
发布时间:2018-01-05 11:07

  本文关键词:缅甸罗兴伽难民问题研究 出处:《云南大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 缅甸 罗兴伽 族群 难民

【摘要】:罗兴伽族人是缅甸穆斯林当中人口比重最大的一个族群,主要分布在缅甸西部的若开邦(Rakhine State)。在英国殖民势力尚未进入缅甸以前,罗兴伽人同若开邦信奉佛教的其他民族间保持了长期的和睦关系。而随着英国殖民时代的到来以及第二次世界大战的爆发,英殖民当局和日本侵略者为各自利益进先后挑拨缅甸民族关系。二战后,缅甸摆脱了英国殖民势力,国内复杂的历史因素、现实的政治需求、经济需求逐渐再度催生了佛教极端主义。此后,佛教极端主义者与一些缅甸政府内部别有用心的政客勾结,导致缅甸罗兴伽族群与佛教信奉民族关系持续紧张,生存环境不断恶化。许多缅甸的罗兴伽人被迫流亡海外,沦为难民。这一问题对东南亚的稳定产生了深刻影响。本文基于历史与现实的因素,运用文献资料研究法,对罗兴伽难民问题的相关问题进行初步研究。另外采国际关系学、人类学、民族学的方法,力求对罗兴伽难民问题发生的过程、原因及影响进行全面详细的叙述、分析和研究,并分析罗兴伽难民问题对周边国家和地区所造成的影响。最后,基于孟加拉国的视角,对该项问题的解决提出可行、合理的对策、建议。
[Abstract]:Luo Xingga is the Burma Muslim population among the largest proportion of a population, mainly distributed in the western Burma state (Rakhine State). Before the British colonial forces have not yet entered Burma, Rohingyas with other ethnic Buddhist Rakhine in maintaining harmonious relations between the long-term. And with the British colonial era and the outbreak of the second World War II, the British colonial authorities and the Japanese invaders for their respective interests in Burma has provoke ethnic relations. After World War II, Burma from British colonial forces, the historical factors of domestic complex, realistic political demand, economic demand gradually re birth of Buddhism extremism. Since then, politicians and some Buddhist extremists within the Burma government have an ulterior motive of collusion in Burma, Luo ethnic and ethnic relations in Buddhism involves continuous tense environment deteriorating in many Burma. The Rohingyas forced exile as refugees. This has a profound impact on the stability problem of Southeast Asia. The historical and realistic factors based on literature research, a preliminary research on questions related to the problem of refugees. In addition Luo Xingga international relations, anthropology, ethnology, and strive to process the Luo Xingga refugee problems, detailed describes the reason and the influence, analysis and research, and to analyze the impact of the refugee problem caused by Ronaldo involves to neighboring countries and regions. Finally, based on the visual angle of Bangladesh, to solve the problem put forward feasible and reasonable countermeasures, suggestions.





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