
发布时间:2018-04-13 18:12

  本文选题:宣传画 + 十七年 ; 参考:《中央美术学院》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Seventeen years after the founding of the people's Republic of China was a special period in the history of the people's Republic of China.It began with the founding of the people's Republic of China and ended with the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution.Poster is an important modern propaganda tool and information media.Seventeen years after the founding of the people's Republic of China was an important period for the development of posters in New China.This paper summarizes the development and evolution of 17-year-old posters from the perspective of culture and representation.This paper summarizes three pairs of contradictory forces that influence the development of 17 years' posters: internationalization and nationalization, urbanization and ruralization, public interest and ideology.The full text is divided into four chapters.The first chapter, the rise of posters.This chapter first introduces the development of posters before the founding of New China.Then it introduces the new New year painting campaign, and analyzes the characteristics of the new New year painting with both publicity and custom.Finally, it analyzes the propaganda needs of the anti-US campaign and aids Korea, which leads to the rise of posters in New China.The second chapter, the development of posters.This chapter first introduces the introduction of Soviet and Polish posters and their influence on the concept and creation of New China posters.Then, it introduces the differentiation of poster function and diversification of style during the first five-year Plan.Finally, the influence of private publishing of posters on public interest is introduced.Chapter three, the turning point of posters.This chapter mainly analyzes the double turn of the content and form of the posters during the Great Leap forward period.This chapter is divided into two parts.The first part introduces the propaganda of the Great Leap forward Movement.The second part introduces the situation in the Great Leap forward Movement in the publishing and distribution of posters.Chapter IV, the interruption and transition of posters.This chapter is divided into two parts.The first part describes the stagnation of the publication of posters from 1961 to 1963.The second part introduces the transition of propagandists to the Cultural Revolution from 1964 to 1965.


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