
发布时间:2018-05-10 06:40

  本文选题:物质文化研究 + “物的传记” ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The writing style of "biography for things" is a unique poetic ideal. The study of "biography of things" is not only a study of this style of writing, but also a restudy and analysis of this type of research. Its theoretical basis is connected with the research views of apapolai, Kobe TOV, Meyers, and Fu Luo. In the past thirty years, a series of historical, genealogical, textual, textual, and biographical features are written. The feasibility and purpose of the study is to integrate the scattered, fragmented biographies and carry out an in-depth "biography" of "biography" through the "Association - combined study". The biography of objects "holds that things have independent life and unique meaning and value. The view of this object is not to completely negate the status and role of the person as the subject in the social history, but to make it an entity that is not spiritual, not conceptual, nor psychic. Enough to be placed in the relationship between culture and society so that it can unite with people and achieve a relatively equal state. The study of "biography of things" should not only pay attention to the material and society, the cultural combination, but also pay attention to the understanding and thinking of the relationship between human and material. The thesis is composed of the introduction, the body part and the conclusion part. The main body of the text contains four chapters. First, the introduction begins with the research background of "biography of things" - material and cultural studies, and makes a corresponding paving and combing the origin of the study of "biography of things", and then sums up and collates the research status of "biography of things", and makes clear the scope of the topic; finally, the chapter is introduced in the chapter. The first chapter, "biography of things" in material and cultural studies. This part is composed of four sections of material, culture, life and process, respectively. The main purpose is to grasp the "biography of things" through these big dimensions. The material dimension of "biography of things" is no doubt It is clear that the branch of the study of material culture provides the confirmative nature of mutual connections. The culture of "biography of things" is interconnected with the materiality of "biography of things", and the relationship of one and two makes the study of "biography of things" firmly located within the framework of material culture research. "Biography of things" The part of life is both a response to the study of material culture and the life characteristic of the protruding, and the life characteristics here pay more attention to the history, changes and dynamic concerns of the object, which means that its life characteristics lie in the subjective value embodied in the change of human history and to human beings. In this process, it is in this process that things help, even in a sense, lead the evolution of human beings, but on the other hand, human beings are also used by things at the same time. Thus, the process of "biography of things" has become a content that has to be paid attention to. This section is mainly from the common study of contemporary material and culture. The two aspects of the topic "science and technology" and "new human changes" are discussed. The development and changes of these two aspects highlight the dimensional characteristics of the process of "biography of things". The second chapter, the text characterization of "biography of things". "Biography of things" can not be separated from various types of textual characterization. It is these textual representations that remember the subjective values and objects of the objects. The center of gravity of this part is the representation of "biography of things" through three aspects of literary text characterization, cultural text characterization and image text characterization, and the representation of "biography of objects" in various texts and the value embodiment behind this form. And applied value, the cultural significance of these text achievements, the manifestation and the subjective value of the constructivism, and the formation of their own cultural functions, all of which can only be carried out through the narration of individual specific objects. Therefore, the main purpose of this chapter is to understand the cultural significance of the objects through the literary texts of the body. Through the analysis of cultural text to study the cultural function and display of objects, and through the image text to see the combination of things and science and technology and the relationship between man and thing. The third chapter, "biography of things", the poetic connotation of the "biography of things". The issues of the master and biography are the unique content in the study of "biography of things", and the two interprets the "things" together. On the one hand, in the biography of the "biography of things", the master is not the object of the static entity in the conventional sense, but it chooses the cultural infiltration, the influence of the concept and the objects under the aesthetic view as the master of the "biography of things". On the other hand, the biography of this type of literature has not been played in the "biography of things". The "biography of things" is not a standard literary genre in the strict sense. As a subclass of biographical literature, "biography of things" is the final form of biography with the meaning of "physical Poetics" and with physical characterization. In addition, the biography of the biography and the "biography of things" is carried out. The general characteristics of the "biography of things" in the last section of the "biography of things" are defined by the comparative method of "either or not". Although this way is somewhat simple, it is easier to grasp the characteristics of the "biography of things" as a whole. The fourth chapter, the value meaning of "biography of things" In the field of culture, "biography of things" mainly affects cultural concepts, cultural mentality and cultural sex. They focus on the relationship between things and people. Because this approach is based on objects, it affects and even changes people's cultural concepts, mentality and so on, that is, culture is not only a human culture, but also a material. Culture. In the field of literature, the emergence of "biography of things" makes literature weaken its own fictitious characteristics and increase the expectation of historical authenticity. On the other hand, it also makes contemporary literature research focus on its own research direction from the original social factual theory to cultural constructivism. The conclusion is more obvious. The conclusion part summarizes the above chapters and further affirms the advantages and contributions of the study of "biography of things", and puts forward critical opinions on this study, so as to make a summary and inductive evaluation of the study of "biography of things".



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