
发布时间:2018-01-08 03:27

  本文关键词:现代汉语状态动词研究 出处:《上海师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 现代汉语 状态动词 语法特征 语义特征 界性 对比分析

[Abstract]:In the study of modern Chinese lexical category, especially on time on the category of verb verb is always the concern of Chinese grammar research. In this paper, as a kind of modern Chinese verb state verbs as the research object, the nature, characteristics of the overall description and analysis, and hope that through the systematic investigation revealed the verb in grammar, semantics, cognitive characteristics and other aspects, to explore them in modern Chinese using rules. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The specific contents are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction. This chapter of the previous research on state verbs in the past, mainly on the main points of state verbs, achievements and limitations of the make a summary. The second chapter is to investigate and redefinition of state verbs. Screening of edited by Lin Xingguang "verbs in modern Chinese Dictionary > verbs from the semantic point of view, the final The 373 state verbs as the research object. On the classification, we use the verb with object composition on the possibility of the state verbs are divided into two categories, then according to the number of semantic components shall be governed by the verb and the state verbs under the classification. The third chapter on grammatical features of verb description and state analysis. We mainly state verbs as the main grammatical features and grammatical functions of verbs and other grammatical elements such as subject, object, attributive, complement minor grammatical function analysis, and with the object of state verb complement are discussed, finally the syntactic distribution of each state verbs are induced and description. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the co-occurrence regularity and explore the state verbs and other sentence constituents. We mainly from the Chinese state verbs have a common property perspective to discuss in syntax, from A more detailed description of the syntactic features and distribution rules of state verbs and co-occurrence components of multiple perspectives, including state verbs with "a", "" study, state verbs and ", in (is)... It..." the collocation, state verbs would bring the amount of ingredients, state verb collocation with the degree adverbs, and verbs and Object Preposition co-occurrence and so on. The fifth chapter describes the semantic state verb, transitive problems such as semantic attributes and valence state verbs. The State shall be governed by the verb has three main components: semantic, things, and events, three semantic roles different configurations will change the syntactic structure. We analyze the NP1, NP2, NP3 and the types of semantic relationships between them. The effects of price, from the valence angle of two valence, semantic properties of trivalent state verbs, and transitivity to state verbs The problem is analyzed. We think that can serve as NP1 can be time, place, or institution refers to the words that can serve as NP2 and NP3 are only concrete nouns and abstract nouns. To explore the relationship between NP2 and NP1, NP3 three, on the whole, NP1 and NP2 are generalized this is the genitive, possessive possessive genitive possession, affiliated time and place, the whole and the part of relationship between NP2 and NP3; and there is no structural relationship. The sixth chapter mainly discusses the boundary of state verbs and state verbs in the process of the shaft structure. For the problem of the boundary of Chinese state verbs we, according to the three elements: before, after, continue the characteristics and strength of the Chinese state verbs into five types were investigated. Then from the five kinds of the community characteristics and cognitive perspective to describe the time phrase and marker" "," "," "the verb of Chinese state circles of influence and restriction. In the process of investigation structure of Chinese state verbs, mainly discusses the time of Chinese verb semantic attribute state, analysis and points out that Chinese state verbs if placed in the structure of time will show a continuous system. The seventh chapter mainly discusses the similarities and differences between Chinese and Vietnamese state verbs from Chinese and Vietnamese comparative perspective. We selected 167 groups of Chinese verbs from 373 state verbs in the second chapter, with the corresponding translation of verbs are compared. According to the situation of modern Chinese" explains the meaning of the Verb Dictionary > state verb explanation and < Vietnamese dictionary > and the width from the meaning, translation of verb meaning and the meaning of the cross angle of Chinese verbs should not state the corresponding comparative analysis, summarized the similarities and differences of the second. And from the grammatical function, semantic features of Chinese verbs and verb translation state more aspects of sentence structure analysis, summarizes the similarities and differences. Thirdly, the valence theory of Mr. Chen Changlai, compare the semantic components of Chinese verbs and the translation of state verbs, summarizes its similarities and differences. Finally, the Chinese verb "dead state" the translation and the corresponding verb "ch? T" as a case, from the aspects of grammatical features, semantic structure of a comprehensive comparison, summed up the similarities and differences between the two.



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