
发布时间:2018-01-19 09:54

  本文关键词: 美国 价值观 好莱坞电影 塑造 传播 软实力 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The relationship between the shape and spread of American values and Hollywood movies. Hollywood movie set close commercial and cultural two properties in one, it is not only involved in shaping American values, is also involved in the spread of American values, is an important part of American soft power. Some scholars on the study of Hollywood movies and the United States the values of the shape and spread, but there are few on this subject in a systematic and holistic research. This paper is based on the relevant historical facts and movie texts combining history, theories and methods of international relations, shaping and dissemination of Hollywood movies in the United States since twentieth Century this value in the role, and can be summed up reference for Chinese film experience. The thesis consists of three parts: the first part, introduction. Mainly points out the research significance, summarizes the research on the Hollywood movies and American values of the relevant The results found to be studied, the abundant space, explain research ideas, methods and structure. The second part, the main part of the paper consists of five chapters: the first chapter is the historical evolution of Hollywood movies. Hollywood movie history of America is inexhaustible, inexhaustible source. Hollywood movies from different aspects, different angles reflects American society the history and culture, and show their concern. In today's era, the rapid development of new media, the growth of the integration of cultural industries, the Hollywood film entered a new period of development. The new media for the film industry as a "double-edged sword", combined with the characteristics of the one-way output, Hollywood is facing new challenges. The second chapter analyzes the Hollywood movie the types and cultural connotation. The Hollywood has a rich tradition in the genre, different standards, types of Hollywood movies are also diverse. In reality, Hollywood The interpretation of different types of film culture connotation is different. In the western, we can see the social, cultural changes, and can feel the personal heroism which contains the beauty of values. In horror, thriller and action movies and other types of film, often involving violence. And enjoy the negative elements of potential, the society, especially the adverse impact of teenagers. The third chapter explains the mechanism of Hollywood. Hollywood is a unique mode of operation mechanism with multi dimension and flexibility. First of all, the Hollywood film making and professional flexible production mechanism after the test, the pictures in different periods of demand. Is a powerful guarantee for Hollywood film production and productivity level. After nearly 100 years of development, the Hollywood in the global market has occupied the absolute dominant position, is becoming the world's Hollywood from Hollywood in the United States Wu Hollywood. In the process of globalization, the successful strategy of concern. Secondly, the Oscar prize for business, the delicate balance between art and politics, Hollywood and the U.S. government to achieve a win-win situation in the interaction. Because of the Oscar prize and the American government's help, the Hollywood to achieve a global expansion of its image, and the American way of life the value of ideas to the world. The fourth chapter analyzes the shape of Hollywood movies to American values. The formation of American values of historical development and the United States are closely related. It is formed in the multicultural basis, compatible with many national characteristics, a kind of value system is also influenced by the North American continent, natural and cultural environment. The American dream Hollywood is an important theme of the film to show, in the mirror of the American dream shows Americans optimistic, enterprising, pioneering and innovative national character, effective construction and expression of the All kinds of American values, and very influential. In reality enlightenment of American movies and values are complementary and mutual relations. The mainstream American values in different types of film has been embodied. The fifth chapter discusses the spread of Hollywood movies to American values in the United States. The value of the audience communication channels in Hollywood the film is the backbone of outstanding achievements, spreading American values. The Hollywood by cross national, cross border theme, absorb the excellent nutrient material, and then use the skilled production methods and American thinking to package film and bringing it to the world; this win-win "copy" strategy to obtain commercial interests and the spread of American culture the Hollywood film force. The global market share is very high, has a strong influence and spread of power, is an important part of American soft power. Because of the economic, political and cultural Confrontation and conflict and so on, Hollywood films are more or less against overseas, but the spread effect of Hollywood movies to American values is still irreplaceable. The third part mainly summarizes the conclusion. The Hollywood movie creation and spread American values for the successful model, analyzed the success of several Hollywood films can be used as reference China film: 1.: content is king tells the story of America.2. global material world share.3. innovation driven industrial and cultural mechanism.



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