
发布时间:2018-06-03 20:05

  本文选题:背景提示效应 + 内隐记忆 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:Seeing the same scene from different perspectives, there are significant differences in the view of the eye. There are two views on whether the knowledge of the scene learned from a certain perspective can be moved to a new perspective: one view that spatial memory can not migrate to a new perspective; another view that space memory can be moved to a new perspective. The essence is that the memory trace of the scene is the visual image of the learning perspective or the spatial relationship in the scene. The research based on the explicit memory task finds that the two spatial representations can be used by the individual under different tasks. However, the research on the spatial representation of implicit memory is limited, and the existing research finds implicit notes. A new perspective, which can not be transferred to the learning perspective, can only be characterized by the lack of flexible retinal images. This study explores whether the encoding process of the implicit spatial memory can integrate the information of the spatial reference system through the background prompting effect paradigm, thus acquiring a high-level representation of the spatial relationship of the object in the scene. Rotation and three-dimensional rotation, internal and environmental space reference information, visual angle change, and other variables are discussed through three studies and 7 experiments. The purpose of this study is to discuss whether the background prompt effect can be moved to a new perspective after the rotation of the two-dimensional scene under the condition of providing different horizontal spatial reference information. The two dimensional artificial materials make up the search scene, set up the internal (letter direction) and the environment (visual frame) spatial reference information simultaneously, only there are three reference information levels of internal or environmental space reference information. Experimental 1A provides the internal and environmental two kinds of space reference information in the scene, and selected 48 subjects into 3 groups, respectively. In the trial stage, 0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees of scene rotation, the results found that the three groups of subjects learned in the learning stage the background prompt effect can be moved to the new perspective. Experimental 1b using eye tracking technique, using the same experimental program as the experimental 1A 45 group, the results found the number of saccades before and after the scene rotation, scan pattern ratio and other eye movement index. The model is the same. Experiment 2 only provides internal spatial reference information, and 32 subjects are divided into 2 groups. The experimental conditions of true rotation and false rotation have been experienced in the test stage. The results found that the background effect of the true rotation group completely disappeared. Experiment 3 only provided the reference clues of the environment space, which was the same as the experiment 2, and found the background of the true rotation group. The results of the three experiments have been greatly attenuated. The results of the above experiments show that the background prompt effect in the two-dimensional scene can be migrated to the new perspective, and providing sufficient spatial reference information is the necessary condition for the effect migration. The purpose of study two is to explore whether the implicit memory is self memory if the change of perspective is caused by the movement of the observer. Move to a new perspective. Projection the same scene material to the ground, explore the effect of scene rotation and observer movement on the migration of the background prompt effect. Experiment 4 provides internal spatial reference clues in the scene, and selected 64 subjects to be divided into 4 groups, which do not move the scene by the observer at the test stage, respectively. O0So, the observer moves the scene without rotation (O+So), the observer does not move the scene rotation (O0S+), the observer moves and the scene rotates (O+S+) four ways to get the same or different visual images from the learning stage. The results show that although the visual images are different from the learning stage, the background effect of the O+S0 group is obtained. The O0S+ group disappeared. Experiment 5 went to all the spatial reference information in the scene, and the other was the same as that in the experiment 4. The results found that the background effect of the O+S0 group and the O0S+ group disappeared at the test stage. The results of the two experiments show that the information brought by the body movement can move the background effect to the new angle of view. At the same time, providing spatial reference information is a necessary condition for the realization of migration. The purpose of study three is to explore whether the background prompting effect in the more complex three-dimensional scene of visual information can be migrated to a new perspective. The search scene is composed of three-dimensional real scene, and the semantic information in the real scene is excluded, and the scene rotation and the observer are discussed. The effect of movement on the background prompting effect in three-dimensional scene. Experiment 6 provides internal spatial reference information in the scene. 32 subjects are divided into 2 groups, and the scene rotates at 0 and 45 degrees in the test stage. The results show that the effect of the 45 degree group attenuates at the test stage. Experiment 7 select 64 subjects, use and Experiment 6. The same material, with the same paradigm as experiment 4, found that the background effect of the O+S0 group was maintained and the effect of the O0S+ group disappeared. The results of the above 2 experiments showed that the background effect could also depend on the information of the space and the information brought by the observer in the more complex three-dimensional scene rotation of the spatial information. In the experimental conditions of this paper, we can get the following conclusions: 1. in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional scenes, the background prompting effect can be moved to the new perspective after the scene rotation. It shows that in addition to the retinal image, the background prompt effect in the encoding process can also process the spatial relationship information.2. background prompt effect. The shift needs to be implemented with the help of spatial reference information. Different types of spatial reference information play a different role in this process. The spatial information brought by the.3. observer's own movement can also move the background prompt effect to a new perspective, that is, the spatial update effect. This process must also be supported by the help of spatial reference information. It can be realized.


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