
发布时间:2018-01-04 22:02

  本文关键词:明代奏议集编纂研究 出处:《安徽大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 明代 奏议集 奏议集编纂 奏议总集 奏议别集

[Abstract]:The ancient official memorials is referred to as a letter to the emperor of the instrument, plays a very important role in China's history books. The memorial assembly is compiled into a set of the set, has a long history in China, is one of the main form of archival documents compilation history of ancient China in the Ming Dynasty is a period of history. In compiling activity more abundant, not only the number of the set in the number of participating in the compilation of the official memorials increased, the former type and the way of compilation is also set to the emergence of new changes. The compilation sets become an important part of the history of Ming Dynasty is a compilation of activities, a way of personal works of the Ming Dynasty officials of the Ming Dynasty. The compilation set research is an important part of historical materials in Ming Dynasty, is also a part of the history of Chinese ancient archival documents compilation indispensable. This paper is divided into three parts. Overview of part of the Ming Dynasty in the compilation, contains the contents of the first chapter. This part mainly carries on the statistical description of the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty chronicles book catalog memorials set, and the set of combs Ming memorials exist. The second part is the main part of the thesis, the Ming Dynasty set into the the collection and collection of two memorials were investigated. The second chapter focuses on the compilation of the collections of memorials, including the classification of memorials collection, compilation purpose and function, material sources, research methods and the representative of the collections. The total memorials set according to memorials consists of comprehensive memorials and special memorials set set, and comprehensive memorials set to set and set the generation of memorials dating; from the aspects of statecraft to enlightenment, memorials collection compilation purpose, from the political value and historical value of memorials for in the collection; In compiling the history books, essays, memorials, the Tibetan government, private memorials, retained memorials as the main memorials to the memorial collection source; compiling methods to investigate the matter such as the outline, in chronological order, the figures for the door, the different classes of methods to departments, the mainstream of the Ming Dynasty the method is to do for the outline of the political utility, and studied the description type collection directory memorials separately; finally on several different types of the collection. The third chapter focuses on the anthology series. Similar to the research of the Memorial Collection, classification and naming rules including the compilation purpose and other memorials. Study on the role, scope and methods. The material will be set in accordance with the content is divided into the official calendar memorials set, official memorials set and special memorials set; through the relationship between the writer and the set of lexicographer examination, because of the close analysis Is caused by the different sets of different compilation purposes; the material scope of inquiry at the same time, according to the time sequence, according to the home office, according to the class of things, the study is according to the serial number and multi-level way. The historical status of the third part of the Ming Dynasty Memorial set of compilation, contains fourth chapters. Combs first of all China compilation of ancient memorials set, the Ming Dynasty set clear memorials compilation of the size of the entire historical development status, then the Song Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty memorials set compilation set to compare compilation of memorials, compilation of the same or similar subject comparison of several memorials set, so that the compilation of memorials in the Song Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty inherited the enlightenment. The full text of the compilation of the system set the combing, in-depth excavation of the Ming Dynasty and other memorials collection compilation, the Ming Dynasty The historical status of "the future" in the compilation of memorials. Hope to be able to further improve the academic research and compilation of historical materials in Ming Dynasty of China's ancient memorials, to study on the academic studies of the Ming Dynasty after the memorial set, help on the compilation and study of archival documents compilation of historical materials.



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