
发布时间:2018-02-02 17:27

  本文关键词: “长安画派”口述史 口述者 口述内容 口述方式 口述建构 出处:《西北大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:"Changan school" oral history to specific oral group as the narrator, with multiple social memory as the basis, using the retrospective narrative multiple internal focusing, restore a multidimensional "Changan school" and true to life groups of artists. Therefore, from this perspective, the "Changan school" oral history is the establishment of grand narrative on the basis of many microscopic narrative, is a multi part integrated into the "Changan school" development history. "The Changan school" oral history not only added the details of materials related to the "Changan school", provides a key link in the absence of literature, but also for the oral historical data. Reasonable analysis, therefore, the "Changan school" oral history is a history of the "Changan school". At the same time through oral review and Reflection on the "Changan school", can be reflected when Explain the generation and understanding of "Changan school" of the cultural mentality, value position, emotional orientation, creative ideas and artistic pursuit, thus, "Changan school" oral history to a certain extent is a contemporary art history. Through the study of the "Changan school" oral group, we found that "Changan School of oral is to" Changan school "as the center, through blood, an oral group organized the relationship between teachers and students, they are the" Changan school "related events and characters of the witness, and the" Changan school "" story "of the narrator and beyond. According to the" Changan school "dictation discussion can be seen: on the one hand, through the historical background, the details of life, character, story description, oral history reveals an existence in the history field and cultural field in the" Changan school "; on the other On the one hand, oral content not only restore the historical events in the past look, now also reproduces the dictation of the spiritual world, shows one of the oral experience, memories, beliefs, thoughts, intentions to build up the psychological and spiritual field "Changan school". From the perspective of narrative, and discourse types the narrative strategy in three aspects as a starting point to examine the "Changan school" oral history narrative, through the "look" to "say" to "analysis of thinking" from the outside to the inside, we found that the "Changan school" oral history narrative style is more inclined to "subjective truth" in oral based on analysis, three important factors and oral dictation methods, we summarize and further explore the oral history from the perspective of the "Changan school". The construction of "Changan school" oral history is actually the dictation of standing in the moment The cultural value of position on the "Changan school" to the form of re construction after oral. From the content of the "Changan school" mainly from the narrator's memory, the form is mainly based on the oral narrative. Therefore, memory contents and narrative forms composed of oral history construct "two points of Changan school" from. The content level, is the "Changan school" memory "schema" and selective reconstruction; from the form level, is to build in the narration of poetic mode and escape mechanism. Among them, the "Changan school" memory "schema" and can be seen as oral selective reconstruction in the subconscious first layer of Changan school construction, poetic language of narrative mode and escape mechanism construction can be regarded as the oral expression in speech on second layer on the "Changan school" of the building. In the narrator's "Changan School complex, nostalgia and empathy under the action of the two levels of construction in the oral narrative be made one, each of the oral ablation, "Changan school" described the tail echo, coherent, self-contained, not only to achieve the reproduction of oral history events or characters and repeat the construction of oral history, and the "Changan school" way of showing a nature of convergence.





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