
发布时间:2018-04-20 12:50

  本文选题:汉泰语疑问句 + 疑问句 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Due to the differences in syntactic structures and communicative functions of different languages, learners often encounter many problems in the process of acquiring a second language, and thus affect their second language communicative competence. The interrogative sentence is a sentence pattern that Thai students use more frequently and have more errors. Students do not have great problems in using Chinese for oral communication in their daily life. Hearers can guess what they want to express by combining their daily experience. But it is difficult for students to use complex questions correctly. This paper studies the similarities and differences of Chinese and Thai interrogative sentences by means of comparative research, and studies the students' use of Chinese interrogative sentences by means of investigation and analysis, and makes statistics on the results of the survey. At the same time, this paper analyzes the causes of students' errors in the use of Chinese interrogative sentences and induces various types of errors. The thesis is divided into nine parts: chapter one introduces the purpose, scope, methods and sources of the study. The second chapter expounds the present situation of the research of Chinese and Thai interrogative sentences and the present research situation of Chinese and Thai comparative studies in recent years. At the same time, it introduces the classification of Chinese and Thai interrogative sentences. There are four types of Chinese interrogative sentences: right and wrong, specific question, selective question and positive and negative question; There are three types of interrogative sentences in Thai: right-right question, specific question and selective question. The third chapter studies the Chinese and Thai non-interrogative sentences and makes a comparative analysis, and summarizes the similarities and differences of the Chinese and Thai non-interrogative sentences, sentence structure and answer methods. As for interrogative motifs, we mainly discuss and analyze the motifs "do" in Chinese non-question sentences, "maj14" in Thai, "maj14" and their forms of additional questions. Chapter IV according to nine ways of questioning: ask people, ask things or things, ask specific objects, ask places, ask time, ask nature and state, ask quantity, ask degree, ask reason and purpose, This paper makes a contrastive analysis of the interrogative pronouns in the Chinese and Thai special reference interrogative sentences, and discusses the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Thai special reference interrogative sentences with and without moods. The fifth chapter is a contrastive analysis of Chinese and Thai selected interrogative sentences. The main contents are as follows: first, it introduces the Chinese relative word "or" or "the Chinese relative word" [Yu Yu: 14], and the second part is the comparison of the sentence structure of the Chinese-Thai choice question sentence, and the second part is the comparison of the sentence structure of the Chinese-Thai choice question sentence. Third, the comparison of omissions of the same items in Chinese and Thai choice questions. Chapter six analyzes and explains the structure of "X not X" in Chinese positive and rhetorical question and the special choice question in Thai ("maj41"). At the same time, it makes a comparative analysis of the same interrogative sentences in Chinese and Thai. The seventh chapter is about the Chinese and Thai interrogative sentence interrogative degree and the communicative function, because the academic circles already had the qualitative to the Chinese interrogative sentence question degree, but we have not found the research result regarding the Thai interrogative sentence interrogative degree. Therefore, according to the research results of Shao Jingmin (1996), the author analyzes the interrogative degree of Thai interrogative sentence, and compares the interrogative degree of Chinese and Thai interrogative sentence. In addition, this chapter also explains the communicative functions of "inquiry" and "indirect speech act" in Chinese and Thai interrogative sentences. In the eighth chapter, aiming at the investigation and statistics of Thai students' use of Chinese interrogative sentences, we summarize the students' errors into four types: wrong order, wrong generation, false addition and omission, so as to analyze the teaching difficulties of Chinese interrogative sentences and the causes of errors. And put forward the teaching strategy about Chinese interrogative sentence teaching. The ninth chapter summarizes the main points of the full text, points out the shortcomings of this paper, and puts forward some suggestions for further research, hoping to be helpful to teachers and students in the teaching of Chinese interrogative sentences.


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