
发布时间:2018-06-05 17:38

  本文选题:内隐自杀态度 + 外显自杀态度 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:College students as a special group, they have generally received good education, is the hope of the country and the nation, college students suicide not only to college students, families and schools to bring great losses. To other university students also caused the enormous negative influence, caused the serious social impact. How to effectively prevent and reduce the suicide of college students has become a social problem that needs to be solved urgently in front of the government, society and universities. This study attempts to explore the relationship among suicide attitude, suicidal attitude motivation and suicidal ideation of college students, and to understand the characteristics and rules of suicide attitude self-regulation in college students with suicidal ideation. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to provide theoretical basis for the prevention and intervention of suicide for mental health educators, which is of great theoretical and practical significance in reducing the suicide rate of college students. This study is divided into five parts. In the first study, the interview data of 11 college students with suicidal ideation were coded at the third level by using the method of rooted theory. According to the data of interview and the result of three-level coding, the psychological process of college students changing their attitude to suicide and the reasons for changing their attitude towards suicide were analyzed. It is verified that college students with suicidal ideation have the psychological phenomenon of suicide attitude self-regulation and different types of suicidal attitude control motivation, and control suicide attitude motivation can be divided into internal regulation, integration regulation, identity regulation. There are five types of injective regulation and external regulation. In the second study, the questionnaire was used to compile the questionnaire of college students' suicidal attitude motivation, and the five dimensional model of controlling suicide attitude motivation was verified. In the third study, the effects of cognitive conflict and suicide attitude motivation on negative emotion and explicit suicide attitude were studied by using the method of double-factor experimental design. It was verified that the subjects with high self-determination in controlling suicidal attitude motivation experienced a strong self-directed negative emotion when they experienced the inconsistency between attitude reaction and behavioral goal, and their approval of suicide behavior decreased significantly. However, the low self-decision subjects experienced a weak self-directed negative emotion when they experienced the inconsistency between the attitude response and the behavioral goal, but their approval of suicide behavior did not decrease significantly. In study 4, the effects of cognitive resources and controlling suicide attitude motivation on implicit suicide attitude were studied by using the method of two-factor experimental design. The results showed that there was no significant difference in implicit suicide attitude between those with cognitive resources and those without cognitive resources. However, the implicit suicide attitude of the subjects with low self-decision was significantly lower than that of the subjects without cognitive resources. The relationship between explicit suicide attitude and suicide ideation was verified by constructing a model of controlling suicide attitude motivation, implicit suicide attitude, explicit suicide attitude and suicidal ideation, which proved that explicit suicide attitude and suicide ideation play a significant role in mediating the relationship between implicit suicide attitude and suicidal ideation. There is a significant regulatory effect between suicidal attitude and suicidal ideation. In this paper, the psychological phenomena and measurement tools of suicide attitude self-regulation of college students with suicidal ideation are studied by using the theory of bias self-regulation and empirical research results. This paper attempts to provide theoretical basis and scientific measurement tools for the development of suicide prevention and intervention by cultivating and mobilizing the positive cognitive resources of college students with suicidal ideation.


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