
发布时间:2018-05-09 17:23

  本文选题:平面设计 + 版式设计 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The most important development and breakthrough in the twentieth Century design is the development of modernism design. Modernism design lays the foundation of modern design and provides the possibility for the further development of the design. The theory and practice of western modern graphic design have internal consistency, and their development also presents a clear context and inheritance relationship. The formation of the design style has its specific background. Their appearance is interwoven with the social, scientific, economic and humanistic factors of the time. It is not an isolated or accidental event. It is the emphasis on the modern plane design theory in the West that the Western graphic design flourish at the beginning of the.20 Century, and a group of young designers have passed the design. Facing the society bravely, in an era plagued by the chaos of industrialization, technology revolution and World War, they were in urgent need of order and meaning and tried to change the world. They used new visual principles to create posters, books, magazines and layout designs. They tried to oppose the old aesthetic traditions such as decoration and symmetry. The ideas of innovation have been inspired by the development of machines and technology. Under these ideas, a series of design movements such as futurism, dada, style, composition, and new wave have been sprung up. Although the essence and content of these ideas are not the same, they are condensed into a new force in that time. The cornerstone of surface design. The plane design of the constitution will be regarded as an ideal model in accordance with the objective laws and the form of universal value. It establishes the geometric language, original, unique aesthetic values and forms of color and form; the stylist regards the graphic design as a precise tool for the human spirit, and thinks that this tool can be used as a tool. Bauhaus's graphic design, based on the absorption and integration of all kinds of avant-garde graphic design concepts, has developed the important thought and form foundation of the modernist plane design. The continuous exploration of grammar and semantics adds new standards to layout design and redefines the value of "layout design". Our growth is influenced by the concept of modernism. Modernism is a pervasive trend of thought, a spirit of the times, and the origin of Bauhaus thought. In the Bauhaus concept, a reasonable form The development of modernism has become one of the ways we observe, deal with and perceive the world. Modernism is the most important issue in the research of the theory of plane design. It dominates the development and trend of modern graphic design, but it has been questioned. The development of the theory and practice of modernist graphic design for nearly a hundred years shows that it is always an open framework, a system that is difficult to complete, so it is still too early to declare the death of modernism. "Modernity" concept brings a self-conscious attitude for graphic design. This transformation, in the early twentieth Century, all sorts of things. In the form of layout experiments, it takes the place of the avant-garde style of various abstract relations to replace the pursuit of model and aesthetic effect, changes the tradition of layout design and helps the development of the layout structure. "Author" theory puts forward a series of philosophic, aesthetic and political issues related to design to designers, which inspire the design. Practice has become a means of rethinking the process of designing and expanding the design method, and the design theory will change the way of thinking. Behind the brilliant Western graphic design, there is a strong internal drive of culture as a support. The evolution of the phenomenon and the different pursuit of visual form are the development of logical thought. From the historical point of view, the progress of science and technology has created the necessary conditions for the process of modernization of Western civilization. The whole art field, including graphic design, has been changed and gradually became the pioneer of leading the world civilization. However, it is far from enough and even possible to see this. It gives us a false impression that as long as science and technology have progressed and the economy is developed, culture and art will naturally follow the development and progress. On the basis of deep analysis and exploration of the ideas and theories of Western graphic design for nearly one hundred years, it can be clearly seen that science and technology and economy are the external causes, the pursuit of thought and creative instinct of human beings. Release is the decisive internal cause.





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