
发布时间:2018-01-19 07:18

  本文关键词: 中动结构 语料库 论元结构 类指 定指 出处:《山东大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中动结构是一种既常见又特殊的具有跨语言特性的语言现象。中动结构在句法上为主动式而在语义上又隐含着被动的意义。该结构特殊的语法形式、语义属性以及复杂的二元对立特征①,已成为国内外语言学界研究的热点和争议的话题。以往对该结构研究的焦点主要集中在中动结构的生成机制、副词的使用以及时体的限制等方面。然而,在中动结构的界定上仍没有统一的标准,学界从不同的视角衍生出不同的制约标准,如副词效应标准、隐含施事标准、情态语义标准、动词体貌制约标准、主语有责条件、动词影响标准以及论元敏感制约标准等诸多纷繁复杂的制约标准,而且每一种制约标准都能找出违反该标准的反例。为了去繁就简,突破藩篱,以加深对中动结构本质的认识,本文从语言类型学的跨语言视角,在总结和借鉴了国内外对中动结构研究成果的基础上,着眼于对汉英两种语言结构的语义特征、施事论元的隐含动因、中动主语的内在属性等进行整体的全方位的分析和研究。 为了避免在跨语言研究中比附英语、生搬硬套、止于直觉的表观和片面,本文以语料库语言事实的统计为依据,以汉语为本位以英语为参照,排斥主观臆断,以“他山之石,可以攻玉”的理念,参照外位,来充实本位,本文对英汉语料库真实语料的调查、统计进行了定量、定性对比分析,对前人的假说进行了求证,证实了“中动具有跨语言特性”的论点。解决了英汉语中动结构统一的语义特征②以及其定义特征和本质特征的界定问题,明确了研究对象和范围;进而论证了和确立了汉语中[NP+V-起来+AP]和[NP+好-V]构式的中动地位。通过对比研究,发现了英汉两种语言的中动结构方面所具有的共性和差异:都是介于主动结构与被动结构之间的独立语言构式;都具有“主语有责性”特征③和非事件性特征④;都有凸显受事隐含施事等特征。从语料库的分布情况和使用范围看,英、汉语中动结构都属于口头语言、中动动词多数是日常用语中单音节常用动词;在实际语料中,不只副词/形容词能用于中动词后,介词短语也能用于中动词后来表述主语名词的属性或特征,而且副词/形容词或介词短语的语义指向都不指向隐含的施事等。不同之处:英语动词后多用副词修饰而汉语中动词后多用形容词修饰;语料中发现英语中动结构存在大量光杆动词结构而汉语中没有;在构句条件允准程度方面,汉语比英语宽容度强、能产性高。 论文不但从组合关系入手,在句法结构上将其分为典型的和非典型的两种类型,研究其句法结构和语义表达。文章还从认知的视角,对中动结构进行动态研究,从聚合关系入手,提出了在同一句法位置上的对立归一系统中存在“类指”与“定指”两种类型的中动结构。不但论证了英、汉两种语言在中动结构的类指与定指上具有的共性,考察了与之对应的语义变化、语用差异以及在隐含施事方面的深层机理,还对国内外普遍认为的所有中动结构都具有类属性和普遍性特征的论点提出了自己的不同观点。通过研究发现“定指”中动结构表述在特定语境下,具象的(实体的)客体主语在动作过程中的属性或状态。指出了只有“类指”中动结构才有类属性、规律性和普遍性的特征。论证了两种语言在“定指”和“类指”中动结构对比分析中有着如下相同的差异:隐含施事认知动因的差异、名词主语语义属性的差异以及语义等级层级的差异。用类指和定指中动结构以及其物性结构,对困扰学界的一些违反界定中动结构标准的反例进行了统一解释。 全文共分六个部分。 第一章作为绪论首先是问题的提出,介绍了研究的对象和内容、研究的目的及意义。该章同时作为文献综述部分,回顾并介绍了国内外不同流派对英、汉语中动结构的相关研究;评述了英、汉语中动结构的研究以及比较研究中所取得的成就及存在的问题。然后提出了指导理论和研究方法,简介了自建双语语料库、美国当代英语语料库以及北京大学现代汉语语料库的情况,最后介绍了语料的来源和结构安排。 第二章英、汉中动结构的语料考察和研究。首先,介绍了自建双语语料库的建设情况。其次,在通用大型语料库和自建英、汉双语平行语料库的支持下,本文作者对语料库的真实语料进行定量分析,给出定性结论。然后,文章统计分析了中动结构在不同语料库中的分布情况,以查证该结构的使用范围和频次。对英语中动结构所对应的汉语结构进行了统计分析和研究,对满足中动结构构句条件的动词以及修饰语进行语料考察、统计和分析,以查证该结构的汉语结构有哪些?最后,采用定性与定量分析相结合、描写与分析相结合的研究方法,论证语料中哪些动词和副词能用于英语中动结构也能/不能与汉语对应?以及它们使用频次的异同。分别对汉英语中动结构的约束条件和中动结构修饰语的类别以及选择制约进行了对比研究。本章的目的是通过呈现在真实语料方面英汉语中动结构的一些独特特征,分别为第三章的中动结构的界定和第五章的汉语中动结构研究提供依据。 第三章中动结构的界定。本章以第二章的语料统计分析的结果为依据,以论元结构理论和认知语言学理论为指导,在前贤们研究成果的基础上,对中动结构进行明确界定,有利于把握该结构的全貌。同时,根据英语中动结构的界定标准,结合在语料库中与英语对应的汉语结构特征,论证和确立了汉语中[NP+V-起来+AP]和[NP+好-V]格式的中动地位。 第四章对中动结构进行了句法和语义分类。本章从组合关系上,将中动结构分成典型的和非典型的进行研究。还从聚合关系上提出了中动结构存在“类指”与“定指”两种类型。论证了英汉两种语言在中动结构的类指与定指上具有的共性和差异,考察了与之对应的语义变化、语用差异以及在隐含施事方面的深层机理。 第五章是对汉语中动结构及其语义特征的研究。结合第二章的语料分析,本章对汉语结构“V-起来”与“好-V”的句法和语义特征进行了研究。借鉴英语中动研究中已经达成共识的中动句法标准和中动语义特征,检验汉语非施事主语V-起来句[NP+V-起来+AP](简称S1)和非施事主语“好-V”句[NP+好-V](简称S2),发现这两种句法结构都体现了英语中动结构的所有中动语义特征和非常相似的句法表征。据此,本文在第三章中确立过的这两种汉语中动结构进行构句成分分析和结构层次分析,并从句法特征和语义特征上发现了它们的异同。对句首名词NP的语义属性、谓语动词V的选择限制、以及修饰语AP的语义指向进行全面系统的分析。 第六部分是全文的结语。首先概括了本文研究对比的结果和理论思考,然后阐明本研究的贡献和应用启示,最后说明有待努力之处。 本论文基本的研究方法是基于自建英汉语双语平行语料库和通用语料库的真实语料,进行定量统计与定性分析相结合、描写与分析相结合的方法。“定量”包括英语和中动结构在语料库中存在形式的分布情况、出现频次的定量统计和分析,以及与其对应的汉语中动结构在语料库中存在形式的分布情况、出现频次的定量统计和分析。“定性”包括英汉语中动结构的对应情况的共性和差异的分析,英汉语中动结构语义特征的共性与差异的分析。同时“描写”是定量的基础,“分析”是定性的必由之路,通过内省的方法来弥补语料库统计中的不足。 本研究的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面: 1)以语料库的真实语言统计为依据,以语言类型学理论为指导,解决了中动结构的定义特征和本质特征的界定问题,明确了研究对象和范围;根据通用语料库和自建双语语料库的调查、统计,论证了和确立了汉语中[NP+V-起来+AP]和[NP+好-V]格式的“中动”地位。 2)在大量语料的支持下,对英、汉语中动结构的特征进行定量、定性分析,对前人的假说进行求证,证实了“中动具有跨语言特性”的论点,以期深化汉语言所具有的共性和差异的本体研究。 3)从聚合关系入手,提出了中动结构的“类指”与“定指”两种类型,不但论证了英、汉两种语言在中动结构的类指与定指上具有的共性和差异,还分析了与之对应的语义变化、语用差异以及在隐含施事方面的深层机理。就国内外普遍认为的所有“中动结构都具有类属性和普遍性特征”的论点,本文作者以语料库中检测到的真实语料为依据,从主语名词在不同类型中的语义属性和认知动因上论证了该“类属性”论点的偏颇。指出了只有“类指”中动结构才有类属性和普遍性的特征,“定指”的中动结构并不表述这两种遍性特征。论证了两种语言在“定指”和“类指”中动结构对比分析中有着如下相同的差异:隐含施事认知动因的差异、名词主语语义属性的差异以及语义等级层级的差异。 4)对困惑语言学界的复杂的二元对立特征和许多违反界定中动结构标准的反例进行了统一解释①,了解这些特征会有助于更加深刻地探讨中动结构的本质。 不足之处在于,在语料的统计方面,由于在删减不符合构句条件的句子时需要人工操作,可能出现部分数据的偏差;自建英汉双语语料库规模小,达不到海量检索,也可能会出现数据偏差。根据上述不足我们将多次核对、穷尽检索,尽可能地减少偏差;对于自建双语语料库,今后将联合能联合的力量尽可能扩大其规模
[Abstract]:In the dynamic structure is a kind of common and special characteristics of cross language language phenomenon. In the dynamic structure in syntax is active in semantic and implied passive meaning. The special structure of the grammatical forms, semantic attributes and the complexity of the two binary characters, has become a hot and controversial research in China inside and outside the linguistic topics. The previous focus on the structure of the main structure of the concentrated dynamic mechanism in the use of adverbial and the restriction and so on. However, in the dynamic structure definition there is no uniform standard, the academic standards of different constraints derived from different perspectives, such as adverb effect standard, the implied agent standard, modal verbs semantic standards, control standard, subject has the responsibility condition, standard and effect of verb argument sensitive control standard constraints such as standard many, and each kind of restriction The standard can find counterexamples to violate the standard. In order to simplify, to break through barriers, to deepen the understanding of the structure of dynamic nature, this paper from the typological cross linguistic perspective, summarizes and draws lessons from the domestic and foreign research results on the basis of the dynamic structure, focusing on the semantic features of Chinese and English the structure of language, implicit motive agent argument, in the intrinsic properties of the subject were analyzed and studied entirely.
In order to avoid cross linguistic research in analogy in English, mechanically, ending in intuition of apparent and one-sided, based on the statistics of corpus linguistic facts as the basis for Chinese to English as the reference standard, exclusion of subjective, "outside the box, so the concept of reference, to enrich the standard, this paper surveys on English and Chinese corpus corpus, statistical quantitative, qualitative comparative analysis of the previous hypothesis of the verification, confirmed the" dynamic cross linguistic characteristics "argument. To solve the semantic features of dynamic unified structure in English and Chinese, and defines its definition and essential features, the research the object and scope; then discussed and established the dynamic status of Chinese [NP+V- +AP] and [NP+ -V] constructions. Through comparative study, found with two languages in the dynamic aspects of the structure And the differences are: independent language between active structure and passive structure; with "subject accountability" and the characteristics of specific non events; have highlighted patient characteristics. The implied agent from the corpus of the distribution and use of perspective, English, Chinese are verbal constructions in language, verbs are mostly monosyllabic verbs in everyday language; in the actual data, not only can be used in the adjective / adverb verb, can prepositional phrases used in verb noun later expression of attributes or features, and describe the semantic / adverbs or prepositional phrases to do not point to the implied agent. Different: English verbs more used adverbs and verbs after the more adjectives in the corpus; it is found that the dynamic structure of the existence of a large number of English verb structure but not in Chinese; in construction This condition sentence level, Chinese than English strong tolerance, high productivity.
The paper not only from the combination of two types of relationship, which is divided into typical and atypical syntactic structure will, expression of the syntactic structure and semantic. The article also from the perspective of cognition, the dynamic structure of dynamic research, starting from the paradigmatic relations, proposed in the same syntactic position on opposing normalization system in the presence of "means" and "fixed" two types of dynamic structure. Not only demonstrates the English, Chinese two kinds of language structure refers to the common and fixed finger is in the middle, examines the semantic change and the corresponding mechanism, pragmatic differences and deep in the implied agent, also think of all the animals in the domestic and foreign common structures have the attributes of the class and the general characteristics of the argument put forward different opinions. The study found that "definiteness" dynamic structure representation in the particular context, concrete (entity) in the subject object The attribute or state in the process. It is pointed out that only "refers to" dynamic structure have attributes, characteristics and universality. The argument of the two language in the "reference" and "refers to" a follows the same structural differences in Contrastive Analysis: the difference between the implied agent cognitive motivation the difference between noun semantic attributes and semantic difference between grade levels. In order to move in and refers to the structure and the physical structure of a class, the unified interpretation plagued the academia in violation of some standard definition in the dynamic structure of counterexamples.
The full text is divided into six parts.
The first chapter is the introduction of the problem, introduces the research object and content, the purpose and significance of the research. This chapter also as part of the literature review, the paper reviews the domestic and foreign related research on different genres of English, constructions in Chinese; review English, problem research and comparative study of structure the achievement and existing in Chinese. And then put forward the guiding theory and research method, introduces the construction of bilingual corpus, corpus of contemporary American English and modern Chinese corpus of Peking University, finally introduces the language material source and structure arrangement.
The second chapter, Hanzhoung construction corpus investigation and research. Firstly, this paper introduces the construction situation of building bilingual corpus. Secondly, in general large corpora and English Chinese bilingual self, parallel corpus, the author of the corpus corpus for quantitative analysis are given. Then, the article analyses the distribution in the dynamic structure in different corpus, to verify the use of the structure and frequency. On the dynamic structure of Chinese corresponding structure was analyzed and studied in English, to meet the dynamic structure of a sentence and the verb modifier of corpus investigation, statistics and analysis to verify the structure of Chinese the structure of what? At last, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, descriptive research method combined with analysis, argumentation corpus which verbs and adverbs can be used for dynamic structure in English can also / Not with the Chinese counterpart? And their similarities and differences. The frequency of use of dynamic structure modifier categories and structure constraints and dynamic constraints in Chinese and English are studied. The purpose of this chapter is to present some unique features through the dynamic structure in the corpus aspect in English and Chinese, provide the basis for the dynamic structure study for the third chapter in the definition and structure of the fifth chapter in the Chinese language.
The third chapter defines the structure. The results of this chapter to the second chapter of the corpus analysis as the basis, the argument structure theory and the theory of cognitive linguistics, based on previous research results, the dynamic structure is clearly defined, is conducive to grasp the whole appearance of the structure. At the same time, according to the structure the definition of standard dynamic English, combined with Chinese and English corresponding structural features in the corpus, argumentation and established the dynamic status of Chinese [NP+V- +AP] and [NP+ -V] format.
The fourth chapter is the syntactic and semantic classification of the dynamic structure. This chapter from the association, the dynamic research structure is divided into typical and atypical. From the paradigmatic proposed the existence of "generic" and "fixed point" in two types of dynamic structure. Demonstrates the two languages structure the class refers to the fixed finger with the similarities and differences in the effects of semantic change, by contrast, pragmatic differences and deep mechanism in the aspects of the implied agent.
The fifth chapter is to study the structure and semantic features of Chinese. Combined with the second chapter analysis of the corpus, syntactic and semantic features of this chapter on the structure of Chinese "V-" and "-V" were studied. From the semantic features of English middle animal studies have reached a consensus in dynamic syntax and standard. The inspection of Chinese non agent subject V- [NP+V- +AP] up (S1) and non agent subject "-V" [NP+ -V] (S2), found that two kinds of syntactic structure reflects the semantic features of syntactic representation all constructions and very similar in English. Therefore, the two Chinese this paper has established in the third chapter the dynamic structure analysis of structure of sentence analysis and hierarchical structure, and from the syntactic and semantic features found their similarities and differences. The first sentence semantic attribute NOUN NP, restriction predicate verb V, and modified The semantic orientation of the language AP is analyzed in a comprehensive and systematic way.
The sixth part is the conclusion of the paper. First, we summarize the results and theoretical thinking of this study, then clarify the contributions and application implications of this research, and finally, explain what needs to be done.
In this paper, the basic research method is the authentic self English Chinese bilingual parallel corpus and corpus based, by quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, the method of description and analysis. "Quantitative" includes distribution form of the dynamic structure in English and in the corpus, statistical and quantitative analysis of the frequency of emergence well, the corresponding dynamic structure in Chinese corpus in the distribution form of the emergence of statistical and quantitative analysis. The frequency of "qualitative" includes the analysis of similarities and differences between the corresponding structures in English and Chinese, analyzes the similarities and differences between English and Chinese middle construction the semantic features of "description" is at the same time. The basis of quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis is the only way which must be passed by the method of introspection, to make up the corpus statistics.
The innovation of this study is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1) to real language corpus statistics according to linguistic typology theory, solves the dynamic problem of defining the definition and essential features of the structure, the research object and scope; according to the survey, the General Corpus and self bilingual corpus statistics, demonstrated and established in Chinese [NP+V- and +AP] [NP+ -V] format "dynamic" status.
2) with the support of a large number of corpus, we made quantitative and qualitative analysis of the characteristics of Chinese and English middle constructions, and verified the hypothesis of predecessors, which confirmed the argument that "middle movement has cross linguistic characteristics", in order to deepen the ontological research of similarities and differences between Chinese language and Chinese language.
3) starting from the paradigmatic relations, proposed in the dynamic structure of the "generic" and "fixed point" two types, not only demonstrates the English, Chinese two kinds of language structure and category refers to the fixed finger with the similarities and differences in the middle, also analyzes the semantic change and the pragmatic differences and the underlying mechanism in the implied agent aspects. All moving structures have the attributes of the class and the general characteristics of "argument at home and abroad generally think, the real corpus based on corpus detected as the basis, from the noun semantic attributes in different types of motivation and cognition on the demonstration of the" the class attribute argument. It is pointed out that only biased "refers to" dynamic structure is characteristic of class attribute and universality, "refers to the" middleconstruction do not express these two times characteristics. The argument of the two language in the "reference" and "category refers to the" dynamic structure of There are the same as differences than analysis: differences in the implied agent cognitive motivation, differences and differences in semantic attribute noun semantic class hierarchy.
4) a unified explanation of the complex two opposite characteristics and many counterexamples that define the standard of middle structure.
The disadvantage is that in the corpus statistics, because of the need for manual operation in the construction cut does not comply with the sentence, there may be deviation data; from the bilingual corpus is small, not up to the massive search, may also appear deviation. According to the above data deficiencies we will repeatedly check, exhaustive search, as to reduce the deviation; for building bilingual corpus, the future will joint the joint force as much as possible to expand its scale



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