
发布时间:2018-01-15 15:36

  本文关键词:马克思主义文艺学视域下中国现代诗歌人民性研究 出处:《安徽大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 马克思主义文艺学 中国现代诗歌 人民性

[Abstract]:Marx and Engels on human nature theory, the relationship between literature and the people, the relationship between literature and literary production, national literature and world literature relation theory, made up of Marx's literature and art's complete ideological system. Chinese for modern poetry formation, development and perfection, and the people of modern poetry art and popularization provides a clear theoretical reference and practical guide. The first chapter mainly discusses the relation between the spread of Marx literary theory and the formation of people's ideology of modern poetry China, examination and analysis of Marx and Engels related interpretation about the "people" thought and discussion, and to explore its between the people of China modern poetry dialogue with the reality of fusion and rationality. Marx's thought of people's communication with modern Chinese people The people of minority life and change the way of thinking of value judgment, consistent with the aesthetic trend of China modern poets, leading modern poet Chinese better to break through the ethical dilemma, found carrying the spiritual and cultural poetry culture. From the beginning of this period, "why" question has become the watershed of the new and old poetic value judgment. And Marx's "people" thinking of the spiritual orientation for modern China poet's aesthetic emotion transfer provides poetics value judgment and theoretical scale. The second chapter mainly discusses the impact of the western culture, cultural crisis and ethical Chinese speculative modern poets face, especially the Western Poetics of emotion caused by the change and theoretical exploration well, the national literature awakening, the penetration of foreign culture and highlight the publicity of traditional poetics dilemma, spiritual dilemma of social unrest caused by the collision of old and new poetry culture Re examining the carrier, the world cultural collision in judging the value of modern poetry Chinese. Especially the traditional poetics of "Enlightenment Writings are for conveying truth. profound" revolution in the circles of poetry and new poetry movement in the Chinese culture the existence of modern poetry to strengthen the strong spirit of the times, the thought and reflects the modern sense of mission. The poet Marx people's consciousness of literary theory Chinese in the process of awakening, and cultural awareness and poetics. The third chapter mainly discusses the ethical thinking in Marx's literary thought in the process of Chinese, Chinese modern poetry people to actively participate in the national culture and reshape the poetry style innovation, and gradually formed a series of new literary thoughts. To promote the ultimate establishment of people China modern poetry. The people of China modern poetry has been proven in practice, is closely related with the modern history of Chinese The aesthetic features of poetic form, poetic proposition the later stage of the new culture movement of modern poets can not be avoided. The spirit of the times, a sense of mission, the pursuit of the value of modern poets after long-term practice and cultural heritage, has become the spiritual dimension of Chinese modern poetics, and evolved into modern China poet's spirit and thinking scale. The fourth chapter focuses on the practice of the people of Chinese mass of modern poetry. China modern poetry is a modern poet Chinese in social consciousness, the specific conditions of time and space concept of literature, embodies the aesthetic taste, along with the social reform is deepening, in the form of classical literature and gradually get rid of restrictive patterns, consciously or unconsciously to colloquial, popularization and modernization. The complex historical background of the formation and development of Chinese modern poetry, and is Chinese people against the feudal autocracy of new culture The movement, the Anti Japanese national salvation movement, history of the new democratic revolution is closely connected with the reality, the needs of survival and the national concern about the future of the birth of a number of new cultural revolution forerunner, they in Marx's literary thought under the influence of active integration with the times, actively participate in the life of the masses and revolutionary practice, accept the people's ideological and emotional edification, and excellent poems lead and influence people's spiritual and material life. Chinese modern poets with their own unique artistic perspective and create a new talent, the creation of Chinese structure of modern poetry, the new poetry optimization connotation, expand the outer space of poetry. The creation of modern poetry, and the development of modern society China people's national liberation movement are inseparable, the strong people's sexual orientation, embodies the modern poet China Replace the sense of responsibility and mission, and give Chinese New Poetry a new thinking structure and spiritual ethics.





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