
发布时间:2018-04-29 10:34

  本文选题:居家老年人 + 人际幸福感 ; 参考:《西南大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Since our country has stepped into an aging society, it has become a realistic challenge for all levels of government and every family to face the challenges that the elderly people have to face in their familiar environment in the face of the large scale of the aged, the fast aging, the old age and the half of the empty nest elderly. The life of the elderly is normalization and normalization. The community of the elderly is the center of the daily activities of the elderly and the network of interpersonal relations. It has a unique advantage to integrate the resources of the government, the family and the society. This study will combine the special point of the aging of our country and start from the social culture and historical background of our country. The idea of Chinese research is to discuss the connotation of the interpersonal happiness of the elderly at home, to compile the measurement tools, to analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of the interpersonal happiness of the old people, and to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people. The first part is to improve the quality of life of the elderly people in the community. Literature review and problems are put forward. From two aspects of aging, home care, happiness and interpersonal happiness, the main problems in the study of the elderly are mainly manifested in the lack of systematic analysis of the factors affecting the happy life of the elderly, more support for the elderly, and the discussion of the old people's society. In the study of happiness, the researchers found that there are cultural differences in the connotation of happiness. However, there is no study on the influence of Chinese cultural background on the interpersonal happiness of the elderly. Therefore, this research question is put forward with the influence of cultural factors on the sense of happiness and the old people in the home. The connotation and structure of interpersonal happiness are analyzed in China, and the important significance of improving the interpersonal happiness of the old people in the home is put forward. The second part is the exploratory research on the structure of the interpersonal happiness of the old people, including the research one and the research two. The Chinese people's interpersonal happiness feels the traditional culture. The characteristics of the influence are manifested in the traditional Confucian culture represented by "benevolence". A study of the connotation of interpersonal happiness based on "benevolence" is studied. The research object is from the Analects of Confucius, the book of rites, and the 213 "benevolence" of human happiness mentioned in three classics of Confucius, Mencius, from the bottom to the bottom. Three layers of coding, open coding, association coding, and the formation of the core coding model. In the process of model construction, a preliminary theoretical hypothesis is derived from the original work on the sense of interpersonal happiness of the traditional "Ren", and then the hypothesis is further consulted and the hypothesis is corrected. The result shows that the interpersonal happiness based on "benevolence" is based. The intension of sense has the characteristics of self-improvement, safety and human being. It includes five aspects of related coding, self-reliance, self-respect, self-control, gentle Jingan, and other five aspects of love, justice, courtesy, equitable treatment of the world and compassion, including two aspects of the internal and external repair and the passing of others. Two The deep interview method was used to make a qualitative study on the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people in the home. A preliminary construction of the interpersonal happiness index system of the elderly people was preliminarily constructed. The individual interviews involved 27 people with different career experiences, different sexes and different economic levels. The qualitative analysis results showed that the interpersonal happiness of the elderly was the main sense of happiness. In order to show the interpersonal satisfaction and interpersonal sense of value, the interpersonal happiness structure of the elderly in the community becomes interpersonal satisfaction and interpersonal value sense, in which the interpersonal satisfaction comes from the relatives, the neighbourhood / friends, the social support and the interpersonal sense of value from three aspects of personal orientation, family orientation and social orientation. Social participation. The structure of the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people in the family embodies the connotation of interpersonal happiness based on "benevolence". The third part is the compilation and validity test of the questionnaire about the interpersonal happiness of the elderly, including the study three and the study four. The study three has been established on the basis of the study two. According to the theoretical framework of the interpersonal happiness of the elderly, the corresponding questions were compiled and the closed questionnaire was adopted to investigate. The preliminary questionnaire was compiled after the analysis of the exploratory factors of the questionnaire. Then the project analysis and the analysis of the factors were carried out. The 2 dimensions and 9 items of the old people were made up. Four formal questionnaires were used to test the reliability and validity of the formal questionnaire, including the overall urban happiness index, the life satisfaction scale and the emotional lap scale. The data showed that the overall and all dimensions of the interpersonal happiness of the elderly were in conformity with the psychological measurements. The level of reliability and validity required, the content validity of the scale, the construct validity and the validity validity were all better. The psychological characteristics of our theoretical conception were measured by the interpersonal happiness questionnaire in the elderly. The fourth part of the elderly people's interpersonal happiness was analyzed, including five. The study five adopted the multifactor analysis of variance analysis system. The effects of demographic variables (age, sex, health, economic status), interpersonal variables (marital status, children's situation, daily number of contacts) on the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people were examined. The results showed that different health conditions, economic conditions, marital status, children's status, and the number of contacts were related to the interpersonal happiness of the elderly. In 1. months, the score of the total score and the interpersonal satisfaction was significantly lower than that of the subjects with the monthly income of more than one thousand yuan. 2. health conditions, the total score and the two dimensions were significantly higher than half self-care, and the subjects needed to be taken care of the subjects. 3. in the marital status, the score of the total score and the two dimensions of the spouses was significantly higher than that of the widowed and unmarried subjects; 4. in the children's condition, the score of the total score and the interpersonal satisfaction of the children around the children was significantly higher than that of the children who were not around. 5. in the daily number of contacts, the score was flat. The score of the total score and two dimensions was significantly higher than that of the average person with 3 people and less than 3 people each day. The following conclusions were obtained by analyzing and comparing the results of the above research. 1. this study preliminarily completed the construction of the interpersonal happiness questionnaire for the elderly people in the home. The questionnaire includes two dimensions of interpersonal satisfaction and interpersonal sense of value. Factor analysis proves that the structure of the questionnaire is more reasonable and the reliability and validity indexes have reached the requirements of psychometrics. It can be used as a measuring tool for the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people of the family.2., and the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people in the family is healthy, economic, and marriage. There are significant differences in the situation, the situation of children, the number of contacts, different economic conditions, different health conditions, different marital status, different children's status, and the scores of the elderly people with different number of contacts in the interpersonal happiness. The two dimensions of interpersonal satisfaction and interpersonal value are the core of interpersonal relationship with the two dimensions of interpersonal satisfaction. According to the research conclusions, our policy recommendations are: 1., because of the two-way character of interpersonal happiness and the characteristics of self-cultivation, we should increase the self-cultivation education of the young and the people who are about to enter the old age, and pay more attention to them. Sympathized with tolerance, self-control and other aspects of the ability to enhance the sense of self sense, adjust a good state of mind, happy.2. fully play the role of the old people's interpersonal network support, especially the children around the elderly, spouses, neighborhood relations in the elderly to meet the needs of different needs of the elderly to play different roles, to the elderly to create a different role. The warm and comfortable living space.3. improves the social participation of the elderly. Different levels of social participation can bring the sense of interpersonal value to the elderly in the community. Small social participation has personal cultivation, for example, self care, the fun and fulfilling of life; a medium social contribution to the family, for example, care. Family members; greater social participation, including those who continue to work for their own jobs, continue to serve the community for the elderly, widen the employment channels for the elderly, develop healthy, capable, willing to participate in the social services of the elderly human resources, promote the improvement of the sense of interpersonal value of the elderly.4. in government investment In the case of the old people, they should pay more attention to the elderly, the older and the elderly, the divorced, the widowed, the only living, the empty nest old people, the poor economic situation, the low educated old people, the diseases and the old people who need the care of the people, pay more attention to their happiness, build their interpersonal circle, and respect the old age. On the premise of individual's personal will, the amount of communication is ensured by the quantity of more than three people per day, and the quality of communication and contact with people of different levels. The main innovation of this study is that the research ideas have Chinese characteristics, and try to combine modern surveying methods with the values of traditional culture to find a suitable understanding of China. The theoretical model of interpersonal happiness. The research methods are diversified. In the data collection, interview, literature, social investigation, questionnaire and so on are used. In the data analysis, we use qualitative and quantitative methods. In the traditional Chinese cultural background, we extract the theory of "benevolence" based on "benevolence", and get home old age through empirical research. The connotation structure of human well-being has been compiled, and the self-assessment questionnaire of interpersonal happiness of the elderly people is compiled, and the influencing factors and characteristics of the interpersonal happiness of the elderly people are analyzed. But the compilation of the scale is a long-term work, and the future will be revised with the need of the development of the Chinese theory and the practical needs of the home care for the elderly. The questionnaire, with its Chinese orientation and concise and practical features, has become a measuring tool for the researchers and workers in the field of home care.



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