
发布时间:2018-06-02 20:15

  本文选题:模型 + 神经回路 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The learning, memory, and cognition of the brain are accomplished by a neural circuit composed of interacting neurons. Therefore, the theoretical study of the neural circuits plays a vital role in understanding the function of the nervous system. This paper is a part of the local neural circuit, the tail contraction reflex loop of the animal sea hare and the decision loop of the frontal lobes. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the research background of this paper, the dynamic phenomena of neural circuits and the framework of model simulation, and puts forward the main topics and research contents of this paper. The second chapter introduces the research foundation and research background of the simulated divine loop. The main contents include the anatomical structure and mathematical models of neurons, ion channels and their mathematical models, excitatory properties of neurons, synaptic connections among neurons and their mathematical models, synaptic plasticity and topological structures of neural circuits, and the latest advances in some classical neural circuits and neural circuits. The Hodgkin-Huxley model, the Connor-Stevens model, the Morris-Lecar model and the respiratory neuron model are four based on the electrical conductivity model and the integrated distribution model, and the Rall cable model and the multiple atrioventricular model after the discretization. The synaptic types are used as the electrical synapse and the chemical synapse. The third chapter studies the biological local nerve. In this paper, the phase synchronization of coupled respiratory neurons is mainly discussed. Firstly, two respiratory neurons are connected by electric synapses, and a coupled respiratory neuron model is established. By comparing the maximum bifurcation diagram of the single neuron model and the gated variable of the coupled neuron model, it is found that the Coupled Neuron Model is more complex. In particular, after changing the coupling strength and membrane capacitance, the coupling systems have different phase synchronization states and their transition between them. Further, on the two dimensional plane of the coupling strength and membrane capacitance, we give the distribution of the synchronous state and the law of the transition of the synchronous state. The fourth chapter studies the movement. The neural circuit is used to study the contractile reflex in the tail of the rabbit by simulation of the neural circuit. The characteristics of the waveform of the sensory neurons are obtained first, and then the typical law of the reflex loop is obtained by changing the intensity of stimulation and the number of stimulated sensory neurons. In addition, a new model is obtained after the reflex neural circuit is connected with the muscle fiber model. Finally, the effect of synaptic plasticity on the long sustained response time of the muscle fiber connection model after the stop stimulation is also discussed. The results reveal the specificity of the contractile reflex in the tail of the rabbit. The fifth chapter studies the dynamic mechanism of brain decision-making. In a modified frontal visual area model, three types of brain decision-making tasks are simulated. First, the orientation preference of the neuron group is added to a frontal visual area model, the rule control module and the reward based plasticity synapse become a learning based frontal visual area model. After training, the modified model is trained. Three brain cognitive decision-making tasks were successfully simulated: reverse saccade task, no-go task, and associated task. The model after training showed some properties consistent with monkey experiment, such as the delay of reaction time distribution of reverse saccade, the mechanism of stopping the reflex saccade and the change of semi maximum selective delay. The model is trained for switching tasks, that is, to switch and retrain the loop model in two tasks without prompting. The results show that the model can switch between the forward saccade task and the reverse saccade task and the different hint - saccade association through a relearning process. The results of the model reveal the internal decision-making process and cognitive rules of the brain decision-making task, and provide a theoretical basis for understanding the cognitive function of the brain.


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