitation is of medium variation in time. In the space, the precipitation presents an overall distribution pattern that is gradually reduced from the southeast to the northwest, but there is a spatial mutation in the area affected by the terrain. Although both precipitation and runoff show a tendency to decrease, there are differences in space and time in different regions. At the same time, the data analysis of the typical hydrological station shows that the variation of the precipitation and runoff in each station is basically consistent, which indicates that there is a correlation between the precipitation and the runoff in the Loess Plateau. There is a very significant linear positive correlation between the runoff and the sediment discharge in the Loess Plateau. The runoff is the key factor affecting the sediment transport, but it is not the only factor. (3) The cover degree of the vegetation in the Loess Plateau is increasing from 1981 to 2009, especially after 2000, the cover degree of the vegetation is growing rapidly, and the covering area is not only expanded, but the cover strength of the vegetation is also increasing. In the spatial distribution, the degree of vegetation cover decreases from the southeast to the northwest, increasing the rate since 2000. Compared with the data transmission data, it is found that there is a significant negative correlation between the increase of the vegetation cover degree and the reduction of the sediment transport, so the sediment discharge is reduced with the increase of the cover degree of the vegetation, and the regression equation is determined by the regression equation (R2 = 0.6). The change of vegetation cover degree is the main cause of the change of water and soil loss after 2000. In addition to the vegetation cover, the construction of the silt dam is an important factor to influence the change of soil and water loss in the Loess Plateau, and the construction of a large amount of silt in the Loess Plateau is the key reason for the reduction of the sediment discharge and the runoff, but the dynamic relationship between the silt and the sediment discharge is still to be studied further.


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