
发布时间:2018-04-29 16:45

  本文选题:基于 + 中国 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:学习风格的概念最初用于心理学。1962年,Witkin和他的同事提出"场依赖"和"场独立"的概念,从而使学习风格从心理学进入语言学习领域的研究。Dunn(1990)认为,五分之三的学习风格由基因决定,剩下的五分之二取决于外部因素(引自Rhoads,Gough,2005)。外部因素如国籍(Griffiths,2008))、文化(Nelson,1995)、教学方式、任务类型、教育系统或教育环境(Semeijn et al.,1999)也会影响个人的学习风格。学习风格是个人差异因素之一。学习风格理论的中心思想是人与人之间的差异在学习能力和偏好的体现,将这些偏好与指导方法以及学习环境结合起来将有助于提高学生的学习成绩(ArbuthnottKratzig,2015)。Hendricson等人(1987)认为,学习风格受学校教学观念、教学方式、考核过程以及课程安排等的影响(引自 ClaxtonMurrell,1987)。来自伊朗与中国的学生教育观念不同。因此,对来自东亚以孔子思想为主导的中国和有深厚宗教影响的伊朗的中东地区的学生感知学习风格进行比较是非常有趣而且很有必要的。伊朗是伊斯兰教成员国之一,穆斯林信徒有约六千五百万,这从政治和教育两方面影响了伊朗的社会文化。总体而言,中国和伊朗是来自两个完全不同教育观念的国家,他们各自代表着大各自的文化。在中国和伊朗的英语学习,都是英语作为外语的学习环境。虽然都是学习英语,但是英语作为外语(EFL)和英语为第二语言(ESL)的语境是不同的。在ESL环境中,英语学习者有很多机会与本族语者进行交流,而在EFL环境中,学生很少有这种机会。本文从程度、性别以及年龄等方面研究中国和伊朗学生在感知学习风格方面的异同。351位学生接受了感知学习风格偏好的问卷调查,其中部分学生参加了随后进行的访谈。这些学生包括164位中国学生和187位伊朗学生。英语是他们的一门外语(EFL),中国学生就读于浙江大学,伊朗学生就读于德黑兰阿扎德大学(中心分部与科学研究分部)。关于感知学习风格偏好的问卷调查在本文中用于判断学习者的感知学习风格。首先,调查设计了 6个有关学习者的问题,包括姓名、年龄、邮箱、性别、学习的年限以及专业。研究采用了 Joy Reid于1987年设计的量度标准,用于研究英语作为第二外语学习者的学习风格。该调查包括30个问题,要求学生评估并决定6种学习风格中自已所偏爱的种类,即视觉、听觉、策略性、动觉、小组、个人(Reid,1987)。问卷使用了从"非常不同意"到"非常同意"的李克特量表。第二种研究工具是访谈,访谈内容为有关学习者感知学习风格、个人学习与小组学习的7个问题,分别询问受访者的视觉学习风格、动觉风格、听觉风格、个人学习、小组学习以及策略风格。最后一个问题是关于学习者认为有助于学习的最好方法的。其中351学生,由于20人用了采访的方式,所以只有331名学生以回答问卷的方式来参加。这331位学生是随机选择的,其中有92位男性,230位女性,年龄介于18到51岁之间。9名学生并没有提到他们的性别。他们的本土语言分别是中文和波斯语,在大学所学专业为英语,其中有本科在读与硕士在读生。在中国和伊朗,硕士学习时间通常为2年到3年,本科为4年。本研究是一项描述性研究,旨在探讨中国和伊朗EFL学习者的主要、次要和可忽略的感知模式。换言之,即对比中伊两国EFL学习者的感知模式。本研究分为两个阶段。第一阶段,研究者在中国在两个不同学期随机抽取了浙江大学英语专业的学生为受试者,向他们发放了调查问卷。由于问卷包括30个问题,受试者需在15分钟内完成感知学习风格偏好的选择。发放问卷前,研究者向受试者解释了填写问卷的细则。发放后,从受试者中抽取自愿接受访谈的志愿者。研究的第二阶段在伊朗进行,研究者随机选择阿扎德大学(中心分部与科学研究分部)的英语的专业学生作为受试者,其具体执行过程与第一阶段相同。在两个阶段中,研究者在访谈中均用英语解释如何填写问卷。研究结果显示,第一,通过6个独立样本T检验得出的描述性和推理性数据显示,伊朗EFL学习者更倾向于听觉风格,而中国EFL学习者倾向于策略性风格。第二,硕士研究生比本科生拥有更多的学习风格。第三,年龄稍长的学生比年纪较小的学生更倾向于综合听觉、视觉、动觉、策略、小组学习等多种策略。第四,男生更倾向个人学习,而女生则没有固定的学习模式。研究结果还表明,两因素方差分析得出的独立变量之间有关联。经过感知学习风格调查,变量揭示了伊朗和中国EFL学习者之间以及各个独立变量(年龄、年级、性别)之间的显著性关联。年龄:在听觉风格中,国籍和年龄之间有显著性关联,这意味着年龄不同,中伊EFL学习者的听觉风格也不同。在视觉风格和策略风格中,国籍和年龄也具有显著性关联。年龄的差距也体现在小组学习中,这意味着中伊EFL学习者因年龄不同,在小组学习风格中也不同。年级:在听觉风格中,国籍和年龄之间有显著性关联,国籍和年级也有显著性关联。在视觉风格中,不仅有因国籍不同以及因年级不同产生的差异,还存在因国籍和年级两个变量都不同而产生的差异,这也意味着中伊EFL学习者的动觉风格随国籍与年级的变量变化而不同。年级不同,意味着硕士研究生和本科生在策略风格上存在差距。在小组学习中,年级变量有显著性差异,国籍和年级两个变量之间有显著关联。性别:国籍和年龄之间具有显著性关联,换言之,中伊EFL学习者因性别不同而产生听觉风格差异。国籍与性别之间具有显著性关联,中伊EFL学习者因性别不同而产生视觉差异。在策略风格上,男性和女性有显著性差异。在小组学习上,国籍和性别两变量有显著性关联。之后对受访者进行了质性研究即访谈。中伊EFL学习者均强烈倾向视觉风格。中国学生同时也倾向于策略风格,这一访谈结果与问卷调查结果一致。伊朗EFL学习者倾向于视觉和听觉风格,这一访谈结果也与问卷调查结果相符。该结果表明,分别偏向策略风格,听觉和视觉风格的中伊学生在接受访谈时,所呈现的结果与问卷结果保持一致。通过所得结果可以推断,年龄与年级(硕士研究生或本科生)对中伊EFL学习者的感知学习风格均有很大影响。换言之,年龄与年级越高,感知学习风格的种类相应越多。本研究结果有对课程教学具有指导意义。语言学习者应该了解自身的感知学习风格,这可以帮助他们在语言学习过程中保持积极性。如今,自主学习是诸多教育系统的主要目标,而达成该目标,学习者首先就要熟悉自身的感知学习风格。不同的习模式对语言学习尤为重要,因为语言学习包括通过感知而习得的学习技能,这就意味着学习者只有在输入和输出都通过不同学习模式的情境下才能更好地学好语言。语言学习是通过听课、阅读、角色扮演等方式进行的。所有任务的完成都得益于学习者对自身的感知学习风格的进行一步掌握。当学习者意识到自身的感知学习风格重要性时,他们才能更好地调整自已以适应外部的学习环境。
[Abstract]:The concept of learning style was originally used in.1962 years of psychology. Witkin and his colleagues proposed the concept of "field dependence" and "field independence", so that learning style from psychology into the field of language learning.Dunn (1990) believes that 3/5 of the learning style is determined by genes and the remaining 2/5 depends on the external factors (introduced from Rhoads, Gou) GH, 2005). External factors such as nationality (Griffiths, 2008)), culture (Nelson, 1995), teaching mode, task type, educational system or educational environment (Semeijn et al., 1999) also affect individual learning style. Learning style is one of the individual difference factors. The central idea of learning style theory is the difference between people and people in learning ability and bias. A good embodiment, combining these preferences with guidance and learning environments will help improve students' academic performance (ArbuthnottKratzig, 2015).Hendricson et al. (1987) believes that the learning style is influenced by school teaching ideas, teaching methods, assessment processes, and curriculum arrangements (from ClaxtonMurrell, 1987). From Iran and Chinese students have different educational ideas. Therefore, it is very interesting and necessary to compare the students' perceptual learning styles from East Asia with Confucius thought and the deep religious influence of Iran in the Middle East. Iran is one of the members of Islam, with about sixty-five million Muslim believers, which is from politics. Two aspects of education and education affect the social culture of Iran. In general, China and Iran are from two countries with completely different educational ideas. They represent their respective cultures. English learning in China and Iran is the learning environment of English as a foreign language. Although all of them are English, English as a foreign language (EFL) and The context of English as the second language (ESL) is different. In the ESL environment, English learners have a lot of opportunities to communicate with native speakers, while in the EFL environment, students rarely have this opportunity. This paper studies the similarities and differences between Chinese and Iran students in the sense of perceived learning style in terms of degree, sex and age. A questionnaire survey of perceptual learning style preference, in which some students participated in subsequent interviews. These students included 164 Chinese students and 187 Iran students. English was their foreign language (EFL), Chinese students attended Zhejiang University, and Iran students attended the University of Yu Dehei lanazad (central branch and scientific research division). The questionnaire survey on perceptual learning style preference in this article is used to judge the learners' perceptual learning style. First, the survey and design of 6 questions about the learners, including name, age, mailbox, gender, learning life and professional. The study adopted the measure standard designed by Joy Reid in 1987 for the study of English as the first The study style of two foreign language learners. The survey includes 30 questions that require students to assess and determine the category of their own preferences in 6 styles of learning, namely, visual, auditory, strategic, kinesthetic, group, and individual (Reid, 1987). The questionnaire uses the "very disagreed" to "very agreed" by the Likert scale. The second research tools are interviews, interviews. The content is the 7 questions about learners' perceived learning style, personal learning and group learning. They ask the interviewee's visual learning style, kinesthetic style, auditory style, personal learning, group learning and strategy style. The last question is about the best way that the learners think it helps to learn. Of them, 351 students, due to 20 People used the interview, so only 331 students took part in the questionnaire. The 331 students were randomly selected, including 92 men, 230 women, and.9 students aged 18 to 51. They did not mention their sex. Their native language was Chinese and Persian, and the major in the University was English. This is a descriptive study that aims to explore the main, secondary and negligible perceptual patterns of EFL learners in China and Iran. In other words, this study compares the perception patterns of EFL learners in China and Iran. The study is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the researchers in China randomly selected the students of the English major of Zhejiang University in two different term in China, and issued a questionnaire to them. As the questionnaire included 30 questions, the subjects had to complete a better choice of perceived learning style within 15 minutes. Before the questionnaire was issued, the researchers gave the subjects to the subjects. The second phase of the study was carried out in Iran, and the researchers randomly selected the English Majors of the University of Azad (central branch and scientific research division) as subjects, the specific execution of which was the same as the first stage. In the two phase. In the interview, the researchers explained how to fill out the questionnaire in English. The results showed that first, the descriptive and reasoning data obtained through 6 independent samples T test showed that the Iran EFL learners were more inclined to the auditory style, while the Chinese EFL learners tended to the strategic wind. Second, the graduate students had more than the undergraduates. Third, older students are more inclined to integrate hearing, vision, kinesthetic, strategy, group learning and other strategies. Fourth, boys are more prone to personal learning, while girls do not have a fixed learning model. The results also show that there is a correlation between the independent variables obtained by the two factor analysis of variance. There is a significant correlation between the EFL learners in Iran and China and the individual variables (age, grade, sex). Age: in the auditory style, there is a significant correlation between nationality and age, which means that the age of the EFL learners is different. In the strategy style, nationality and age also have a significant correlation. The age gap is also reflected in group learning. This means that the Chinese EFL learners are also different in the group learning style because of their age. Grade: in the auditory style, there is a significant association between nationality and age, and there is a significant correlation between nationality and grade. In addition, there are differences in the two variables of nationality and grade because of the differences in nationality and grade. It also means that the kinesthetic style of the EFL learners in China and Iraq varies with the variable of nationality and grade. The difference in grade means that the graduate students and the undergraduate students have poor strategic style. In group learning, there is a significant difference in grade variables. There is a significant association between two variables of nationality and grade. Gender: there is a significant correlation between nationality and age. In other words, there is a difference in auditory style between Chinese and Iran EFL learners because of gender differences. There is a significant correlation between nationality and sex, and the Chinese EFL learners are not sexed because of sex. There was a significant difference in vision. In the strategy style, there was a significant difference between the male and the female. In group learning, there was a significant correlation between the two variables of nationality and sex. Then the interviewees conducted a qualitative study or interview. Both Chinese and Iran EFL learners were strongly inclined to visual style. The results of the questionnaire survey are consistent. The results of the interview in Iran EFL learners tend to be visual and auditory style. The results of this interview are also consistent with the results of the questionnaire. The results show that the results of the Chinese and Iraqi students who are biased towards the strategy style, hearing and visual style are consistent with the results of the questionnaire. Age and grade (graduate student or undergraduate) have a great influence on the perceptual learning style of the EFL learners. In other words, the higher the age and grade, the more kinds of perceptual learning styles. The results of this study have a guiding significance for the course teaching. Language learners should understand their own perceptual learning style, which can help him. They are active in the process of language learning. Now, autonomous learning is the main goal of many educational systems. And when it comes to the goal, learners are first to be familiar with their own perceptual learning styles. Different habits are particularly important for language learning, because language learning involves learning skills acquired through perception, which means learning. The learners can learn language better only in the context of different learning patterns. Language learning is carried out through listening, reading, and role playing. All tasks are accomplished by the learners' understanding of their own perceptual learning style. When the style is important, they can better adjust themselves to adapt to the external learning environment.



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1 张千梅;;关于中国中小学生的感知学习风格,理想二语自我,和二语动机行为的研究(英文)[J];Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics;2015年01期




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