
发布时间:2018-05-06 02:34

  本文选题:立宪派 + 请愿 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 1840, the Opium War broke out, the British strong ship and the artillery bombardment opened the national gate of China for a long time, and China began the course of modernization. In the process of modernization, the Western powers constantly humiliated China, grabbed the interests, and China was reduced to semi colonial and semi feudal society, but the advanced western political system and democratic constitutionalism trend of thought were also gradually coming. It was introduced into China and accepted by advanced intellectuals and enlightened gentry. The constitutional trend of thought began to germinate in China for.1905 years, the war of Japan and Russia, and the victory of Japan. The national strength was not due to the advanced technology, and the most fundamental was the advanced political system, the high constitutional trend of thought, and the cry for "constitutionalism". In the late Qing Dynasty, the government of the late Qing Dynasty, under the pressure of internal and external, began the unprecedented political reform in Chinese history from the angle of maintaining its own rule, carried out the constitutional monarchy and tried to achieve the goal of the state's prosperity. The great congressional Petition Movement had a great influence on the political situation in the late Qing Dynasty. Because of the subjective and objective reasons, the Petition Movement was finally failed, but the constitutional education and knowledge of the Constitution were carried out to the people of the country, the wisdom of the people was opened up and the Democratic constitutional life in modern China was of great significance. The five parts of the whole article, taking the petition activity as the main line, were detailed. This paper introduces the background of the Petition Movement, the course of development, the appeal of the petition and the influence of the event on the political situation in the late Qing Dynasty. Finally, it makes an objective and impartial review of the event. The first part discusses the rise and rise of the constitutional trend of thought in China, the Congress Petition Movement is just under such a background; the second part of the petition movement is the origin of the movement, The third part analyses the positive and negative effects of the Petition Movement on the political situation in the late Qing Dynasty; the fourth part makes an objective and impartial review of the Petition Movement; the fifth part draws a conclusion, summarizes and analyzes the root cause of the petition failure and the impact of the event on the democratic and constitutional life of China.



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2 苟绍阳;清末国会请愿运动研究[D];西南政法大学;2015年

3 江轶;清末江苏立宪派宪政活动研究(1905-1911)[D];华中师范大学;2008年

4 王云;晚清立宪派研究[D];辽宁师范大学;2010年




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