
发布时间:2018-06-03 00:01

  本文选题:互联网 + 网络宗教 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In the late 1990s, the Internet has springing up and developed rapidly in China, and has been widely used in political, economic, cultural and social fields. The great traditional religions and new religions also seize the opportunity to make full use of the advantages of the Internet, such as quick, convenient and low cost, and promote the form of religious communication and the form of religious organization. The network religion has dual functions. The active role of network religion is to promote the rapid spread of religion, facilitate the religious organizations and the believers to carry out religious activities. The negative role is manifested in the impact of illegal network religious activities on the security of religion itself, political security, social security and cultural security. With the guidance of the Marx doctrine of religion and the view of national security, this thesis uses the theories of religion, communication, politics and other relevant theoretical knowledge, combining the principles and policies of the party and the state in the field of religious affairs management, Internet supervision, news and propaganda, and divides the security of network religion into four parts. The first part focuses on the description of the status quo. First, it takes the double role of the Internet as a breakthrough point to analyze the positive role of the Internet on the development of religion through the Longquan temple, and analyzes the serious social danger caused by the illegal network religious activities by the Internet fraud with the religious flag and the Internet activities. Two is the present situation of the development of network religion. The main media of the spread and development of the current religious network include religious websites, blog spaces, virtual communities (forums), instant communication groups, virtual churches, etc.; the dissemination of network religions is very extensive, including religious teachings and classics, news and information in the religious field. Religious activities such as religious ceremonies, religious activities, information and notices of religious activities under line, religious knowledge, understanding and discussion of religious activities, and so on. Three, the new characteristics of the development of network religion are analyzed, including the immediacy of the dissemination of religious information, the virtualization of religious organizations and activities, and the difficult supervision of religious information and activities. The second part focuses on the reason. On the basis of the reality of the current network religion development and the relevant theories, it explains the security problems of the network religion in detail. One is the digital deconstruction of the religion's own security, including the impact of the religious ecology of the pluralistic harmony, the chaotic spread of the religious ideology and culture of the major religions, the authenticity of the online religious identity, and the good and the bad of the virtual religious places. The two is that the political security encountered to be centralization, manifested as the further impact of the power of information on religious sovereignty, the weakening of the traditional religious "gatekeepers" under the decentralization of decentralization, the "small efforts of the majority of the people" to mobilize the leverage of the network and the mainstream ideology under the mobility support; and the three is the social security. The "network majority tyranny" has greatly interfered with the social psychology. The "Butterfly Effect" of the public opinion increases the probability of social risk involving religious factors. "The network opinion leader" strengthens the function of religious social control, and the subject of "topic setting" increases the difficulty of the governance of religious social conflicts; four The third part focuses on the new challenges of our country's religious development, including the rapid development of our country's Internet, including the rapid development of our country's Internet, including our country's Internet. The realities of the religious pattern, the rise and spread of religious extremism and terrorism worldwide, the problem of the use of the Internet for religious infiltration by hostile forces, and so on; two, the existence of religious affairs management in China, including the lack of Internet awareness in the management of religious affairs, the existence of religious affairs management in a vacuum zone, and religion The legal system of the affairs management is not perfect, the construction of the contingent of religious affairs management is insufficient; three is the problem of the development of the Internet in our country, including the misunderstanding of the concept of supervision, the backward supervision technology and the imperfect supervision of the legal system. The fourth part focuses on the construction of the mechanism. This part is based on the maintenance of the national security of our country and the promotion of the healthy development of the network religion. Point, based on the domestic, the international two levels, the line, the line under two fields, the prevention and solution of the network religious security problems of our country, put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions. First, the main principles of the network religious work are put forward, including the adherence to the Marx doctrine of religion and the concept of network security; adhere to the direction of China, follow religion and The law of religious work; adhere to the "guide" and firmly grasp the initiative of the religious work. Two is to put forward the leading right of the network discourse to build religion. It includes the good Chinese religious story through the network media; the technology is the first to improve the ability of information security; the talent is heavy, the high quality professional network team is created; the comprehensive coordination and the establishment of many departments. The door linkage governance mechanism; system guarantee to enhance the level of the rule of law of religious governance. Three is to resist the penetration of religion under the Internet, including the religious infiltration of the Western hostile forces, cooperation against cyber terrorism and religious extremism, and the enhancement of dialogue and communication between international religions. Four is to resolve the field of real religion. The actual problems, including the effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the believers, the proper handling of the unexpected events in the religious field, and the practical solution of the people's livelihood of the believers. In a word, we should take China into the major direction for the problem of network religion and actively guide the adaptation of religion to the socialist society as the main goal, and explore the advantages and disadvantages of the religion. The effective ways and measures of governance make it constantly promote the healthy and orderly development of the network religion on the basis of not threatening the security of religion itself, political security, social security and cultural security.


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